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Archive for the ‘Windows7’ Category

Python variable not defined

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While working with a programming example for my students, I ran into an interesting run-time error when I changed their approach to importing Python’s random module. Here’s the raised error message:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 84, in <module>
    speed = [choice([-2,2]), choice([-2,2])]
NameError: name 'choice' is not defined

You raise the missing choice identifier when two things occur. The first thing requires you to use a standard import statement, like the following example, and the second thing requires you to continue to reference the identifier as “choice“.

import random

You can avoid the error by making the import of random like this:

from random import *

Or, you can leave the ordinary import statement and fully qualify the choice identifier with the random module name, like this:

    speed = [random.choice([-2,2]), random.choice([-2,2])]

As always, I hope this helps those who encounter a similar problem.

Written by maclochlainn

March 27th, 2017 at 12:23 am

PostgreSQL Install-Windows

with 2 comments

A number of folks have asked me to create a post of a PostgreSQL installation on Windows. So, here is my step-by-step PostgreSQL 9.3 installation, and you can go further and learn how to setup your own PostgreSQL database schema.

Download PostgreSQL Database

You can start the download of PostgreSQL from this site. It leads you to the EnterpriseDB site, where you can download the prepackaged software.

Install PostgreSQL 9.3 on Windows

These steps walk you through installing PostgreSQL and the the pgJDBC v9.3, psqlODBC (32 bit), and psqlODBC (64 bit) packages.


  1. The first thing you need to do is launch the PostgreSQL file from download folder.


  1. After launching the downloaded file, you see an Open File – Security Warning dialog message. Click the Run button to run the PostgreSQL executable file.


  1. The first dialog screen is the Setup – PostgreSQL dialog, which welcomes you and prompts you to start the installtion of PostgreSQL. Click the Next button to continue.


  1. The Installation Directory dialog sets the location for the PostgreSQL server. Click the Next button to continue.


  1. The Data Directory dialog sets the location for the PostgreSQL server’s data repository. Click the Next button to continue.


  1. The first Setup dialog sets the database’s superuser password. Click the Next button to continue.


  1. The second Setup dialog sets the database’s listener port, which is Port 5432 by default. Click the Next button to continue.


  1. The third Setup dialog sets the database’s default Locale. Click the Next button to continue.


  1. The Ready to Install dialog lets you start the installation. Click the Next button to continue.


  1. The Installing dialog lets you montor the unpacking of programs for the installation. You need not click any buttons to continue.


  1. The Completing the PostgreSQL Setup Wizard dialog advises you that you’ve completed the setup. Checking the Stack Builder check box lets you download and install additional tools, drivers, and applications. Click the Next button to continue.


  1. This is Welcome dialog to the Stack Builder. Click the Next button to continue.


  1. This is dialog lets you select applications that you would like to install. Click the plus symbol for the Database Drivers option to continue.


  1. In the modified dialog, click the pgJDBC v9.3, psqlODBC (32 bit), and psqlODBC (64 bit) check boxes. Then, click the Next button to continue.


  1. This dialog tells you the pgJDBC v9.3, psqlODBC (32 bit), and psqlODBC (64 bit) installed packages. Click the Next button to continue.


  1. This dialog lays a downloading progress bar while loading the additional packages. You don’t need to do anything to continue.


  1. This dialog lays a downloading progress bar while loading the additional packages. Click the Next button to continue.


  1. The Setup pgJDBC dialog welcomes you to the setup wizard. Click the Next button to continue.


  1. The Installation Directory dialog lets you set the pgJDBC installation directory. Click the Next button to continue.


  1. The Ready to Install dialog lets you install the pgJDBC package. Click the Next button to install it.


  1. The Setup dialog confirms you’ve installed the add-on packages. Click the Finish button to complete the installation.

Configure psqlODBC on Windows

These steps walk you through configuring the psqlODBC packages.


  1. The Setup dialog helps you configure the psqlODBC package. Click the Next button to install it.


  1. The Installation Directory dialog lets you set the psqlODBC installation directory. Click the Next button to continue.


  1. The Ready to Install dialog lets you install the psqlODBC package. Click the Next button to install it.


  1. The Ready to Install dialog lets you install the psqlODBC package. Click the Next button to install it.


  1. The Installing psqlODBC dialog displays a dialog while installing the psqlODBC package(s). You need not click anything, the dialog dismisses itself when complete.


  1. The Installing psqlODBC dialog displays a dialog while installing the psqlODBC package(s). You need not click anything, the dialog dismisses itself when complete.


  1. The Stack Builder dialog displays a message that everything is installed. Click the Finish button when complete.

Connect to the Default PostgreSQL database

You have two options for connecting to the PostgreSQL database. One uses the GUI pgAdmin III console and the other uses the command line.

Connect through pgAdmin III to the PostgreSQL Database


  1. In Windows, navigate to through the Start to the pgAdmin III menu option.


  1. After launching pgAdmin III, you’ll see the pgAdmin II console, displayed at left.


  1. Right click on the PostgreSQL 9.3 (localhost:5432) item in the Object browser and click the Connect menu choice from the floating menu.


  1. Enter the password you chose when installing the PostgreSQL Server, and click the OK button.

Connect through the Command-line to the PostgreSQL Database

These steps show you how to connect through the PostgreSQL Command Line Interface (CLI) – psql. psql is like Oracle’s sqlplus, MySQL’s mysql, and Microsoft SQL Server’s sqlcmd CLI interfaces. By default, the PostgreSQL binary directory is not in your default %PATH% environment variable, so you need to add it. I recommend an environment file because in a test situation you may not want to use it all the time.

Create the following directory for the environment file:


You can create an environment file with any text editor or do it at the command line, like this:

COPY CON postgresqlenv.bat
SET PATH=%PATH%;C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\9.3\bin;.

Then, you can source the environment file like this:

C:\> postgresql.bat

Now, you can connect to the default database provided you understand that PostgreSQL Stack Builder set some values that differ from the defaults if you installed it manually. Specifically, they set the default value of the database to postgres and default value of the user to postgres.

That means you can connect with the following, provided you remember the password you used during installation:

C:\> psql -d postgres -U postgres

You should see the following when you connect:

C:\> psql -d postgres -U postgres
 Password for user postgres:
psql (9.3.3)
WARNING: Console code page (437) differs from Windows code page (1252)
         8-bit characters might not work correctly. See psql reference
         page "Notes for Windows users" for details.
Type "help" for help.

You can now submit interactive SQL statements or run batch files, like:

postgres=# SELECT 'Hello World!';

It displays:

 Hello World!
(1 ROW)

Adding a column alias to the string literal gives a more readable formatted output:

postgres=# SELECT 'Hello World!' AS "String Literal";

It displays:

 String Literal
 Hello World!
(1 ROW)

PostgreSQL’s CLI Help

You have the ability to do a lot with the PostgreSQL psql CLI. The general command to discover help is help, and it displays the following:

postgres=# help
You are USING psql, the command-line interface TO PostgreSQL.
TYPE:  \copyright FOR distribution terms
       \h FOR help WITH SQL commands
       \? FOR help WITH psql commands
       \g OR terminate WITH semicolon TO EXECUTE query
       \q TO quit

You quit PostgreSQL with a \q command:

postgres=# \q

You can find more help with the \HELP or the \? commands:


It displays the following:

Available help:
  ABORT                            CLUSTER                          DEALLOCATE                       END
  ALTER AGGREGATE                  COMMENT                          DECLARE                          EXECUTE
  ALTER COLLATION                  COMMIT                           DELETE                           EXPLAIN
  ALTER CONVERSION                 COMMIT PREPARED                  DISCARD                          FETCH
  ALTER DATABASE                   COPY                             DO                               GRANT
  ALTER DOMAIN                     CREATE CAST                      DROP CAST                        LISTEN
  ALTER EVENT TRIGGER              CREATE COLLATION                 DROP COLLATION                   LOAD
  ALTER EXTENSION                  CREATE CONVERSION                DROP CONVERSION                  LOCK
  ALTER FOREIGN TABLE              CREATE DOMAIN                    DROP DOMAIN                      NOTIFY
  ALTER FUNCTION                   CREATE EVENT TRIGGER             DROP EVENT TRIGGER               PREPARE
  ALTER GROUP                      CREATE EXTENSION                 DROP EXTENSION                   PREPARE TRANSACTION
  ALTER LARGE OBJECT               CREATE FUNCTION                  DROP FUNCTION                    REINDEX
  ALTER MATERIALIZED VIEW          CREATE GROUP                     DROP GROUP                       RELEASE SAVEPOINT
  ALTER OPERATOR                   CREATE INDEX                     DROP INDEX                       RESET
  ALTER OPERATOR CLASS             CREATE LANGUAGE                  DROP LANGUAGE                    REVOKE
  ALTER ROLE                       CREATE OPERATOR                  DROP OPERATOR                    ROLLBACK PREPARED
  ALTER OPERATOR                   CREATE INDEX                     DROP INDEX                       RESET
  ALTER OPERATOR CLASS             CREATE LANGUAGE                  DROP LANGUAGE                    REVOKE
  ALTER ROLE                       CREATE OPERATOR                  DROP OPERATOR                    ROLLBACK PREPARED
  ALTER SEQUENCE                   CREATE ROLE                      DROP OWNED                       SECURITY LABEL
  ALTER SERVER                     CREATE RULE                      DROP ROLE                        SELECT
  ALTER TABLE                      CREATE SCHEMA                    DROP RULE                        SELECT INTO
  ALTER TABLESPACE                 CREATE SEQUENCE                  DROP SCHEMA                      SET
  ALTER TEXT SEARCH DICTIONARY     CREATE TABLE                     DROP SERVER                      SET ROLE
  ALTER VIEW                       CREATE TRIGGER                   DROP TRIGGER                     UNLISTEN
  ANALYZE                          CREATE TYPE                      DROP TYPE                        UPDATE
  BEGIN                            CREATE USER                      DROP USER                        VACUUM
  CHECKPOINT                       CREATE USER MAPPING              DROP USER MAPPING                VALUES
  CLOSE                            CREATE VIEW                      DROP VIEW                        WITH

You can find more help with the \HELP or the \? commands:


It displays the following:

  \copyright             show PostgreSQL usage and distribution terms
  \g [FILE] or ;         execute query (and send results to file or |pipe)
  \gset [PREFIX]         execute query and store results in psql variables
  \h [NAME]              help on syntax of SQL commands, * for all commands
  \q                     quit psql
  \watch [SEC]           execute query every SEC seconds
Query Buffer
  \e [FILE] [LINE]       edit the query buffer (or file) with external editor
  \ef [FUNCNAME [LINE]]  edit function definition with external editor
  \p                     show the contents of the query buffer
  \r                     reset (clear) the query buffer
  \s [FILE]              display history or save it to file
  \w FILE                write query buffer to file
  \copy ...              perform SQL COPY with data stream to the client host
  \echo [STRING]         write string to standard output
  \i FILE                execute commands from file
  \ir FILE               as \i, but relative to location of current script
  \o [FILE]              send all query results to file or |pipe
  \qecho [STRING]        write string to query output stream (see \o)
  (options: S = show system objects, + = additional detail)
  \d[S+]                 list tables, views, and sequences
  \d[S+]  NAME           describe table, view, sequence, or index
  \da[S]  [PATTERN]      list aggregates
  \db[+]  [PATTERN]      list tablespaces
  \dc[S+] [PATTERN]      list conversions
  \dC[+]  [PATTERN]      list casts
  \dd[S]  [PATTERN]      show object descriptions not displayed elsewhere
  \ddp    [PATTERN]      list default privileges
  \dD[S+] [PATTERN]      list domains
  \det[+] [PATTERN]      list foreign tables
  \des[+] [PATTERN]      list foreign servers
  \deu[+] [PATTERN]      list user mappings
  \dew[+] [PATTERN]      list foreign-data wrappers
  \df[antw][S+] [PATRN]  list [only agg/normal/trigger/window] functions
  \dF[+]  [PATTERN]      list text search configurations
  \dFd[+] [PATTERN]      list text search dictionaries
  \dFp[+] [PATTERN]      list text search parsers
  \dFt[+] [PATTERN]      list text search templates
  \dg[+]  [PATTERN]      list roles
  \di[S+] [PATTERN]      list indexes
  \dl                    list large objects, same as \lo_list
  \dL[S+] [PATTERN]      list procedural languages
  \dm[S+] [PATTERN]      list materialized views
  \dn[S+] [PATTERN]      list schemas
  \do[S]  [PATTERN]      list operators
  \dO[S+] [PATTERN]      list collations
  \dp     [PATTERN]      list table, view, and sequence access privileges
  \drds [PATRN1 [PATRN2]] list per-database role settings
  \ds[S+] [PATTERN]      list sequences
  \dt[S+] [PATTERN]      list tables
  \dT[S+] [PATTERN]      list data types
  \du[+]  [PATTERN]      list roles
  \dv[S+] [PATTERN]      list views
  \dE[S+] [PATTERN]      list foreign tables
  \dx[+]  [PATTERN]      list extensions
  \dy     [PATTERN]      list event triggers
  \l[+]   [PATTERN]      list databases
  \sf[+] FUNCNAME        show a function's definition
  \z      [PATTERN]      same as \dp
  \a                     toggle between unaligned and aligned output mode
  \C [STRING]            set table title, or unset if none
  \f [STRING]            show or set field separator for unaligned query output
  \H                     toggle HTML output mode (currently off)
  \pset NAME [VALUE]     set table output option
                         (NAME := {format|border|expanded|fieldsep|fieldsep_zero|footer|null|
  \t [on|off]            show only rows (currently off)
  \T [STRING]            set HTML <table> tag attributes, or unset if none
  \x [on|off|auto]       toggle expanded output (currently off)
  \c[onnect] {[DBNAME|- USER|- HOST|- PORT|-] | conninfo}
                         connect to new database (currently "studentdb")
  \encoding [ENCODING]   show or set client encoding
  \password [USERNAME]   securely change the password for a user
  \conninfo              display information about current connection
Operating System
  \cd [DIR]              change the current working directory
  \setenv NAME [VALUE]   set or unset environment variable
  \timing [on|off]       toggle timing of commands (currently off)
  \! [COMMAND]           execute command in shell or start interactive shell
  \prompt [TEXT] NAME    prompt user to set internal variable
  \set [NAME [VALUE]]    set internal variable, or list all if no parameters
  \unset NAME            unset (delete) internal variable
Large Objects
  \lo_export LOBOID FILE
  \lo_import FILE [COMMENT]
  \lo_unlink LOBOID      large object operations

Have fun exploring PostgreSQL. You can click here to learn how to setup your own tablespace, database, and user. As always, I hope this helps those looking to discover how to install and use PostgreSQL.

Written by maclochlainn

March 2nd, 2014 at 7:59 pm

Mac Mini to the rescue

with 7 comments

In teaching, I had a problem because my students have different base operating systems, like Windows 7, Windows 8, Linux, and Mac OS X. I needed a teaching and lecture platform that would let me teach it all (not to mention support their environments). That meant it had to virtualize any of the following with a portable device:MacMiniConsole

  • Windows 7 or 8 hosting natively an Oracle Database 11g XE, 11g, or 12c and MySQL Database 5.6
  • Windows 7 or 8 hosting a Fedora or Oracle Unbreakable Linux VM (3 or 4 GB) with Oracle Database 11g XE, 11g, or 12c and MySQL Database 5.6
  • Mac OS X hosting a Fedora or Oracle Unbreakable Linux VM (3 or 4 GB) with Oracle Database 11g XE, 11g, or 12c and MySQL Database 5.6
  • Ubuntu hosting a Fedora or Oracle Unbreakable Linux VM (3 or 4 GB) with Oracle Database 11g XE, 11g, or 12c and MySQL Database 5.6

I never considered a manufacturer other than Apple for a laptop since they adopted the Intel chip. Too many of the others sell non-hyperthreaded laptop machines that they market as i5 or i7 64-bit OS machines when they’re not. Some of those vendors disable the hyperthreading facility while others provide motherboards that can’t support hyperthreading. The ones I dislike the most provide a BIOS setting that gives the impression you can enable hyperthreading when you can’t. All Apple devices, MacBook, MacBook Pro, Mac Mini, and Mac Pro do fully support a 64-bit OS and their virtualization.

A MacBook Pro came to mind but the disk space requirements were 1 TB, and that’s too pricey. I went with the Mac Mini because with 16 GB of memory and a 1 TB drive it was only $1,200. Add a wireless keyboard and mighty mouse, and an HDMI and mini-DVI connections, and I had my solution. Naturally, my desktop is a one generation old Mac Pro with 64 GB of memory and 12 TB of disk space, which supports all the virtual machines used for testing. Note to Apple marketing staff: The prior version of the Mac Pro let you pay reasonable (3rd party) prices for the additional memory and disk drives.

The Mac Mini means I can travel anywhere and plug into the console and demo tools and techniques from a myriad set of platforms without the hassle of moving on and off to frequently VM images. It’s a great solution with only one downside, HDMI to DVI sometimes creates purple toned screens. It’s unfortunate because some venues have monitors that don’t support HDMI).

Written by maclochlainn

February 6th, 2014 at 12:17 pm

Oracle 12c on Windows 7

with 52 comments

Here are step-by-step instructions for installing Oracle Database 12c Release 1 on Windows 7. This is more or less to install a Desktop version of Oracle 12c. I posted other versions for Oracle Database 11gR1 and 11gR2. While some report that they installation doesn’t work for them, its typically because they didn’t configured their Windows 7 environment.

Here are some Windows 7 configuration caveats before you perform this installation, and they are:

Windows 7 Configuration Steps

  1. Make sure you have at least 3 GB of memory on your Windows PC, or that you can allocate 4 GB of memory to your virtual machine for Windows.
  2. Install Oracle’s JDK 7 for 64-bit OS with NetBeans and 32-bit OS when running on a 64-bit machine. The installer is smart enough to only install NetBeans once. The JDK 7 32-bit installation supports SQL Developer.
  3. Disable Microsoft’s User Access Controls (UAC). I blogged about a set of Windows 7 gripes, and the second point shows you the screen shots that let you disable UAC on Windows 7.
  4. Configure your C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts file. Use lines 1 through 3 when you’re using a DHCP IP address, and lines 1 through 4 when you’re using a static IP address. If you want to set a static IP address, check this old post on how to set a static IP address. Please note that the hostname needs to be lowercase.
3      localhost
::1            localhost      oracle12c

Line 4, only use for a static IP address, would look like this on the 192.168.* subdomain:

4      oracle12c
  1. Create a user account name that doesn’t have a white space, like McLaughlinM in the screen shots, and assign it Administrator privileges. During the install, you’ll be prompted to create a non-administrator account to start Oracle.

Oracle Database 12c Release 1 Installation Steps


  1. The first thing you need to do is unzip the two zip files into a common directory. I’ve chosen to create an OracleInstall folder. Oracle creates a database folder inside it. Within the database folder, click the Setup file to launch the Oracle Installer.


  1. After launching the Oracle Installer, the Configure Security Updates screen is your first stop. You may provide your email (attached to your Oracle Support Contract) and Oracle Support password, or uncheck the box and you can simply install a Desktop test environment. Click the Next button to proceed.


  1. The Software Updates is the next screen. If you want to check for updates, click and enter your Oracle Support credentials. If you want to install the base release, click the Skip software updates radio button. After making a choice about what you want to do with updates, click the Next button to proceed with the install.


  1. The Installation Option screen lets you chose whether you want to Create and configure a database (sample database), Intall database software only, or Upgrade an existing database. Check the appropriate radio button and then click the Next button to proceed with the install.


  1. The System Class screen lets you chose whether you want to install a Desktop class (ideal for develoers to play around in) or a Server class. Check the appropriate radio button and then click the Next button to proceed with the install.


  1. The Oracle Home User Selection screen lets you chose whether you want to Use Existing Windows User (that’s fine if you created one previously), Create New Windows User (what I’ll do next), or Use Windows Built-in Account. Check the appropriate radio button and then click the Next button to proceed with the install.


  1. The Oracle Home User Selection screen lets you Create New Windows User, and that’s what I’ve done with the oracle user (it could be whatever you like). Click the Next button to proceed with the install.


  1. The Typical Install Configuration screen lets you customize your installation. I’ve only opted to provide an Oracle compliant password while accepting the defaults. Click the Next button to proceed with the install.


  1. The Perform Prerequisite Checks screen initially displays a task bar. You need some patience, it’ll show you the next screen if everything is fine.


  1. The Summary screen tells you what you’re going to install. Read it over, save a copy for later, and when everything is right then click the Next button to install.


  1. The Install Product screen tells you what you’re installing and it can take some time. Don’t walk away too quickly because you’re most likely going to have to allow access for the installation to complete successfully.


  1. You should see two Windows Security Alerts with the installation. Click the Allow access button to continue successfully.


  1. The Database Configuration Assistant screen tells you that you’ve been successful to this point. Although, this is where several errors can occur when you failed to correctly configure Windows 7 before installation. This takes some time to run, here’s where you can take a break.


  1. The second Database Configuration Assistant screen lets you configure passwords for the database accounts. I’m skipping that by accepting the defaults and clicking the OK button to proceed.


  1. The Install Product screen reappears while most of the database cloning operation has finished. At this point, it starts configuring the Oracle Enterprise Manager (OEM). It can take a couple minutes to complete. Simply monitor it.


  1. The Finish screen appears after everything has worked. Click the Close button to finish the install.


  1. Now, you can open a Windows command shell and call the sqlplus executable with a /nolog option (denies login credentials form OS history files). Then, you can connect using the TNS orcl alias, which verifies your networking listener.ora and tnsnames.ora files are setup correctly. You should see the following in the command shell when the installation was successful.

C:\Users\mclaughlinm>sqlplus /nolog
SQL*Plus: Release Production on Fri Jul 26 02:00:19 2013
Copyright (c) 1982, 2013, Oracle.  All rights reserved.
Connected to:
Oracle Database 12c Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production
With the Partitioning, OLAP, Advanced Analytics and Real Application Testing options
SQL> connect system@orcl
Enter password:

Oracle 12c changes the dynamics on users. You now have two types of databases. One is a Container Database (CDB) and the other is a Pluggable Database (PDB). While Oracle’s default container users, like SYS, SYSTEM, and so forth, remain unchanged, you create new CDB users with a C##<user_name> preface. PDB users are a different matter, and they can retain the same format used previously for user-defined users. You set PDB users as the ADMIN user for a pluggable database when you provision it.

Subsequent to this post, I’ve posted how you can provision an Oracle 12c Pluggable Database (PDB), and you can find it in this post. AS always, I hope that this helps those trying to find a quick shortcut on reading the instructions. 😉

Written by maclochlainn

July 26th, 2013 at 2:15 pm

Site Blocked in Russia?

with 11 comments

This is either too funny 🙂 or too sad. 🙁RussianBlock

An acquaintance sent me this image from a cyber cafe or hotel in Russia. It says that my blog site is prohibited and violates Russian law, and that they’re blocking my site in accordance with the Russian Federal Law of 27.07.2006 No. 149-FZ.

All I can say is, “Wow!” I didn’t know that stuff about writing programs, web pages, and solving generic database and operating system problems was so sensitive. For that matter, I didn’t know what I post would interest any government. I half wonder whether my friend’s pulling my leg.

As I reflect on it, could it be that Oracle post on how to write an encrypted object type? or, how with proper OS credentials how you reset MySQL’s root password? or, how to verify a socket in Perl? Nah, it’s probably the one on how to set a static IP in Windows – that’s truly sensitive stuff. 😉

Does anybody who reads the blog have any clue about what would drive the Russian government to block a technology blog site like mine? My serious guess is that there is somebody who hosts with the same provider who’s done something tacky.

Written by maclochlainn

July 14th, 2013 at 8:13 pm

ActivePerl on Windows

without comments

I actively maintain virtual test instances for my writing and teaching on Windows 7, Red Hat Enterprise Linux, Fedora, and Solaris. Perl on Windows is always interesting. I use ActivePerl on Windows 7 rather than Strawberry Perl, and it was interesting to see this note after I upgraded to the most current Community Edition of ActivePerl (5.16.3).

I thought it might be kind to post ActiveState’s Release Note because you should really read it before you try to install ActivePerl on Windows 7/8. Just make sure you’ve removed any earlier version of ActivePerl before trying the install. That’s what I did, and surprise, there weren’t any problems.

While the installation doesn’t tell you that you need to restart the Windows 7 operating system, you do. If you don’t restart Windows 7 after the ActivePerl install, you’ll get the following error message:

install_driver(mysql) failed: Can't locate DBD/ in @INC

You can grab the DBD::MySQL bundle with this command:

perl -MCPAN -e install Bundle::DBD::mysql

It downloads the MinGW (Minimalist GNU for Windows) C/C++ compiler, but it’ll be nested and not conflict with one if you have installed it independently. Absence of the compiler means you can’t attempt to build the library.

Proceeding further, I discovered a number of incompatibilities. The basic commands require you to load CPAN (Comprehensive Perl Archive Network) shell:

perl -MCPAN -e shell

Inside the Perl CPAN shell:

cpan> force install DBD:mysql --mysql_config C:\ProgramData\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.6

You also need to create a MySQL anonymous user in the database to support the default user during compilation, and if you dropped the test database you need to recreate it. I also ended up creating an ODBC user. Here are the commands to run as the root superuser:

CREATE USER 'ODBC'@'localhost';
CREATE USER ''@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 's3krit';
GRANT ALL ON test.* TO ''@'localhost';

I also took the time to update the MySQL to Perl 5.16; unfortunately, at the end of the day I didn’t get it working. Maybe I’ll try back in a few weeks. You need to change line 57 from port 5050 to port 3306, and “SharedSecret” to “s3krit“, as shown:


Here’s are the edits required program on lines 189 and 194:


The only release note provided is below, which I found inadequate. If you find the trick before me, please post it.


  • The fork() emulation has known limitations. See perlfork for a detailed summary. In particular, fork() emulation will not work correctly with extensions that are either not thread-safe, or maintain internal state that cannot be cloned in the pseudo-child process. This caveat currently applies to extensions such as Tk and Storable.
  • It seems that some people are having problems with the ActivePerl MSI installer. The first thing to note is that you CANNOT install ActivePerl 5.16 over an older version of ActivePerl based on 5.14, 5.12, 5.10, 5.8, 5.6 or 5.005, such as build 1204 or any other 1200, 1000, 800, 600 or 500 series build. We have determined that some of these problems are due to other installations of Perl that may be pointed at by something in the environment.

    The sure-fire solution is to make absolutely certain that no other installations of Perl are on the target machine. Realizing that this is not always possible, you can follow these steps to ensure the other installations will not interfere.

    • Stop the “Windows Installer” service. This can be accomplished from the command prompt using the following command:

      C:\> net stop "Windows Installer"
    • Temporarily remove or rename PERLLIB and PERL5LIB environment variables in the system environment.
    • Temporarily remove or rename the following registry values:

      [\\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Perl] lib = <directory> (REG_SV)
      [\\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Perl] sitelib = <directory> (REG_SV)
      [\\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Perl] lib-<PerlVersion> = <directory> (REG_SV)
      [\\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Perl] sitelib-<PerlVersion> = <directory>(REG_SV)
    • Proceed with the installation.

    Once the installation has completed successfully, the above actions may be undone although restoring the environment variables or the registry values may interfere with the proper operation of your new ActivePerl installation. In order to perform all of the above steps, you will need to have Administrative privileges on the target machine. If you do not have the required privileges you should contact your Administrator.

Written by maclochlainn

April 26th, 2013 at 10:48 am

SQL Developer JVM Fix

with 5 comments

It’s amazing the moving parts in Oracle Database 11g, and the ones that I don’t use after installation for a while often reach out to teach me something new. That’s what happened when I went to launch SQL Developer on my Windows 7 Professional 64-bit installation.

I got the message Unable to find a Java Virtual Machine, as shown in the image below. It really means unable to find a 32-bit Java 5 or Java 6 (1.6.0_4+) SDK home. Although the installation appeared fine, it pointed the SQL Developer configuration file to an incompatible 64-bit Java 7 SDK.

You fix this error by following these steps:

  1. Open the sqldeveloper.conf file and check the SetJavaHome parameter value. You find the sqldeveloper.conf file in the following directory:
  1. Install the 32-bit Java 6 (1.6.0_4+) SDK on the operating system if not installed already. You can check whether it’s installed by looking for it in the Program Files (x86) folder.
  2. Change the value of the SetJavaHome parameter to point to the new 32-bit Java 6 home directory (or folder). The following change to line 18 in the sqldeveloper.conf file should fix it on your installation (provided that’s your version of the JVM).
SetJavaHome C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jdk1.6.0_34

Hope this helps those who run into the same issue.

Written by maclochlainn

August 15th, 2012 at 6:01 pm

Oracle and Java Tutorial

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I’m posting this because of a question raised against this older post on how to configure the %CLASSPATH% to find the ojdbc6.jar file. This is the lab file I use in my Database 1 class to expose students to the moving parts of writing Java programs against the Oracle database. That’s why I choose to use a CLOB data type, which requires Oracle’s DBMS_LOB package and wrapping stored procedures.

If you want the same content for MySQL, here’s the link. The full program in either blog entry is available by clicking on the fold/unfold Java Source Code Program widget at the bottom of the respective posts.

This demonstrates how to create an Java infrastructure for reading and writing large text files to an Oracle database. The example provides:

  • A FileIO.jar library that lets you enter Oracle connection parameters through a JOptionPane, and a customized JFileChooser to filter and read source files from the file system.
  • A ojdbc6.jar file, which is Oracle’s library for JDBC communication with the Oracle Databases.

The steps to compiling and testing this code are qualified below:

  1. Download and install the Java Software Development Kit (JSDK) for Java 6.
  2. Create a C:\JavaTest folder on Windows, or a /JavaTest directory from some mount point of your choice.
  3. Download and position the ojdbc6.jar and FileIO.jar files in the JavaTest directory.
  4. Create a batch file to source your environment path (%PATH% on Windows and $PATH on Linux or Mac OS X) and the two Java Archive (JAR) files. A sample batch file is noted below:
set PATH=C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_07\bin;%PATH%
set CLASSPATH=C:\JavaDev\Java6\ojdbc6.jar;C:\JavaDev\Java6\FileIO.jar;.

You can run this file by simply typing the files first name. On Linux or Mac OS X, you first need to grant it privileges with the chmod command as 755.

  1. Copy the code from the bottom of this posting and also put it into the JavaTest directory.
  2. Compile the source code with the javac utility, as shown below:

After you compile it, you should run it as follows:

java WriteReadCLOB
  1. Before running the code, you’ll need to seed (INSERT) a row that meets the desired hard coded criteria. It requires an ITEM_TITLE value of 'The Lord of the Rings - Fellowship of the Ring' and an ITEM_SUBTITLE of 'Widescreen Edition' in the ITEM table.
  2. When it runs, you’ll see the following tabbed JOptionPane.

You need to enter the following values before clicking the OK button:

  • Host: The hostname of your machine.
  • Port: The port that the Oracle Listener is running on (the default value is 1521).
  • Database: The Oracle TNS Alias, which is orcl for the full database sample database or xe for the Oracle Database 10g Express Edition.
  • UserID: The user (schema) name where you’ve created an ITEM table.
  • Password: The password for the user’s account.

In the JFileChooser, select a file to upload to the database.

You should see what you uploaded displayed in a JFrame.

Written by maclochlainn

August 1st, 2012 at 12:25 pm

Delay or synchronize it?

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A couple students in one of my classes ran into a problem when competing Java threads tried to insert new rows in a table. They raised an error when they tried the DELAY keyword to avoid the race (collision) condition in an INSERT statement. It was simple to explain to them that the DELAY keyword doesn’t work with an InnoDB table. Any attempt throws the following error:

ERROR 1616 (HY000): DELAYED OPTION NOT supported FOR TABLE 'message'

Important Update: INSERT DELAYED is gone in MySQL 5.6.6 (announcement) and the whole issue comes down to synchronizing threads (some dislike the solution) or using the ON DUPLICATE KEY clause.

They retested their Java application after redefining the target table using the MyISAM engine. They found it worked but that’s a bad fix in Java (a brief Java/MySQL tutorial post). They really needed to synchronize the Java thread (line #22), leave out the DELAY keyword, and manage the table with the InnoDB engine. Here’s the modified Java code (by the way, they named their project VulcanTech if you’re wondering about the packages in the import statement):

package vulcantech.vth.server.commands;
import vulcantech.vth.server.combeans.MessageBean;
public class MessageHandler implements Handler {
  public void handleIt(Object... args) {
    MessageBean message = (MessageBean) args[0];
    Socket sock = (Socket) args[1];
    DatabaseConnection dbconnection = new DatabaseConnection();
    String update = new String("INSERT INTO message(message_timestamp, sender, recipient, message, checked) VALUES(\'" 
                  + message.getTimeStamp() + "\', \'" + message.getSender() + "\', \'" 
                  + message.getRecipient() + "\', \'" + message.getMessage() + "\', b\'0\')");
    synchronized (this) {
    try {
    } catch (IOException e) {

Hope this helps those who encounter race conditions against MySQL when you’re writing Enterprise Java Beans (EJBs).

Written by maclochlainn

July 22nd, 2012 at 3:53 pm

Zend CE has a Worm?

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After updating the AVGFree virus definitions, I was surprised to find that Zend CE (Community Edition) 4.0.6 had a reported worm in the JavaServer.exe file. There was greater surprise when Zend CE 5.3.9 (5.6.0-SP1) also had the same reported worm.

This is the message identifying the worm (click on it to see a full size image), and you can read about this particular worm on the Mcafee site or the AVG threat labs site:

If you check AVGFree’s page, the actual infection isn’t a stated variant, but it appears the heuristics are a bit aggressive.

File Name: C:\Program Files (x86)\Zend\ZendServer\bin\JavaServer.exe
Infection: Win32/DH.FF860061{00000000-00080000-00000000}

Unless you have the full version of AVGFree or another security program to try and fix the file, you can only quarantine the file. Quarantine or removal disables Zend CE from working. It begs the question: “How does Zend release a core file with a worm?” or “Is AVGFree reporting a false positive?”

Update: AVGFree was providing a false positive. In addition to the checks by Zeev at Zend, I created a new test instance with Norton 360 and it likewise found no virus/worm in Zend’s JavaServer.exe file. Hopefully the post will prevent others from spending more than a Google search to sort it out.

Since I use AVGFree on all my Windows 7 VM test instances, it seemed logical to illustrate how to work around this current false positive and annoying quarantining of the core JavaServer.exe file from the Zend Server. There are two sets of tasks, the first requires removing the file from quarantine and the second eliminates future scans from quarantining the file again.

Remove the file from the Virus Vault

  1. Launch AVGFree and navigate to the History menu option and choose the Virus Vault option, as shown below.

  1. Click the Virus Vault option in the list of the History, which displays the following screen. Click the Infection row and then click the Restore button to remove the file from the virus vault.

  1. A confirmation dialog opens and you click the Yes button to proceed.

  1. The Infection row is gone When you’re returned to the History dialog. Click the Close button to complete this task.

Exclude the file from future scans

  1. Select the Tools menu option and choose the Advanced settings … option, as shown below.

  1. Click the Excluded files option in the list of the History, which displays the following screen. Click the Add button to select the file for exclusion. Click the Apply button to effect the change and the OK button to complete the change.

All I can say, one the AVGFree false positive was annoying and it’s dark at 3 a.m. and light the next day. 😉

Thanks to those who knew or surmised it was AVGFree’s heuristics and took the time to add a comment.

Written by maclochlainn

April 29th, 2012 at 2:40 am

Posted in Java,PHP,WAMP,Windows7,Zend