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MySQL Standard Group By

with 9 comments

Teaching SQL is interesting because folks try syntax that experience would tell you shouldn’t work. It was interesting when I discovered what should be broken from my perspective but was expected behavior in MySQL. It became clearer to me why it’s there as I did some experimenting with it enabled and disabled. While I’d still argue it’s broken, it’s the only way to get support for advanced aggregation concepts.

The reason that I find that it broken is a matter of perspective not standards. The fact that you can select a set of non-aggregated columns with an aggregated column, and exclude one, more than one, or all of the non-aggregated columns from the GROUP BY clause seemed like a broken behavior. The MySQL behavior is explained in Chapter 11.12.3 of the MySQL 5.1 Reference. What wasn’t clear from the documentation when I read it was why the behavior is allowed. Gary’s comment on the original post made me look more deeply into the behavior.

If you check the referenced documentation, the process is called GROUP BY hidden columns. That label didn’t immediately resonate with me. That’s probably of my background with IBM’s DB2 and Oracle. I’m so accustom to how they work, that sometimes I think they set the standards but they don’t. It turns out that the GROUP BY clause in the ANSI SQL standards doesn’t allow for expressions.

The default configuration of MySQL allows for the expressions (functions) in the GROUP BY clause. The documentation refers to hidden columns, which are in point of fact expressions in the GROUP BY clause. MySQL does support expressions in the GROUP BY by default, and requires, like Oracle, that when you use an expression in the SELECT clause that you mirror it in the GROUP BY clause. This means you group on the result of the expression, not a column in the table or view.

In the default configuration, you have three options. They are determinate results, indeterminate results, and hidden column results. The following cover these components.

Determinate Results

Determinate results are straight forward. They require that all non-aggregated columns in the SELECT clause are mirrored in the GROUP BY clause. This means that the non-aggregated column values are the key upon which results are aggregated.

An example of determinate results is:

SELECT   key_one
,        key_two
,        SUM(counter)
GROUP BY key_one
,        key_two;

Indeterminate Results

Indeterminate results isn’t straight forward but isn’t hard to grasp. An indeterminate result set is returned when one or more non-aggregated columns in a SELECT clause aren’t listed in the GROUP BY clause. The columns listed in the SELECT clause but excluded from the GROUP BY clause return meaningless values because they’re column values chosen indeterminately from all pre-aggregated rows.

The following query runs in a generically configured MySQL instance without an error. It returns a meaningless key_two column value from the pre-aggregated row set. In the example, the aggregation column counts the unique key_one column values. This behavior makes key_one a determinate value, and key_two an indeterminate value.

SELECT   key_one
,        key_two
,        SUM(counter)
GROUP BY key_one;

You can fix this mixed return set by adding the key_two column to the GROUP BY clause, which would return a determinate set. Alternatively, you can prevent the default behavior for the GROUP BY clause by adding the ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY mode variable to your SQL_MODE system variable.

After setting the SQL_MODE> variable, a GROUP BY must contain all non-aggregated columns. When you make this change to the SQL_MODE system variable, you also disable any queries that use an expression in their GROUP BY clause. Those queries with expressions in the group by will now raise an ERROR 1055 exception, like this:

ERROR 1055 (42000): 'sampledb.grouping.key_two' isn't in GROUP BY

If you want to prevent indeterminate results and don’t use expressions in the GROUP BY clause, you can add the ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY mode to your SQL_MODE system variable. You can do that during a session with the following syntax:


Or, you can start the mysqld with the following option:

mysqld --sql_mode="sql_mode1,sql_mode2, ... ,sql_mode(n+1)"

A better alternative, is to add it to the my.cnf configuration file on Linux, or my.ini configuration file on Windows. You can add it to this line, which is done at the end of the line.

# Set the SQL mode to strict

If you opt for changing it at the server configuration file, you must stop and restart the mysqld process. You can do that on Windows from the command line, like this on Windows provide the service name is mysql. If you’ve set the Windows service to mysql51, then you need to substitute mysql51 for mysql.

Hidden Column Results

A hidden column result, is a result generated by an expression in the GROUP BY clause. The following is a query that lets you sum transactions by the month name. This is supported by the default behavior of hidden columns. The following is an approach that you might find in Oracle because they don’t support aggregation by only part of the non-aggregated columns in a query.

SELECT   il.month AS "MON-YEAR"
,        il.base AS "BASE"
,        il.plus10 AS "10_PLUS"
,        il.plus20 AS "20_PLUS"
FROM    (SELECT   CONCAT(UPPER(SUBSTRING(MONTHNAME(t.transaction_date),1,3)),'-',EXTRACT(YEAR FROM t.transaction_date)) AS MONTH
         ,        MONTH(t.transaction_date) AS sortkey
         ,        LPAD(CONCAT('$',FORMAT(SUM(t.transaction_amount) * 1.0,2)),10,' ') AS base
         ,        LPAD(CONCAT('$',FORMAT(SUM(t.transaction_amount) * 1.1,2)),10,' ') AS plus10
         ,        LPAD(CONCAT('$',FORMAT(SUM(t.transaction_amount) * 1.2,2)),10,' ') AS plus20
         FROM     TRANSACTION t
         WHERE    EXTRACT(YEAR FROM t.transaction_date) = 2009
         GROUP BY CONCAT(UPPER(SUBSTRING(MONTHNAME(t.transaction_date),1,3)),'-',EXTRACT(YEAR FROM t.transaction_date))
         ,        MONTH(t.transaction_date)) il
ORDER BY il.sortkey;

The interesting thing about MySQL’s approach is that the Oracle equivalent of an inline view is unnecessary. You can simply switch the functions like the exmaple below.

SELECT   DATE_FORMAT(t.transaction_date,'%m-%Y') AS MONTH
,        MONTH(t.transaction_date) AS sortkey
,        LPAD(CONCAT('$',FORMAT(SUM(t.transaction_amount) * 1.0,2)),10,' ') AS base
,        LPAD(CONCAT('$',FORMAT(SUM(t.transaction_amount) * 1.1,2)),10,' ') AS plus10
,        LPAD(CONCAT('$',FORMAT(SUM(t.transaction_amount) * 1.2,2)),10,' ') AS plus20
WHERE    EXTRACT(YEAR FROM t.transaction_date) = 2009
GROUP BY DATE_FORMAT(t.transaction_date,'%m-%Y')
,        MONTH(t.transaction_date)
ORDER BY sortkey;

When you add the ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY mode to your SQL_MODE system variable, you disallow this type of behavior and the query would no longer work. It would return the following error:

ERROR 1055 (42000): 'sampledb.t.transaction_date' isn't in GROUP BY

Written by maclochlainn

March 10th, 2010 at 12:54 am

Posted in LAMP,MAMP,MySQL,sql