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Archive for July, 2017

Cassandra Query Language

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After installing Cassandra and reading Cassandra The Definitive Guide, it struck me that I should learn a bit more about the Cassandra Query Language (CQL). So, after I setup a single-node environment and created a .bashcassandra environment file to connect as a student user to the Cassandra instance:

# Add the Java and JRE paths to the $PATH environments.
export set PATH=$PATH:/usr/lib/jvm/java-1.8.0-openjdk-
# Add the $JAVA_HOME and $JRE_HOME environment variables.
export set JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-1.8.0-openjdk-
export set JRE_HOME=/usr

Having started Cassandra as the cassandra user, I connected to the Cassandra Query Language Shell (cqlsh) to learn how to write CQL. You can find the basic structure of the Cassandra Query Language (CQL) on the Apache Cassandra website. I also discovered that CQL by itself can’t let you join tables without using Apache SparkSQL. Apache SparkSQL adds the ability to perform CQL joins in Cassandra, and became available in 2015.

I also learned you can’t use a CREATE OR REPLACE command when you change certain aspects of User-Defined Functions (UDFs). You actually need to drop any UDF before you change RETURNS NULL ON NULL INPUT clause to a CALLED ON NULL INPUT clause or vice versa. You can’t embed Java that connects to database without using the cassandra-java-driver-2.0.2 driver.

You connect to the cqlsh like this:


Here’s my script that creates Cassandra keyspace, which is more or less a database. You use the USE command to connect to the keyspace or database, like you would in MySQL. You do not have sequences in Cassandra because they’re not a good fit for a distributed architecture. Cassandra does not support a native procedural extension like relational databases. You must create User-defined functions (UDFs) by embedding the logic in Java.

This script does the following:

  • Creates a keyspace
  • Uses the keyspace
  • Conditionally drops tables and functions
  • Creates two tables
  • Inserts data into the two tables
  • Queries data from the tables

I also included a call to a UDF inside a query in two of the examples. One of the queries demonstrates how to return a JSON structure from a query. To simplify things and provide clarification of the scripts behaviors, the details are outlined below.

  • The first segment of the script creates the keyspace, changes the scope to use the keyspace, conditionally drop tables, create tables, and insert values into the tables:

    /* Create a keyspace in Cassandra, which is like a database
       in MySQL or a schema in Oracle. */
        ,'replication_factor': 1 }
      AND DURABLE_WRITES = true;
    /* Use the keyspace or connect to the database. */
    USE student;
    /* Drop the member table from the student keyspace. */
    /* Create a member table in the student keyspace. */
    CREATE TABLE member
    ( member_number       VARCHAR
    , member_type         VARCHAR
    , credit_card_number  VARCHAR
    , credit_card_type    VARCHAR
    , PRIMARY KEY ( member_number ));
    /* Conditionally drop the contact table from the student keyspace. */
    /* Create a contact table in the student keyspace. */
    CREATE TABLE contact
    ( contact_number      VARCHAR
    , contact_type        VARCHAR
    , first_name          VARCHAR
    , middle_name         VARCHAR
    , last_name           VARCHAR
    , member_number       VARCHAR
    , PRIMARY KEY ( contact_number ));
    /* Insert a row into the member table. */
    INSERT INTO member
    ( member_number, member_type, credit_card_number, credit_card_type )
    /* Insert a row into the contact table. */
    INSERT INTO contact
    ( contact_number, contact_type, first_name, middle_name, last_name, member_number )
    ('CUS_00001','FAMILY','Barry', NULL,'Allen','SFO-12345');
    /* Insert a row into the contact table. */
    INSERT INTO contact
    ( contact_number, contact_type, first_name, middle_name, last_name, member_number )
    ('CUS_00002','FAMILY','Iris', NULL,'West-Allen','SFO-12345');
    /* Insert a row into the member table. */
    INSERT INTO member
    ( member_number, member_type, credit_card_number, credit_card_type )
    /* Insert a row into the contact table. */
    INSERT INTO contact
    ( contact_number, contact_type, first_name, middle_name, last_name, member_number )
  • The following queries the member table:

    /* Select all columns from the member table. */
    SELECT * FROM member;

    It returns the following:

     member_number | credit_card_number  | credit_card_type | member_type
         SFO-12345 | 2222-4444-5555-6666 |             VISA |       GROUP
         SFO-12346 | 3333-8888-9999-2222 |             VISA |       GROUP
  • Create a concatenate User-defined function (UDF) for Cassandra. The first step requires you to edit the cassandra.yaml file, which you find in the /etc/cassandra/default.conf directory. There is a single parameter that you need to edit, and it is the enable_user_defined_functions parameter. By default the parameter is set to false, and you need to enable it to create UDFs.

    After you make the edit, the cassandra.yaml file should look like this:

    # If unset, all GC Pauses greater than gc_log_threshold_in_ms will log at
    # INFO level
    # UDFs (user defined functions) are disabled by default.
    # As of Cassandra 3.0 there is a sandbox in place that should prevent execution of evil code.
    enable_user_defined_functions: true

    After you make the change, you can create your own UDF. The following UDF formats the first, middle, and last name so there’s only one whitespace between the first and last name when there middle name value is null.

    This type of function must use a CALLED ON NULL INPUT clause in lieu of a RETURNS NULL ON NULL INPUT clause. The latter would force the function to return a null value if any one of the parameters were null.

    /* Drop the concatenate function because a replace disallows changing a
       an "89: InvalidRequest" exception. */
    DROP FUNCTION concatenate;
    /* Create a user-defined function to concatenate names. */
    CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION concatenate (first_name VARCHAR, middle_name VARCHAR, last_name VARCHAR)
    LANGUAGE java
    AS $$
      /* Concatenate first and last names when middle name is null, and
         first, middle, and last names when middle name is not null. */
      String name;
      /* Check for null middle name. */
      if (middle_name == null) {
        name = first_name + " " + last_name; }
      else {
        name = first_name + " " + middle_name + " " + last_name; }
      return name;
  • Query the values from the contact table with the UDF function in the SELECT-list:

    /* Query the contact information. */
    SELECT member_number
    ,      contact_number
    ,      contact_type
    ,      concatenate(first_name, middle_name, last_name) AS full_name
    FROM   contact;

    It returns the following:

     member_number | contact_number | contact_type | full_name
         SFO-12345 |      CUS_00001 |       FAMILY |        Barry Allen
         SFO-12345 |      CUS_00002 |       FAMILY |    Iris West-Allen
         SFO-12346 |      CUS_00003 |       FAMILY | Caitlin Marie Snow
  • Query the values from the contact table with a JSON format:

    /* Query the contact information and return in a JSON format. */
    ,      contact_type
    ,      concatenate(first_name, middle_name, last_name) AS full_name
    FROM   contact;

    It returns the following:

    {"contact_number": "CUS_00001", "contact_type": "FAMILY", "full_name": "Barry Allen"}
    {"contact_number": "CUS_00002", "contact_type": "FAMILY", "full_name": "Iris West-Allen"}
    {"contact_number": "CUS_00003", "contact_type": "FAMILY", "full_name": "Caitlin Marie Snow"}

You can call the script from a relative directory inside cqlsh, like this:

SOURCE 'cstudent.cql'

At the end of the day, the concept of adding and removing nodes is attractive. Though, the lack of normal relational mechanics and narrowly supported set of CQL semantics leaves me with open questions. For example, is clustering without a coordinator really valuable enough to settle for eventual, or tunable, consistency with such a narrowly scoped query language?

As always, I hope this helps those looking for a quick how-to on Cassandra.

Written by maclochlainn

July 30th, 2017 at 12:33 am

DevOps Handbook Review

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DevOps: Is it a mindset or process? That’s a big question for managers because while you can’t manage a mindset, you can manage a process. DevOps is actually a framework of processes.

Some actually say DevOps is actually a lot like making a patchwork quilt. You need to design the patches before you figure out how to stitch them together. I believe this is true, and base that on my experience as a release engineer at Oracle Corporation.

You need to adopt:

  • An Agile system development life cycle that ensures you value outcome over process.
  • A value stream that lets you track the efficiency and effectiveness of costs verses outcomes.
  • A measurable development pipeline that tracks costs and outcomes.
  • A management strategy that handles operational, tactical, and strategic goals.

Those are big goals to accomplish but how will you achieve them? I would suggest that you first try to understand the experiences of others who adopted a DevOps methodology.

I’d like to recommend The DevOps Handbook because it uses case studies to highlight the best practices in DevOps. They do use some engineering terms to describe things that could be simpler. For example, telemetry is a fancy word for plans but it strikes me they use the word for a purpose. The authors want to commit us to adopting a rigorous planned route before we implement DevOps approaches.

While I may not choose all the words they did to convey these ideas and case studies, they are consistent in their approach. Along the way, they introduce much of the supporting case studies one-by-one. Moreover, they demonstrate approaches taken to solve types of problems and leave the integration of ideas to us.

Here’s a layout of the book since the table of contents is missing on’s website.

  • Part 1: How DevOps applies lean principles to technology
    • Chapter 1: Introduction
    • Chapter 2: The Principles of Flow
    • Chapter 3: The Principles of Feedback
    • Chapter 4: The Principles of Continual Learning and Experimentation
  • Part 2: Where to Start the DevOps Transformation
    • Chapter 5: Selecting which Value Stream to Start With
    • Chapter 6: Understanding the Work in Our Value Stream
    • Chapter 7: How to Design Our Organization and Architecture
    • Chapter 8: How to Get Great Outcomes by Integrating Operations into Daily Work
  • Part 3: How to Implement Technical Practices for Continuous Delivery
    • Chapter 9: Create the Foundations of the Deployment Pipeline
    • Chapter 10: Enable Fast and Reliable Automated Testing
    • Chapter 11: Enable and Practice Continuous Integration
    • Chapter 12: Automate and Enable Low-Risk Releases
    • Chapter 13: Architect for Low-Risk Releases
  • Part 4: How to Implement Technical Practices for Fast and Continuous Feedback
    • Chapter 14: Create Telemetry to Enable Seeing and Solving Problems
    • Chapter 15: Analyze Telemetry to Better Anticipate Problems and Achieve Goals
    • Chapter 16: Enable Feedback to Safely Deploy Code
    • Chapter 17: Integrate Hypothesis-Driven Development and Testing
    • Chapter 18: Create Review and Coordination Process to Increase Qualify of Work
  • Part 5: How to implement Feedback to Drive Sooner, Faster, and Cheaper Results
    • Chapter 19: Enable and Inject Learning into Daily Work
    • Chapter 20: Convert Local Discoveries into Global Improvements
    • Chapter 21: Reserve Time to Create Organizational Learning and Improvement
  • Part 6: How to Implement Feedback on Achieving Information Security Goals
    • Chapter 22: Information Security as Everyone’s Job, Every Day
    • Chapter 23: Protecting the Deployment Pipeline

I hope this helps those looking for a good reference on DevOps.

Written by maclochlainn

July 26th, 2017 at 6:50 pm

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Install Cassandra on Fedora

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It was quite interesting to discover that DataStax no longer provides the DataStax Community version of Apache Cassandra or the DataStax Distribution of Apache Cassandra. Needless to say, I was quite disappointed because it means folks will get less opportunity to learn how to use Cassandra because it makes it more difficult for beginning developers.

I spent a good hour sorting through what was available and then figuring out the real requirements to install Apache Cassandra 3.11. These are the instructions.

Install Java and JRE as Prerequisites

If you don’t have the JRE installed, you should download it from Oracle’s website and install it. After you download the latest version of the JRE package (jre-8u141-linux-x64.rpm). You should use the rpm utility to install the JRE package, like the following example:

rpm -ivh /home/student/Downloads/jre-8*.rpm

It should generate the following installation report:

Preparing...                          ################################# [100%]
	package jre1.8.0_141-1.8.0_141-fcs.x86_64 is already installed
sh-4.2# rpm -qa jre
sh-4.2# rpm -qf jre
error: file /jre: No such file or directory
sh-4.2# rpm -qa | grep jre
sh-4.2# rpm -qa | grep jre | rpm -qi
rpm: no arguments given for query
sh-4.2# rpm -qi `rpm -qa | grep jre`
Name        : jre1.8.0_141
Version     : 1.8.0_141
Release     : fcs
Architecture: x86_64
Install Date: Mon 24 Jul 2017 11:09:58 PM PDT
Group       : Development/Tools
Size        : 139460427
License     :
Signature   : (none)
Source RPM  : jre1.8.0_141-1.8.0_141-fcs.src.rpm
Build Date  : Wed 12 Jul 2017 04:47:52 AM PDT
Build Host  : jdk7-lin2-amd64
Relocations : /usr/java 
Packager    : Java Software <>
Vendor      : Oracle Corporation
URL         : URL_REF
Summary     : Java Platform Standard Edition Runtime Environment
Description :
The Java Platform Standard Edition Runtime Environment (JRE) contains
everything necessary to run applets and applications designed for the
Java platform. This includes the Java virtual machine, plus the Java
platform classes and supporting files.
The JRE is freely redistributable, per the terms of the included license.

Confirm Java and JRE Installation

You can check the current installed version of Java and JRE by using the alternatives utility with the --config option and the keyword of java or jre.

sh-4.2# alternatives --config java

It should generate the following list when you check for the java library:

There are 3 programs which provide 'java'.
  Selection    Command
*  1           /usr/lib/jvm/java-1.7.0-openjdk-
 + 2           /usr/lib/jvm/jre-1.8.0-openjdk.x86_64/bin/java
   3           /usr/java/jre1.8.0_141/bin/java
Enter to keep the current selection[+], or type selection number:

It should generate the following list when you check for the javac library:

There are 2 programs which provide 'javac'.
  Selection    Command
*  1           /usr/lib/jvm/java-1.7.0-openjdk-
 + 2           /usr/lib/jvm/java-1.8.0-openjdk.x86_64/bin/javac
Enter to keep the current selection[+], or type selection number:

After installing and selecting them as the designated alternative, if you have more than one Java or JRE installed on your OS, you should create a configuration file for the root user. You should include the following to set your $PATH, $JAVA_HOME, and $JRE_HOME environment variables:

# Add the Java and JRE paths to the $PATH environments.
export set PATH=$PATH:/usr/lib/jvm/java-1.8.0-openjdk-
# Add the $JAVA_HOME and $JRE_HOME environment variables.
export set JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-1.8.0-openjdk-
export set JRE_HOME=/usr

Install Apache Cassandra

The yum utility is the best way to install Apache Cassandra. However, you will need to configure the /etc/yum.repos.d/cassandra.repo before you attempt to install Cassandra 3.11 from the Apache organization, like this:

name=Apache Cassandra

After you’ve added the necessary yum configuration file and ensured you’re using both Java 1.8 and JRE 1.8, you can install Apache Cassandra with the following yum command as the root user or as a sudoer member with the sudo command:

yum install -y cassandra

If successful, you should see the following output:

Loaded plugins: langpacks, refresh-packagekit
cassandra/signature                                         |  819 B  00:00     
cassandra/signature                                         | 2.9 kB  00:00 !!! 
mysql-connectors-community                                  | 2.5 kB  00:00     
mysql-tools-community                                       | 2.5 kB  00:00     
mysql56-community                                           | 2.5 kB  00:00 [Errno 14] HTTP Error 404 - Not Found
Trying other mirror.
updates/20/x86_64/metalink                                  | 2.6 kB  00:00     
Resolving Dependencies
--> Running transaction check
---> Package cassandra.noarch 0:3.11.0-1 will be installed
--> Finished Dependency Resolution
Dependencies Resolved
 Package            Arch            Version            Repository          Size
 cassandra          noarch          3.11.0-1           cassandra           28 M
Transaction Summary
Install  1 Package
Total download size: 28 M
Installed size: 37 M
Downloading packages:
warning: /var/cache/yum/x86_64/20/cassandra/packages/cassandra-3.11.0-1.noarch.rpm: Header V4 RSA/SHA256 Signature, key ID fe4b2bda: NOKEY
Public key for cassandra-3.11.0-1.noarch.rpm is not installed
cassandra-3.11.0-1.noarch.rpm                               |  28 MB  00:07     
Retrieving key from
Importing GPG key 0xF2833C93:
 Userid     : "Eric Evans <>"
 Fingerprint: cec8 6bb4 a0ba 9d0f 9039 7cae f835 8fa2 f283 3c93
 From       :
Importing GPG key 0x8D77295D:
 Userid     : "Eric Evans <>"
 Fingerprint: c496 5ee9 e301 5d19 2ccc f2b6 f758 ce31 8d77 295d
 From       :
Importing GPG key 0x2B5C1B00:
 Userid     : "Sylvain Lebresne (pcmanus) <>"
 Fingerprint: 5aed 1bf3 78e9 a19d ade1 bcb3 4bd7 36a8 2b5c 1b00
 From       :
Importing GPG key 0x0353B12C:
 Userid     : "T Jake Luciani <>"
 Fingerprint: 514a 2ad6 31a5 7a16 dd00 47ec 749d 6eec 0353 b12c
 From       :
Importing GPG key 0xFE4B2BDA:
 Userid     : "Michael Shuler <>"
 Fingerprint: a26e 528b 271f 19b9 e5d8 e19e a278 b781 fe4b 2bda
 From       :
Running transaction check
Running transaction test
Transaction test succeeded
Running transaction (shutdown inhibited)
Warning: RPMDB altered outside of yum.
  Installing : cassandra-3.11.0-1.noarch                                    1/1 
  Verifying  : cassandra-3.11.0-1.noarch                                    1/1 
  cassandra.noarch 0:3.11.0-1                                                   

Starting Cassandra

You should start Cassandra as the cassandra user. Before starting Cassandra, you need to create a .bashrc file for the cassandra user because one isn’t created by default since you can’t log on to the Linux OS as the cassandra user. The home directory for the cassandra user is /var/lib/cassandra and the owner of that directory is the root user.

As the root user, create the following .bashrc file for the cassandra user:

# Wrap sqlplus with rlwrap to edit prior lines with the
# up, down, left and right keys.
  if [ "$RLWRAP" = "0" ]; then
    cqlsh "$@"
    rlwrap cqlsh "$@"
# Set vi as a command line editor.
set -o vi
# Add the Java and JRE paths to the $PATH environments.
export set PATH=$PATH:/usr/lib/jvm/java-1.8.0-openjdk-
# Add the $JAVA_HOME and $JRE_HOME environment variables.
export set JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-1.8.0-openjdk-
export set JRE_HOME=/usr

You should start Cassandra in background, like this:


Using Cassandra

As the student user in my developer Fedora instance, you should be able to connect using the following:


You will see the following:

Connected to Test Cluster at
[cqlsh 5.0.1 | Cassandra 3.11.0 | CQL spec 3.4.4 | Native protocol v4]
Use HELP for help.
cqlsh> HELP
Documented shell commands:
CQL help topics:
AGGREGATES               CREATE_KEYSPACE           DROP_TRIGGER      TEXT     
ALTER_TABLE              CREATE_TABLE              FUNCTIONS         TRUNCATE 
ALTER_TYPE               CREATE_TRIGGER            GRANT             TYPES    
ALTER_USER               CREATE_TYPE               INSERT            UPDATE   
APPLY                    CREATE_USER               INSERT_JSON       USE      
ASCII                    DATE                      INT               UUID     
BATCH                    DELETE                    JSON            
BEGIN                    DROP_AGGREGATE            KEYWORDS        
BOOLEAN                  DROP_FUNCTION             LIST_ROLES      
COUNTER                  DROP_INDEX                LIST_USERS      
CREATE_FUNCTION          DROP_ROLE                 SELECT          
CREATE_INDEX             DROP_TABLE                SELECT_JSON

Written by maclochlainn

July 25th, 2017 at 9:23 pm

Upgrade APEX 4 to 5.1

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This blog post shows you how to upgrade APEX Version 4.0.2 on a default Oracle Database 11g XE instance to APEX 5.1.2. Oracle’s APEX t upgrade document was just a bit too short and missed some details. It divided into five parts. The first part confirms your starting point. The second part downloads and positions the extracted software. The third part installs APEX 5. The fourth part configures APEX 5. The fifth part shows you how to access and get to the APEX 5 home page.

Confirm APEX 4 Installation

  1. Verify the database version by connecting as the system user through SQL*Plus and running the following query:

    SELECT banner
    FROM   v$version
    WHERE  banner LIKE 'Oracle Database%';

    It should return the following when you’re upgrading the Oracle Database 11g XE:

    Oracle Database 11g Express Edition Release - 64bit Production
  2. Verify the APEX version by connecting as the system user through SQL*Plus and running the following query:

    COLUMN version_no        FORMAT A16 HEADING "Version Number"
    COLUMN api_compatibility FORMAT A16 HEADING "API|Compatibility"
    COLUMN patch_applied     FORMAT A14 HEADING "Patch Applied"
    SELECT *
    FROM   apex_release;

    It should return the following when you start with the base Oracle Database 11g XE:

    Version Number	 Compatibility	  Patch Applied
    ---------------- ---------------- --------------      2010.05.13
  3. Verify the XML Database version by connecting as the system user through SQL*Plus and running the following query:

    COLUMN comp_name FORMAT A20
    COLUMN version   FORMAT A12
    COLUMN status    FORMAT A8
    SELECT comp_name
    ,      version
    ,      status
    FROM   dba_registry
    WHERE  comp_id = 'XDB';

    It should return the following when you’re upgrading the Oracle Database 11g XE:

    COMP_NAME            VERSION      STATUS
    -------------------- ------------ --------
    Oracle XML Database   VALID
  4. Verify the memory_target of the instance by connecting as the system user through SQL*Plus and running the following query. It should be no smaller than 300 MB.

    show parameter memory_target

    It should return the following when you’re upgrading the Oracle Database 11g XE:

    NAME                                 TYPE        VALUE
    ------------------------------------ ----------- ------------------------------
    memory_target                        big integer 1G
  5. Oracle’s instructions qualify that APEX 5 will install into the APEX_050000 schema. Oracle creates the new APEX_050000 schema with a default of the sysaux and temp table space. You can verify these as the system user through SQL*Plus by running the following two queries. The first one checks for the tablespaces and the second for available space and auto extensibility.

    COLUMN default_tablespace   FORMAT A22
    COLUMN temporary_tablespace FORMAT A22
    SELECT default_tablespace
    ,      temporary_tablespace
    FROM   dba_users
    WHERE  username = 'APEX_040000';

    It should return the following when you’re upgrading the Oracle Database 11g XE:

    ---------------------- ----------------------
    SYSAUX                 TEMP

    COLUMN tablespace_name FORMAT A10        HEADING "Tablespace Name"
    COLUMN file_name       FORMAT A38        HEADING "File Name"
    COLUMN available_space FORMAT 999,999.00 HEADING "Available|Space MB"
    COLUMN autoextensible  FORMAT A10        HEADING "Auto|Extensible"
    SELECT   tablespace_name
    ,        file_name
    ,      ((maxbytes - bytes) / 1024) / 1024 AS available_space
    ,        autoextensible
    FROM     dba_data_files
    WHERE    tablespace_name IN ('SYSAUX','SYSTEM');

    It should return the following when you’re upgrading the Oracle Database 11g XE:

    Tablespace                                        Available   Auto
    Name       File Name                              Space MB    Extensible
    ---------- -------------------------------------- ----------- ----------
    SYSAUX     /u01/app/oracle/oradata/XE/sysaux.dbf    32,027.98 YES
    SYSTEM     /u01/app/oracle/oradata/XE/system.dbf       200.00 YES

Download APEX 5

  1. Download the APEX software from the Oracle web site. Assuming you download the software as the student user, you can save it in your Downloads directory.

    You should open a Terminal session and connect as the oracle user. If you’ve setup your instance correctly, you will need to first become the root user and then the oracle user. As the oracle user, you source the Oracle environment and copy the file from the ~student/Downloads directory to the /u01/app/oracle directory.

  1. You copy the file from the student user’s Downloads directory with the following command:

    cp /home/student/Downloads/ /u01/app/oracle

  1. You unzip the copied file (version 5.1.2 in this example) with the following command, and it will create a new apex directory as a subdirectory of the /u01/app/oracle directory.


Install APEX 5

  1. You should query the dba_users view to check the status of the apex_public_user and anonymous user accounts, like this:

    COLUMN username       FORMAT A18 HEADING "User Name"
    COLUMN account_status FORMAT A10 HEADING "Account|Status"
    SELECT   username
    ,        account_status
    FROM     dba_users

    It should return the following when you’re upgrading the Oracle Database 11g XE but the anonymous user name may be open if you’ve previously unlocked it:

    User Name	   Status
    ------------------ ----------
  2. You can unlock the apex_public_user and anonymous accounts with the following statements:

    ALTER USER apex_public_user ACCOUNT UNLOCK;

  3. The installation uses the flows_files schema, which should be installed. You can verify the default and temporary tablespaces with the following query:

    COLUMN default_tablespace   FORMAT A22
    COLUMN temporary_tablespace FORMAT A22
    SELECT default_tablespace
    ,      temporary_tablespace
    FROM   dba_users
    WHERE  username = 'FLOWS_FILES';

    ---------------------- ----------------------
    SYSAUX		       TEMP
  4. Open a Terminal session, connect as the oracle user, source the Oracle environment file, and change your active directory to the /u01/app/oracle/apex directory, and open a SQL*Plus connection as the sys user. You need superuser privileges, which means you need to connect to the Oracle database with the “sys as sysdba” syntax.

    sqlplus sys as sysdba

    You can now install APEX 5.x.x by calling the following script with four parameters:

    @apexins.sql SYSAUX SYSAUX TEMP /i/

    It will take a couple minutes for the installation script to succeed. You will know that it is completed when you see the following message:

    Thank you for installing Oracle Application Express
    Oracle Application Express is installed in the APEX_050100 schema.
    The structure of the link to the Application Express administration services is as follows:
    http://host:port/pls/apex/apex_admin (Oracle HTTP Server with mod_plsql)
    http://host:port/apex/apex_admin     (Oracle XML DB HTTP listener with the embedded PL/SQL gateway)
    http://host:port/apex/apex_admin     (Oracle REST Data Services)
    The structure of the link to the Application Express development interface is as follows:
    http://host:port/pls/apex (Oracle HTTP Server with mod_plsql)
    http://host:port/apex     (Oracle XML DB HTTP listener with the embedded PL/SQL gateway)
    http://host:port/apex     (Oracle REST Data Services)
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
    Disconnected from Oracle Database 11g Express Edition Release - 64bit Production
  5. After installing APEX 5, you can re-verify the APEX version by connecting as the system user through SQL*Plus and running the following query:

    COLUMN version_no        FORMAT A16 HEADING "Version Number"
    COLUMN api_compatibility FORMAT A16 HEADING "API|Compatibility"
    COLUMN patch_applied     FORMAT A14 HEADING "Patch Applied"
    SELECT *
    FROM   apex_release;

    It should return the following after upgrading with APEX 5:

    Version Number	 Compatibility	  Patch Applied
    ---------------- ---------------- --------------	 2016.08.24	  APPLIED

Configure APEX 5

  1. At this point, you need to set the internal password, which you can do by navigating to the /u01/app/oracle/apex directory. In that directory, you should open a SQL*Plus session as the sys user with the “sys as sysdba” privilege. Run the following script to set the APEX Administrator’s credentials:


    It will prompt you for parameters, like so:

    This script can be used to change the password of an Application Express
    instance administrator. If the user does not yet exist, a user record will be
    Enter the administrator's username [ADMIN] ADMIN
    User "ADMIN" exists.
    Enter ADMIN's email [ADMIN]
    Enter ADMIN's password [] 
    Changed password of instance administrator ADMIN.

  2. The next task requires you to run the apex_epg_config.sql script with one directory parameter. You should be connect to the sys user with the “sys as sysdba” privilege:

    @apex_epg_config.SQL /u01/app/oracle

    It will take a couple minutes to complete this script, and when it is complete it displays:

    . Loading images directory: /u01/app/oracle/apex/images

  3. While the default port for XML DB is 8080, you should confirm it with this query:

    SELECT dbms_xdb.gethttpport
    FROM   dual;

    It should return the following:


Connect to and use APEX 5

  • You can type the following URL into your local browser to get to the APEX 5 Administration page:


    It should display the following login. The password is the one you entered when you ran the apxchpwd.sql script in the configuration section of this post.

    After you enter proper credentials, click the Sign in to Administration button to proceed. It should display the following APEX 5 home page.

    You can now work in APEX 5 Administration and setup a individual workspaces.

Cleanup APEX 4

Migrating functionality to APEX 5 is possible but reworking the existing design in the context of new features is better. After you have migrated your applications and upgraded your production instance, you can drop the APEX_040000 user/schema and remove any APEX 4 workspaces. This segment of shows you how to remove an APEX 4 workspace and drop the APEX_040000 user/schema.

  1. The following anonymous PL/SQL block will remove an APEX 4 workspace from a user schema. It’s designed for you to run it inside the target schema but you can change it to run it as the system user against multiple schemas.

      /* Cursor for all APEX 4 tables and sequences. */
      CURSOR c IS
        SELECT   uo.object_type
        ,        uo.object_name
        FROM     user_objects uo
        WHERE    uo.object_name IN
        ORDER BY  uo.object_type DESC;
      FOR i IN c LOOP
        IF i.object_type = 'TABLE' THEN
          EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'DROP '||i.object_type||' '||i.object_name||' CASCADE CONSTRAINTS';
          EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'DROP '||i.object_type||' '||i.object_name;
        END IF;
      END LOOP;
  2. You can then connect as the sys user with the “sys as sysdba” privilege and drop the APEX_040000 user/schema, like this:

    DROP USER apex_040000 CASCADE;

Written by maclochlainn

July 23rd, 2017 at 12:41 am

SQL Logic Overkill, again …

with 2 comments

It’s interesting to watch people try to solve problems. For example, the student is required to use a scalar subquery in a SQL lab exercise that I wrote. It should be a simple fix. The problem is structured with an incorrect foreign key value in an external CSV file and the restriction that you can not replace the value in the external CSV file. I hoped that students would see the easiest option was to write a scalar subquery in the SELECT clause to replace the value found in the external file. There’s even a hint about how to use a scalar subquery.

Students who are new to SQL can take very interesting approaches to solve problems. The flexibility of SQL can lead them to solve problems in interesting ways. While the following solution worked to solve the problem, it’s wrong on two levels:

(SELECT   transaction_s1.NEXTVAL
 ,        tr.transaction_account
 ,        CASE
            WHEN NOT tr.transaction_type =
             (SELECT common_lookup_id
              FROM   common_lookup
              WHERE  common_lookup_table = 'TRANSACTION'
              AND    common_lookup_column = 'TRANSACTION_TYPE'
              AND    common_lookup_type = 'CREDIT') THEN
          END AS transaction_type
 ,        tr.transaction_date
 ,       (tr.transaction_amount / 1.06) AS transaction_amount
 ,        tr.rental_id
 ,        tr.payment_method_type
 ,        tr.payment_account_number
 ,        tr.created_by
 ,        tr.creation_date
 ,        tr.last_updated_by
 ,        tr.last_update_date
 FROM     transaction_reversal tr CROSS JOIN common_lookup cl
 WHERE    cl.common_lookup_table = 'TRANSACTION'
 AND      cl.common_lookup_column = 'TRANSACTION_TYPE'
 AND      cl.common_lookup_type = 'CREDIT');

The CASE statement on lines 4 through 12 substitutes a value only when the source value is not a match. That means if the source file is ever correct a null value would become the transaction_type column value, which would make the statement fail because the transaction_type column is NOT NULL constrained in the target transaction table. Therefore, the logic of the student’s approach requires adding an ELSE clause to the CASE statement for the event that the source file is ever corrected. The modified CASE statement would be =the following:

 ,        CASE
            WHEN NOT tr.transaction_type =
             (SELECT common_lookup_id
              FROM   common_lookup
              WHERE  common_lookup_table = 'TRANSACTION'
              AND    common_lookup_column = 'TRANSACTION_TYPE'
              AND    common_lookup_type = 'CREDIT') THEN
          END AS transaction_type

The second element of student thought at issue is the CROSS JOIN to the in-line view. It does one thing right and another wrong. It uses the unique key to identify a single row, which effectively adds all the columns for that one row to all rows returned from the external transaction_reversal table. The CROSS JOIN is a correct approach to adding values for computations to a query when you need those columns for computations. The problem with this CROSS JOIN logic may not be immediately obvious when you write it in ANSI SQL 1992 syntax, but it should become obvious when you replace the inline view with a Common Table Expression (CTE) in ANSI SQL 1999 syntax, like:

(WITH cte AS
  FROM   common_lookup
  WHERE  common_lookup_table = 'TRANSACTION'
  AND    common_lookup_column = 'TRANSACTION_TYPE'
  AND    common_lookup_type = 'CREDIT')
 SELECT   transaction_s1.NEXTVAL
 ,        tr.transaction_account
 ,        cte.common_lookup_id AS transaction_type
 ,        tr.transaction_date
 ,       (tr.transaction_amount / 1.06) AS transaction_amount
 ,        tr.rental_id
 ,        tr.payment_method_type
 ,        tr.payment_account_number
 ,        tr.created_by
 ,        tr.creation_date
 ,        tr.last_updated_by
 ,        tr.last_update_date
 FROM     transaction_reversal tr CROSS JOIN cte);

Unfortunately, you would discover that Oracle Database 11g does not support the use of an ANSI SQL 1999 WITH clause inside as the source for an INSERT statement. Oracle Database 12c does support the use of the ANSI SQL 1999 WITH clause inside a subquery of an INSERT statement. That’s an “Oops!” for Oracle 11g because that means the Oracle database fails to meet the ANSI SQL 1999 compliance test. 😉 Great that they fixed it in Oracle 12c. While the nested query would work in Oracle as an ordinary query (outside of an INSERT statement). It raises the following error when you embed it in an INSERT statement:

ERROR AT line 20:
ORA-32034: unsupported USE OF WITH clause

The WITH clause does highlight a key problem with the idea of a CROSS JOIN in this situation. You don’t need all the columns from the common_lookup table. You only need the common_lookup_id column. That make the CROSS JOIN approach suboptimal if it worked.

The complex logic in the original approach is wasted. That’s true because the common_lookup_id value can be supplied to each row as the value from a scalar subquery. The scalar query runs once and the result is placed in the return set for each row. You implement the scalar subquery in the SELECT clause, like:

(SELECT   transaction_s1.NEXTVAL
 ,        tr.transaction_account
 ,       (SELECT common_lookup_id
          FROM   common_lookup
          WHERE  common_lookup_table = 'TRANSACTION'
          AND    common_lookup_column = 'TRANSACTION_TYPE'
          AND    common_lookup_type = 'CREDIT') AS transaction_type
 ,        tr.transaction_date
 ,       (tr.transaction_amount / 1.06) AS transaction_amount
 ,        tr.rental_id
 ,        tr.payment_method_type
 ,        tr.payment_account_number
 ,        tr.created_by
 ,        tr.creation_date
 ,        tr.last_updated_by
 ,        tr.last_update_date
 FROM     transaction_reversal tr);

There really was no intent or logical outcome where the value from the original CASE statement would be different than the subquery’s common_lookup_id value. That fact makes adding an ELSE clause useless, and the solution viable though inefficient. Also, there was no need for the additional columns from the common_lookup table because they are unused. The subquery on lines 4 through 8 provides the optimal solution and improved efficiency.

Developers should ask themselves two questions when they write SQL:

  • If my logic is so elegant why do I need it to be so elegant?
  • Is there a simpler solution to provide the desired result set?

If there aren’t good answers to both questions, they should re-write it. I hope the examples answer questions and help folks solve problems.

Written by maclochlainn

July 9th, 2017 at 11:08 am