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Archive for May, 2018

Ruby GEM Mongo

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While trying to use the Ruby gem utility to install the MongoDB gem, I encountered an error on a new Fedora 27 instance. This is the error message:

Fetching: bson-4.3.0.gem (100%)
Building native extensions.  This could take a while...
ERROR:  Error installing mongo:
        ERROR: Failed to build gem native extension.
    current directory: /usr/local/share/gems/gems/bson-4.3.0/ext/bson
/usr/bin/ruby -r ./siteconf20180517-49401-1htl7zc.rb extconf.rb
mkmf.rb can't find header files for ruby at /usr/share/include/ruby.h
extconf failed, exit code 1
Gem files will remain installed in /usr/local/share/gems/gems/bson-4.3.0 for inspection.
Results logged to /usr/local/lib64/gems/ruby/bson-4.3.0/gem_make.out
[student@localhost ~]$ ruby --version
ruby 2.4.3p205 (2017-12-14 revision 61247) [x86_64-linux]

There wasn’t much on the error but I checked the Ruby installation and ruby-devel package wasn’t installed by default. That’s odd since I choose to install the development components on the workstation.

Not a problem, I simply ran the yum utility as root through a sudoer user to install the ruby-devel package:

yum install -y ruby-devel

You should see a successful installation log like:

As I suspected, it fixed the problem immediately when I ran gem utility to install the mongo gem. The syntax to install the mongo gem is:

gem install mongo

The console output should be:

Building native extensions.  This could take a while...
Successfully installed bson-4.3.0
Fetching: mongo-2.5.3.gem (100%)
Successfully installed mongo-2.5.3
Parsing documentation for bson-4.3.0
Installing ri documentation for bson-4.3.0
Parsing documentation for mongo-2.5.3
Installing ri documentation for mongo-2.5.3
Done installing documentation for bson, mongo after 3 seconds
2 gems installed

You can now write and run a Ruby test MongoDB connection program. Here’s a basic MongoDBTest.rb Ruby file:

# Require libraries.
require 'rubygems'
require 'mongo'
# Create a new connection to MongoDB.
$client =['localhost'])
puts 'Connected to MongoDB'
puts '===================='
puts 'Database Names:'
puts '---------------'
$client.database_names.each{|name| puts name}

After you create the MongoDBTest.rb file, you need to change its permissions with the chmod utility as follows:

chmod 755 MongoDBTest.rb

Then, you can run it as follows from the directory where you created the file:


Unless you’ve added something to the base MongoDB instance, it should print:

Connected to MongoDB
Database Names:

As always, I hope this helps somebody looking for a straightforward example and solution.

Written by maclochlainn

May 17th, 2018 at 2:00 pm

Cassandra on Fedora 27

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The last time that I installed Cassandra was on a version of Fedora 20. So, I new the first thing to check was the installation of Java. You can check the Java installation with two statements on a fresh installation of Fedora 27. You need to check the Java runtime and then the Java Software Development Kit before installing, starting, and using Cassandra.

Installing Prerequisites

You check the Java runtime with this command:

java -version

It should return:

openjdk version "1.8.0_171"
OpenJDK Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_171-b10)
OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.171-b10, mixed mode)

You check the Java Software Development Kit (JSDK) with this command:

javac -version

It should return:

javac 1.8.0_171

After verifying the Java and JSDK installation, you can install the Cassandra packages with the following yum command as the root user or a user with sudoer privileges:

yum install -y *cassandra*

You should see a successful installation log like:

Starting Cassandra

After you install Cassandra, you can start it as any sudoer user with the following syntax:

sudo cassandra -R

Using Cassandra

You can connect to the Cassandra server with the cqlsh client software. You use the following syntax:


You should see the Cassandra version information, and then you can type help at the cqlsh> prompt to see the available commands:

Connected TO Test Cluster at
[cqlsh 5.0.1 | Cassandra 3.11.1 | CQL spec 3.4.4 | Native protocol v4]
cqlsh> help
Documented shell commands:
CQL help topics:
AGGREGATES               CREATE_KEYSPACE           DROP_TRIGGER      TEXT     
ALTER_TABLE              CREATE_TABLE              FUNCTIONS         TRUNCATE 
ALTER_TYPE               CREATE_TRIGGER            GRANT             TYPES    
ALTER_USER               CREATE_TYPE               INSERT            UPDATE   
APPLY                    CREATE_USER               INSERT_JSON       USE      
ASCII                    DATE                      INT               UUID     
BATCH                    DELETE                    JSON            
BEGIN                    DROP_AGGREGATE            KEYWORDS        
BOOLEAN                  DROP_FUNCTION             LIST_ROLES      
COUNTER                  DROP_INDEX                LIST_USERS      
CREATE_FUNCTION          DROP_ROLE                 SELECT          
CREATE_INDEX             DROP_TABLE                SELECT_JSON

Here’s my script that creates Cassandra keyspace, which is more or less a database. You use the USE command to connect to the keyspace or database, like you would in MySQL. You do not have sequences in Cassandra because they’re not a good fit for a distributed architecture. Cassandra does not support a native procedural extension like relational databases. You must create User-defined functions (UDFs) by embedding the logic in Java.

This script does the following:

  • Creates a keyspace
  • Uses the keyspace
  • Conditionally drops tables and functions
  • Creates two tables
  • Inserts data into the two tables
  • Queries data from the tables

I also included a call to a UDF inside a query in two of the examples. One of the queries demonstrates how to return a JSON structure from a query. To simplify things and provide clarification of the scripts behaviors, the details are outlined below.

  • The first segment of the script creates the keyspace, changes the scope to use the keyspace, conditionally drop tables, create tables, and insert values into the tables:

    /* Create a keyspace in Cassandra, which is like a database
       in MySQL or a schema in Oracle. */
        ,'replication_factor': 1 }
      AND DURABLE_WRITES = true;
    /* Use the keyspace or connect to the database. */
    USE student;
    /* Drop the member table from the student keyspace. */
    /* Create a member table in the student keyspace. */
    CREATE TABLE member
    ( member_number       VARCHAR
    , member_type         VARCHAR
    , credit_card_number  VARCHAR
    , credit_card_type    VARCHAR
    , PRIMARY KEY ( member_number ));
    /* Conditionally drop the contact table from the student keyspace. */
    /* Create a contact table in the student keyspace. */
    CREATE TABLE contact
    ( contact_number      VARCHAR
    , contact_type        VARCHAR
    , first_name          VARCHAR
    , middle_name         VARCHAR
    , last_name           VARCHAR
    , member_number       VARCHAR
    , PRIMARY KEY ( contact_number ));
    /* Insert a row into the member table. */
    INSERT INTO member
    ( member_number, member_type, credit_card_number, credit_card_type )
    /* Insert a row into the contact table. */
    INSERT INTO contact
    ( contact_number, contact_type, first_name, middle_name, last_name, member_number )
    ('CUS_00001','FAMILY','Barry', NULL,'Allen','SFO-12345');
    /* Insert a row into the contact table. */
    INSERT INTO contact
    ( contact_number, contact_type, first_name, middle_name, last_name, member_number )
    ('CUS_00002','FAMILY','Iris', NULL,'West-Allen','SFO-12345');
    /* Insert a row into the member table. */
    INSERT INTO member
    ( member_number, member_type, credit_card_number, credit_card_type )
    /* Insert a row into the contact table. */
    INSERT INTO contact
    ( contact_number, contact_type, first_name, middle_name, last_name, member_number )
  • The following queries the member table:

    /* Select all columns from the member table. */
    SELECT * FROM member;

    It returns the following:

     member_number | credit_card_number  | credit_card_type | member_type
         SFO-12345 | 2222-4444-5555-6666 |             VISA |       GROUP
         SFO-12346 | 3333-8888-9999-2222 |             VISA |       GROUP
  • Create a concatenate User-defined function (UDF) for Cassandra. The first step requires you to edit the cassandra.yaml file, which you find in the /etc/cassandra/default.conf directory. There is a single parameter that you need to edit, and it is the enable_user_defined_functions parameter. By default the parameter is set to false, and you need to enable it to create UDFs.

    After you make the edit, the cassandra.yaml file should look like this:

    # If unset, all GC Pauses greater than gc_log_threshold_in_ms will log at
    # INFO level
    # UDFs (user defined functions) are disabled by default.
    # As of Cassandra 3.0 there is a sandbox in place that should prevent execution of evil code.
    enable_user_defined_functions: true

    After you make the change, you can create your own UDF. The following UDF formats the first, middle, and last name so there’s only one whitespace between the first and last name when there middle name value is null.

    This type of function must use a CALLED ON NULL INPUT clause in lieu of a RETURNS NULL ON NULL INPUT clause. The latter would force the function to return a null value if any one of the parameters were null.

    /* Drop the concatenate function because a replace disallows changing a
       an "89: InvalidRequest" exception. */
    DROP FUNCTION concatenate;
    /* Create a user-defined function to concatenate names. */
    CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION concatenate (first_name VARCHAR, middle_name VARCHAR, last_name VARCHAR)
    LANGUAGE java
    AS $$
      /* Concatenate first and last names when middle name is null, and
         first, middle, and last names when middle name is not null. */
      String name;
      /* Check for null middle name. */
      if (middle_name == null) {
        name = first_name + " " + last_name; }
      else {
        name = first_name + " " + middle_name + " " + last_name; }
      return name;
  • Query the values from the contact table with the UDF function in the SELECT-list:

    /* Query the contact information. */
    SELECT member_number
    ,      contact_number
    ,      contact_type
    ,      concatenate(first_name, middle_name, last_name) AS full_name
    FROM   contact;

    It returns the following:

     member_number | contact_number | contact_type | full_name
         SFO-12345 |      CUS_00001 |       FAMILY |        Barry Allen
         SFO-12345 |      CUS_00002 |       FAMILY |    Iris West-Allen
         SFO-12346 |      CUS_00003 |       FAMILY | Caitlin Marie Snow
  • Query the values from the contact table with a JSON format:

    /* Query the contact information and return in a JSON format. */
    ,      contact_type
    ,      concatenate(first_name, middle_name, last_name) AS full_name
    FROM   contact;

    It returns the following:

    {"contact_number": "CUS_00001", "contact_type": "FAMILY", "full_name": "Barry Allen"}
    {"contact_number": "CUS_00002", "contact_type": "FAMILY", "full_name": "Iris West-Allen"}
    {"contact_number": "CUS_00003", "contact_type": "FAMILY", "full_name": "Caitlin Marie Snow"}

You can call the script from a relative directory inside cqlsh, like this:

SOURCE 'cstudent.cql'

At the end of the day, the concept of adding and removing nodes is attractive. Though, the lack of normal relational mechanics and narrowly supported set of CQL semantics leaves me with open questions. For example, is clustering without a coordinator really valuable enough to settle for eventual, or tunable, consistency with such a narrowly scoped query language?

As always, I hope this helps those looking for a quick how-to on Cassandra.

Written by maclochlainn

May 17th, 2018 at 12:38 am

MongoDB on Fedora 27

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I was very pleased to see MongoDB 3.4 in the repo for Fedora 27; however, I was quite frankly severely disappointed by the lack of concrete installation steps in the MongoDB in Action, Second Edition. The installation is straightforward as long as you remember that you don’t simply install a mongodb package. You need to install the mongodb and mongodb-server packages as well as some dependents.

As the root user, you can use yum to install them like this:

yum install -y mongo*

After installing the correct packages, you can start the MongoDB Daemon as a service using the root account or a sudoer account (if you get warning messages, you need to create a mongod file):

service mongod start

Finally, you can connect to the MongoDB client, like so:


Inside the mongo shell, you can check the MongoDB version with the following command:


It should print:


Or, you can check the statistics of a new empty instance:


A fresh installation of MongoDB 3.4.11 on Fedora 27 should return:

        "db" : "test",
        "collections" : 0,
        "views" : 0,
        "objects" : 0,
        "avgObjSize" : 0,
        "dataSize" : 0,
        "storageSize" : 0,
        "numExtents" : 0,
        "indexes" : 0,
        "indexSize" : 0,
        "fileSize" : 0,
        "ok" : 1

You can insert data into MongoDB by creating a database, which is simply a file. You use an existing database or file by using the use command. If the database or file doesn’t exist already, the use command creates the database.

use videodb

You can create a collection or table with the insert function. The following creates an item collection and adds two JSON objects to the item collection.

db.item.insert({item:"Star Wars: A New Hope"})

It returns:

WriteResult({ "nInserted" : 1 })

You can create or add to an item collection or table with the same insert function call. You simply enclose the list of collection elements in the square brackets of a JavaScript array or list. The following inserts the second and third Star Wars films:

db.item.insert([{item:"Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back"},{item:"Star Wars: Return of the Jedi"}])

It returns:

        "writeErrors" : [ ],
        "writeConcernErrors" : [ ],
        "nInserted" : 2,
        "nUpserted" : 0,
        "nMatched" : 0,
        "nModified" : 0,
        "nRemoved" : 0,
        "upserted" : [ ]

You can query the collection with the find function, like:


It returns:

{ "_id" : ObjectId("5b02732435b861850bc51ef1"), "item" : "Star Wars: A New Hope" }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("5b02734635b861850bc51ef2"), "item" : "Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back" }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("5b02734635b861850bc51ef3"), "item" : "Star Wars: Return of the Jedi" }

You can write large JavaScript files for bulk inserts. For example, the following users.js file:

  { contact_account: "CA_20170321_0001"
  , first_name: "Jonathan"
  , middle_name: "Eoin"
  , last_name: "MacGregor"
  , addresses:
      street_address: ["1111 Broadway","Suite 101"]
    , city: "Oakland"
    , state: "CA"
    , zip: "94607" 
, { contact_account: "CA_20170328_0001"
  , first_name: "Remington"
  , middle_name: "Alain" 
  , last_name: "Dennison"
  , addresses:
      street_address: ["2222 Broadway","Suite 121"]
    , city: "Oakland"
    , state: "CA"
    , zip: "94607" 

You can call the file with the load command from the interactive MongoDB command line:


You can query the results after you load the collection elements in the users collection with the following command:


It returns:

{ "_id" : ObjectId("5b0270d535b861850bc51eef"), "contact_account" : "CA_20170321_0001", "first_name" : "Jonathan", "middle_name" : "Eoin", "last_name" : "MacGregor", "addresses" : { "street_address" : [ "1111 Broadway", "Suite 101" ], "city" : "Oakland", "state" : "CA", "zip" : "94607" } }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("5b0270d535b861850bc51ef0"), "contact_account" : "CA_20170328_0001", "first_name" : "Remington", "middle_name" : "Alain", "last_name" : "Dennison", "addresses" : { "street_address" : [ "2222 Broadway", "Suite 121" ], "city" : "Oakland", "state" : "CA", "zip" : "94607" } }

In both cases, the item and user collections add a unique identifier. The unique identifier is much like a surrogate key in a relational database. That’s why you should always define a unique natural key in the definition of your collection.

As always, I hope this helps.

Written by maclochlainn

May 16th, 2018 at 6:05 pm

MySQL on Fedora 27

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While updating my class image to Fedora 27, I noticed that it installed the Akonadi Server. The documentation on the Akonadi server lacked some straightforward documentation. It also offered a bundled set of software that limited how to approach MySQL development.

So, I removed all those packages with the following syntax:

dnf remove `rpm -qa | grep akonadi`

After removing those Akonadi packages, I installed the MySQL Community Edition from the Fedora repo with this syntax:

yum install -y community-mysql*

Having installed MySQL Community Edition, I started the service with this command:

sudo service mysql start

Then, I ran the mysql_secure_installation script to secure the installation:


The script set the root user’s password, remove the anonymous user, disallow remote root login, and remove the test databases. Then, I verified connecting to the MySQL database with the following syntax:

mysql -uroot -ppassword

I enabled the MySQL Service to start with each reboot of the Fedora instance. I used the following command:

systemctl enable mysqld.service

It creates the following link:

ln -s '/etc/systemd/system/' '/usr/lib/systemd/system/mysqld.service'

Now, I need to install and configure Apache, PHP, and upgrade Oracle Database 11g XE’s APEX 4 to 5.

Written by maclochlainn

May 16th, 2018 at 2:13 am

PostgreSQL Calling File

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Somebody asked: How do you run a script file from PostgreSQL’s psql prompt? I created two files to answer the question. Here are the two files:

Static File

SELECT 'Hello World!';

Dynamic File

SELECT 'Hello ['||current_user||']!';

It’s a simple solution, you put a \i or \include before the script file name, like:

\i helloworld.sql

It outputs:

 Hello World!


\include hellowhom.sql

It outputs:

 Hello [student]!

I hope this helps those trying to call SQL script files from an interactive psql session.

Written by maclochlainn

May 14th, 2018 at 12:19 am

Setup PostgreSQL

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After you have installed PostgeSQL on Fedora 27 and initialized the database, you have several steps to configure a new instance. This blog post shows you how to create all the implementation pieces for a student database.

Connect as the postgres user from a sudoer user. It requires you to connect as the root user before you connect as the postgres user.

sudo sh

As the root user, you don’t need a password to connect as the postgres user:

su - postgres

As the postgres user, you own the PostgreSQL database and can connect to the database like the following:

[postgres@localhost ~]$ psql
psql (9.6.8)
Type "help" for help.

After you connect as the privileged postgres user, you can check the default data location with the following command:

postgres=# show data_directory;

It will return:

(1 row)

After you’ve initialized the PostgreSQL database, you may need to restart your database manually unless you configure the server to start it when you boot your server. The syntax to start the PostgreSQL database at the command-line as the postgres privileged user is:

postgres -D /var/lib/pgsql/data &

You can find detailed instructions in Chapter 18.3 Starting the Database Server web page. There are several options available to you to automate the starting process.

The instructions to build a postgresql.service actually require modification for Fedora 27. You should create the following file in the /etc/systemd/system directory:

Description=PostgreSQL database server
ExecStart=/usr/bin/postgres -D /var/lib/pgsql/data
ExecReload=/bin/kill -HUP $MAINPID

You can start the PostgreSQL service with the following command:

systemctl start postgresql.service >/dev/null

The following steps create tablespace, database, role, and user:

  1. Create Tablespace

You can create a video_db tablespace with the following syntax:

  OWNER postgres
  LOCATION '/var/lib/pgsql/data';

This will return the following:

WARNING:  tablespace location should not be inside the data directory

The warning only lets you know that you really shouldn’t create table spaces in the default data directory. You can query whether you successfully create the video_db tablespace with the following:

SELECT * FROM pg_tablespace;

It should return the following:

  spcname   | spcowner | spcacl | spcoptions 
 pg_default |       10 |        | 
 pg_global  |       10 |        | 
 video_db   |       10 |        | 
(3 rows)
  1. Create a Database

You can create a videodb database with the following syntax:

  WITH OWNER = postgres
       ENCODING = 'UTF8'
       TABLESPACE = video_db
       LC_COLLATE = 'en_US.UTF-8'
       LC_CTYPE = 'en_US.UTF-8'

Then, you can assign comment to the database with the following syntax:

COMMENT ON DATABASE videodb IS 'Video Database';
  1. Create a Role, Grant, and User

In this section you create a dba role, grant privileges on a videodb database to a role, and create a user with the role that you created previously with the following three statements. There are three steps in this sections.

  • The first step creates a dba role:

  • The second step grants all privileges on a videodb database to a dba role:

  • The third step creates a student user with the dba role:

    CREATE USER student
      WITH ROLE dba
           PASSWORD 'student';
  1. Connect to the videodb as the student user

You connect to the videodb database as the student user with the following command:

sql -d videodb -U student;

After connecting to the videodb database, you can query the current database, like

SELECT current_database();

It should return the following:

(1 row)

This has shown you how to create a videodb database, dba role, and student user.

Written by maclochlainn

May 13th, 2018 at 1:01 am

Fedora Install PostgreSQL

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The following shows you the install of PostgreSQL 9.6 on Fedora 27. You either use the sudoer privileges as a user in the sudoer group, or by using the su command to become the root user:

sudo yum install -y postgres*

It should display the following installation:

Last metadata expiration check: 2:22:55 ago on Sat 12 May 2018 02:48:53 PM MDT.
Package postgresql-libs-9.6.8-1.fc27.x86_64 is already installed, skipping.
Dependencies resolved.
 Package                               Arch         Version                 Repository     Size
 postgresql                            x86_64       9.6.8-1.fc27            updates       1.4 M
 postgresql-contrib                    x86_64       9.6.8-1.fc27            updates       746 k
 postgresql-dbi-link                   noarch       2.0.0-16.fc27           fedora        617 k
 postgresql-docs                       x86_64       9.6.8-1.fc27            updates        11 M
 postgresql-ip4r                       x86_64       2.0.2-14.fc27           fedora         68 k
 postgresql-jdbc                       noarch       9.4.1212-4.fc27         fedora        494 k
 postgresql-jdbc-javadoc               noarch       9.4.1212-4.fc27         fedora        396 k
 postgresql-jdbc-parent-poms           noarch       9.4.1212-4.fc27         fedora         25 k
 postgresql-odbc                       x86_64       09.06.0410-1.fc27       fedora        386 k
 postgresql-odbc-tests                 x86_64       09.06.0410-1.fc27       fedora        100 k
 postgresql-pgpool-II-devel            x86_64       3.6.5-3.fc27            fedora         26 k
 postgresql-pgpool-II-extensions       x86_64       3.6.5-3.fc27            fedora         26 k
 postgresql-pgpoolAdmin                noarch       3.6.1-2.fc27            fedora        890 k
 postgresql-plperl                     x86_64       9.6.8-1.fc27            updates        97 k
 postgresql-plpython                   x86_64       9.6.8-1.fc27            updates       111 k
 postgresql-plpython3                  x86_64       9.6.8-1.fc27            updates       110 k
 postgresql-plruby                     x86_64       0.5.4-15.fc27           fedora        105 k
 postgresql-plruby-doc                 x86_64       0.5.4-15.fc27           fedora         22 k
 postgresql-pltcl                      x86_64       9.6.8-1.fc27            updates        77 k
 postgresql-static                     x86_64       9.6.8-1.fc27            updates        80 k
 postgresql-upgrade                    x86_64       9.6.8-1.fc27            updates       3.1 M
 postgresql_autodoc                    noarch       1.41-8.fc27             fedora         31 k
Installing dependencies:
 libmemcached-libs                     x86_64       1.0.18-10.fc27          fedora        134 k
 nginx-filesystem                      noarch       1:1.12.1-1.fc27         fedora         20 k
 perl-DBD-Pg                           x86_64       3.7.0-1.fc27            fedora        212 k
 perl-HTML-Template                    noarch       2.97-3.fc27             fedora         79 k
 perl-YAML                             noarch       1.23-4.fc27             fedora         91 k
 php                                   x86_64       7.1.17-1.fc27           updates       2.8 M
 php-cli                               x86_64       7.1.17-1.fc27           updates       4.2 M
 php-common                            x86_64       7.1.17-1.fc27           updates       1.0 M
 php-json                              x86_64       7.1.17-1.fc27           updates        73 k
 php-pdo                               x86_64       7.1.17-1.fc27           updates       138 k
 php-pgsql                             x86_64       7.1.17-1.fc27           updates       135 k
 postgresql-devel                      x86_64       9.6.8-1.fc27            updates       1.2 M
 postgresql-pgpool-II                  x86_64       3.6.5-3.fc27            fedora        571 k
 postgresql-server                     x86_64       9.6.8-1.fc27            updates       4.7 M
 postgresql-test                       x86_64       9.6.8-1.fc27            updates       1.5 M
 tcl-pgtcl                             x86_64       2.1.1-6.fc27            fedora         99 k
 unixODBC-devel                        x86_64       2.3.5-2.fc27            updates        62 k
 uuid                                  x86_64       1.6.2-39.fc27           fedora         61 k
Installing weak dependencies:
 php-fpm                               x86_64       7.1.17-1.fc27           updates       1.5 M
Transaction Summary
Install  41 Packages
Total download size: 38 M
Installed size: 130 M
Downloading Packages:
(1/41): postgresql-ip4r-2.0.2-14.fc27.x86_64.rpm                128 kB/s |  68 kB     00:00    
(2/41): postgresql-jdbc-9.4.1212-4.fc27.noarch.rpm              650 kB/s | 494 kB     00:00    
(3/41): postgresql-dbi-link-2.0.0-16.fc27.noarch.rpm            803 kB/s | 617 kB     00:00    
(4/41): postgresql-jdbc-javadoc-9.4.1212-4.fc27.noarch.rpm      1.3 MB/s | 396 kB     00:00    
(5/41): postgresql-jdbc-parent-poms-9.4.1212-4.fc27.noarch.rpm  219 kB/s |  25 kB     00:00    
(6/41): postgresql-odbc-tests-09.06.0410-1.fc27.x86_64.rpm      679 kB/s | 100 kB     00:00    
(7/41): postgresql-pgpool-II-extensions-3.6.5-3.fc27.x86_64.rpm 206 kB/s |  26 kB     00:00    
(8/41): postgresql-plruby-0.5.4-15.fc27.x86_64.rpm              840 kB/s | 105 kB     00:00    
(9/41): postgresql-plruby-doc-0.5.4-15.fc27.x86_64.rpm          241 kB/s |  22 kB     00:00    
(10/41): postgresql-pgpoolAdmin-3.6.1-2.fc27.noarch.rpm         3.5 MB/s | 890 kB     00:00    
(11/41): postgresql_autodoc-1.41-8.fc27.noarch.rpm              336 kB/s |  31 kB     00:00    
(12/41): perl-YAML-1.23-4.fc27.noarch.rpm                       616 kB/s |  91 kB     00:00    
(13/41): postgresql-pgpool-II-3.6.5-3.fc27.x86_64.rpm           5.4 MB/s | 571 kB     00:00    
(14/41): perl-DBD-Pg-3.7.0-1.fc27.x86_64.rpm                    1.4 MB/s | 212 kB     00:00    
(15/41): perl-HTML-Template-2.97-3.fc27.noarch.rpm              774 kB/s |  79 kB     00:00    
(16/41): libmemcached-libs-1.0.18-10.fc27.x86_64.rpm            1.5 MB/s | 134 kB     00:00    
(17/41): postgresql-contrib-9.6.8-1.fc27.x86_64.rpm             807 kB/s | 746 kB     00:00    
(18/41): postgresql-upgrade-9.6.8-1.fc27.x86_64.rpm             2.7 MB/s | 3.1 MB     00:01    
(19/41): postgresql-9.6.8-1.fc27.x86_64.rpm                     4.5 MB/s | 1.4 MB     00:00    
(20/41): postgresql-server-9.6.8-1.fc27.x86_64.rpm              3.5 MB/s | 4.7 MB     00:01    
(21/41): postgresql-test-9.6.8-1.fc27.x86_64.rpm                6.4 MB/s | 1.5 MB     00:00    
(22/41): postgresql-pltcl-9.6.8-1.fc27.x86_64.rpm               324 kB/s |  77 kB     00:00    
(23/41): postgresql-plpython3-9.6.8-1.fc27.x86_64.rpm           693 kB/s | 110 kB     00:00    
(24/41): postgresql-plpython-9.6.8-1.fc27.x86_64.rpm            519 kB/s | 111 kB     00:00    
(25/41): postgresql-plperl-9.6.8-1.fc27.x86_64.rpm              515 kB/s |  97 kB     00:00    
(26/41): uuid-1.6.2-39.fc27.x86_64.rpm                          197 kB/s |  61 kB     00:00    
(27/41): postgresql-devel-9.6.8-1.fc27.x86_64.rpm               6.0 MB/s | 1.2 MB     00:00    
(28/41): postgresql-static-9.6.8-1.fc27.x86_64.rpm              608 kB/s |  80 kB     00:00    
(29/41): tcl-pgtcl-2.1.1-6.fc27.x86_64.rpm                      450 kB/s |  99 kB     00:00    
(30/41): postgresql-pgpool-II-devel-3.6.5-3.fc27.x86_64.rpm     295 kB/s |  26 kB     00:00    
(31/41): postgresql-docs-9.6.8-1.fc27.x86_64.rpm                 18 MB/s |  11 MB     00:00    
(32/41): php-7.1.17-1.fc27.x86_64.rpm                           8.5 MB/s | 2.8 MB     00:00    
(33/41): php-cli-7.1.17-1.fc27.x86_64.rpm                        13 MB/s | 4.2 MB     00:00    
(34/41): postgresql-odbc-09.06.0410-1.fc27.x86_64.rpm           662 kB/s | 386 kB     00:00    
(35/41): php-common-7.1.17-1.fc27.x86_64.rpm                    4.6 MB/s | 1.0 MB     00:00    
(36/41): php-json-7.1.17-1.fc27.x86_64.rpm                      409 kB/s |  73 kB     00:00    
(37/41): php-pgsql-7.1.17-1.fc27.x86_64.rpm                     607 kB/s | 135 kB     00:00    
(38/41): php-pdo-7.1.17-1.fc27.x86_64.rpm                       1.0 MB/s | 138 kB     00:00    
(39/41): unixODBC-devel-2.3.5-2.fc27.x86_64.rpm                 316 kB/s |  62 kB     00:00    
(40/41): nginx-filesystem-1.12.1-1.fc27.noarch.rpm              214 kB/s |  20 kB     00:00    
(41/41): php-fpm-7.1.17-1.fc27.x86_64.rpm                       4.1 MB/s | 1.5 MB     00:00    
Total                                                           7.1 MB/s |  38 MB     00:05     
warning: /var/cache/dnf/fedora-cba4cf65782eccda/packages/postgresql-dbi-link-2.0.0-16.fc27.noarch.rpm: Header V3 RSA/SHA256 Signature, key ID f5282ee4: NOKEY
Importing GPG key 0xF5282EE4:
 Userid     : "Fedora 27 (27) <>"
 Fingerprint: 860E 19B0 AFA8 00A1 7518 81A6 F55E 7430 F528 2EE4
 From       : /etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-fedora-27-x86_64
Key imported successfully
Running transaction check
Transaction check succeeded.
Running transaction test
Transaction test succeeded.
Running transaction
  Preparing        :                                                                        1/1 
  Installing       : php-json-7.1.17-1.fc27.x86_64                                         1/41 
  Installing       : php-common-7.1.17-1.fc27.x86_64                                       2/41 
  Installing       : postgresql-9.6.8-1.fc27.x86_64                                        3/41 
  Running scriptlet: postgresql-server-9.6.8-1.fc27.x86_64                                 4/41 
  Installing       : postgresql-server-9.6.8-1.fc27.x86_64                                 4/41 
  Running scriptlet: postgresql-server-9.6.8-1.fc27.x86_64                                 4/41 
  Installing       : postgresql-devel-9.6.8-1.fc27.x86_64                                  5/41 
  Installing       : postgresql-test-9.6.8-1.fc27.x86_64                                   6/41 
  Installing       : postgresql-plruby-0.5.4-15.fc27.x86_64                                7/41 
  Installing       : php-cli-7.1.17-1.fc27.x86_64                                          8/41 
  Installing       : php-7.1.17-1.fc27.x86_64                                              9/41 
  Installing       : php-pdo-7.1.17-1.fc27.x86_64                                         10/41 
  Installing       : php-pgsql-7.1.17-1.fc27.x86_64                                       11/41 
  Running scriptlet: nginx-filesystem-1:1.12.1-1.fc27.noarch                              12/41 
  Installing       : nginx-filesystem-1:1.12.1-1.fc27.noarch                              12/41 
  Installing       : unixODBC-devel-2.3.5-2.fc27.x86_64                                   13/41 
  Installing       : postgresql-odbc-09.06.0410-1.fc27.x86_64                             14/41 
  Running scriptlet: postgresql-odbc-09.06.0410-1.fc27.x86_64                             14/41 
  Installing       : tcl-pgtcl-2.1.1-6.fc27.x86_64                                        15/41 
  Installing       : uuid-1.6.2-39.fc27.x86_64                                            16/41 
  Running scriptlet: uuid-1.6.2-39.fc27.x86_64                                            16/41 
  Installing       : libmemcached-libs-1.0.18-10.fc27.x86_64                              17/41 
  Running scriptlet: libmemcached-libs-1.0.18-10.fc27.x86_64                              17/41 
  Installing       : postgresql-pgpool-II-3.6.5-3.fc27.x86_64                             18/41 
  Running scriptlet: postgresql-pgpool-II-3.6.5-3.fc27.x86_64                             18/41 
  Installing       : perl-HTML-Template-2.97-3.fc27.noarch                                19/41 
  Installing       : perl-DBD-Pg-3.7.0-1.fc27.x86_64                                      20/41 
  Installing       : perl-YAML-1.23-4.fc27.noarch                                         21/41 
  Installing       : postgresql-dbi-link-2.0.0-16.fc27.noarch                             22/41 
  Installing       : postgresql_autodoc-1.41-8.fc27.noarch                                23/41 
  Installing       : postgresql-pgpool-II-extensions-3.6.5-3.fc27.x86_64                  24/41 
  Installing       : postgresql-pgpoolAdmin-3.6.1-2.fc27.noarch                           25/41 
  Running scriptlet: postgresql-pgpoolAdmin-3.6.1-2.fc27.noarch                           25/41 
httpd.service is not active, cannot reload.
warning: %post(postgresql-pgpoolAdmin-3.6.1-2.fc27.noarch) scriptlet failed, exit status 1
Non-fatal POSTIN scriptlet failure in rpm package postgresql-pgpoolAdmin
Non-fatal POSTIN scriptlet failure in rpm package postgresql-pgpoolAdmin
  Installing       : postgresql-pgpool-II-devel-3.6.5-3.fc27.x86_64                       26/41 
  Installing       : postgresql-contrib-9.6.8-1.fc27.x86_64                               27/41 
  Installing       : postgresql-pltcl-9.6.8-1.fc27.x86_64                                 28/41 
  Installing       : postgresql-odbc-tests-09.06.0410-1.fc27.x86_64                       29/41 
  Installing       : php-fpm-7.1.17-1.fc27.x86_64                                         30/41 
  Running scriptlet: php-fpm-7.1.17-1.fc27.x86_64                                         30/41 
  Installing       : postgresql-plruby-doc-0.5.4-15.fc27.x86_64                           31/41 
  Installing       : postgresql-static-9.6.8-1.fc27.x86_64                                32/41 
  Installing       : postgresql-ip4r-2.0.2-14.fc27.x86_64                                 33/41 
  Installing       : postgresql-upgrade-9.6.8-1.fc27.x86_64                               34/41 
  Installing       : postgresql-plpython3-9.6.8-1.fc27.x86_64                             35/41 
  Installing       : postgresql-plpython-9.6.8-1.fc27.x86_64                              36/41 
  Installing       : postgresql-plperl-9.6.8-1.fc27.x86_64                                37/41 
  Installing       : postgresql-docs-9.6.8-1.fc27.x86_64                                  38/41 
  Installing       : postgresql-jdbc-parent-poms-9.4.1212-4.fc27.noarch                   39/41 
  Installing       : postgresql-jdbc-javadoc-9.4.1212-4.fc27.noarch                       40/41 
  Installing       : postgresql-jdbc-9.4.1212-4.fc27.noarch                               41/41 
  Running scriptlet: postgresql-jdbc-9.4.1212-4.fc27.noarch                               41/41 
Running as unit: run-r4842574cdaba436d90aabf16c83a6041.service
  Verifying        : postgresql-dbi-link-2.0.0-16.fc27.noarch                              1/41 
  Verifying        : postgresql-ip4r-2.0.2-14.fc27.x86_64                                  2/41 
  Verifying        : postgresql-jdbc-9.4.1212-4.fc27.noarch                                3/41 
  Verifying        : postgresql-jdbc-javadoc-9.4.1212-4.fc27.noarch                        4/41 
  Verifying        : postgresql-jdbc-parent-poms-9.4.1212-4.fc27.noarch                    5/41 
  Verifying        : postgresql-odbc-tests-09.06.0410-1.fc27.x86_64                        6/41 
  Verifying        : postgresql-pgpool-II-extensions-3.6.5-3.fc27.x86_64                   7/41 
  Verifying        : postgresql-pgpoolAdmin-3.6.1-2.fc27.noarch                            8/41 
  Verifying        : postgresql-plruby-0.5.4-15.fc27.x86_64                                9/41 
  Verifying        : postgresql-plruby-doc-0.5.4-15.fc27.x86_64                           10/41 
  Verifying        : postgresql_autodoc-1.41-8.fc27.noarch                                11/41 
  Verifying        : perl-YAML-1.23-4.fc27.noarch                                         12/41 
  Verifying        : postgresql-pgpool-II-3.6.5-3.fc27.x86_64                             13/41 
  Verifying        : perl-DBD-Pg-3.7.0-1.fc27.x86_64                                      14/41 
  Verifying        : perl-HTML-Template-2.97-3.fc27.noarch                                15/41 
  Verifying        : libmemcached-libs-1.0.18-10.fc27.x86_64                              16/41 
  Verifying        : postgresql-upgrade-9.6.8-1.fc27.x86_64                               17/41 
  Verifying        : postgresql-server-9.6.8-1.fc27.x86_64                                18/41 
  Verifying        : postgresql-contrib-9.6.8-1.fc27.x86_64                               19/41 
  Verifying        : postgresql-9.6.8-1.fc27.x86_64                                       20/41 
  Verifying        : postgresql-test-9.6.8-1.fc27.x86_64                                  21/41 
  Verifying        : postgresql-pltcl-9.6.8-1.fc27.x86_64                                 22/41 
  Verifying        : postgresql-plpython3-9.6.8-1.fc27.x86_64                             23/41 
  Verifying        : postgresql-plpython-9.6.8-1.fc27.x86_64                              24/41 
  Verifying        : postgresql-plperl-9.6.8-1.fc27.x86_64                                25/41 
  Verifying        : uuid-1.6.2-39.fc27.x86_64                                            26/41 
  Verifying        : postgresql-docs-9.6.8-1.fc27.x86_64                                  27/41 
  Verifying        : postgresql-devel-9.6.8-1.fc27.x86_64                                 28/41 
  Verifying        : tcl-pgtcl-2.1.1-6.fc27.x86_64                                        29/41 
  Verifying        : postgresql-static-9.6.8-1.fc27.x86_64                                30/41 
  Verifying        : postgresql-odbc-09.06.0410-1.fc27.x86_64                             31/41 
  Verifying        : postgresql-pgpool-II-devel-3.6.5-3.fc27.x86_64                       32/41 
  Verifying        : php-7.1.17-1.fc27.x86_64                                             33/41 
  Verifying        : php-cli-7.1.17-1.fc27.x86_64                                         34/41 
  Verifying        : php-common-7.1.17-1.fc27.x86_64                                      35/41 
  Verifying        : php-json-7.1.17-1.fc27.x86_64                                        36/41 
  Verifying        : php-pgsql-7.1.17-1.fc27.x86_64                                       37/41 
  Verifying        : php-pdo-7.1.17-1.fc27.x86_64                                         38/41 
  Verifying        : unixODBC-devel-2.3.5-2.fc27.x86_64                                   39/41 
  Verifying        : php-fpm-7.1.17-1.fc27.x86_64                                         40/41 
  Verifying        : nginx-filesystem-1:1.12.1-1.fc27.noarch                              41/41 
  postgresql.x86_64 9.6.8-1.fc27                                                                
  postgresql-contrib.x86_64 9.6.8-1.fc27                                                        
  postgresql-dbi-link.noarch 2.0.0-16.fc27                                                      
  postgresql-docs.x86_64 9.6.8-1.fc27                                                           
  postgresql-ip4r.x86_64 2.0.2-14.fc27                                                          
  postgresql-jdbc.noarch 9.4.1212-4.fc27                                                        
  postgresql-jdbc-javadoc.noarch 9.4.1212-4.fc27                                                
  postgresql-jdbc-parent-poms.noarch 9.4.1212-4.fc27                                            
  postgresql-odbc.x86_64 09.06.0410-1.fc27                                                      
  postgresql-odbc-tests.x86_64 09.06.0410-1.fc27                                                
  postgresql-pgpool-II-devel.x86_64 3.6.5-3.fc27                                                
  postgresql-pgpool-II-extensions.x86_64 3.6.5-3.fc27                                           
  postgresql-pgpoolAdmin.noarch 3.6.1-2.fc27                                                    
  postgresql-plperl.x86_64 9.6.8-1.fc27                                                         
  postgresql-plpython.x86_64 9.6.8-1.fc27                                                       
  postgresql-plpython3.x86_64 9.6.8-1.fc27                                                      
  postgresql-plruby.x86_64 0.5.4-15.fc27                                                        
  postgresql-plruby-doc.x86_64 0.5.4-15.fc27                                                    
  postgresql-pltcl.x86_64 9.6.8-1.fc27                                                          
  postgresql-static.x86_64 9.6.8-1.fc27                                                         
  postgresql-upgrade.x86_64 9.6.8-1.fc27                                                        
  postgresql_autodoc.noarch 1.41-8.fc27                                                         
  php-fpm.x86_64 7.1.17-1.fc27                                                                  
  libmemcached-libs.x86_64 1.0.18-10.fc27                                                       
  nginx-filesystem.noarch 1:1.12.1-1.fc27                                                       
  perl-DBD-Pg.x86_64 3.7.0-1.fc27                                                               
  perl-HTML-Template.noarch 2.97-3.fc27                                                         
  perl-YAML.noarch 1.23-4.fc27                                                                  
  php.x86_64 7.1.17-1.fc27                                                                      
  php-cli.x86_64 7.1.17-1.fc27                                                                  
  php-common.x86_64 7.1.17-1.fc27                                                               
  php-json.x86_64 7.1.17-1.fc27                                                                 
  php-pdo.x86_64 7.1.17-1.fc27                                                                  
  php-pgsql.x86_64 7.1.17-1.fc27                                                                
  postgresql-devel.x86_64 9.6.8-1.fc27                                                          
  postgresql-pgpool-II.x86_64 3.6.5-3.fc27                                                      
  postgresql-server.x86_64 9.6.8-1.fc27                                                         
  postgresql-test.x86_64 9.6.8-1.fc27                                                           
  tcl-pgtcl.x86_64 2.1.1-6.fc27                                                                 
  unixODBC-devel.x86_64 2.3.5-2.fc27                                                            
  uuid.x86_64 1.6.2-39.fc27                                                                     

While I started the PostgreSQL instance with the following:

service postgresql initdb

It gave me the following warning:

Hint: the preferred way to do this is now "/usr/bin/postgresql-setup --initdb --unit postgresql"
 * Initializing database in '/var/lib/pgsql/data'
 * Initialized, logs are in /var/lib/pgsql/initdb_postgresql.log

So, you should use the following to initialize the PostgreSQL database:

/usr/bin/postgresql-setup --initdb --unit postgresql

As always, I hope this helps those looking for the hidden configuration script.

Written by maclochlainn

May 12th, 2018 at 10:58 pm