reCAPTCHA on WordPress
I put up a contact page (@Contact Me) for two reasons. Too many folks wanted to ask something and could only do so through a comment. I would review the comment, email them, et cetera. Reason two is simpler, I should have done it from the outset.
There were a few gotchas beyond installing and securing your public and private keys. I figured that it might be helpful to note them here, especially if I have to troubleshoot it later. 😉
- You need create a template, like
script, which should include your contact form. You’ll also embed some reCAPTCHA PHP inside this file.
Make sure that your action attribute points to the following location, which is discussed later in step 5.
<?php <form action="/wp-content/themes/<theme name>/contact_code.php" class="contact" method="post"> ?> |
The reCAPTCHA PHP should be the last element in your form tag set.
<?php // Include the reCAPTCHA library, this assumes a relative directory. require_once('recaptchalib.php'); // Get a key from $publickey = "<your public key value goes here>"; // The response from reCAPTCHA $resp = null; // The error code from reCAPTCHA, if any $error = null; echo recaptcha_get_html($publickey, $error); ?> |
- You need to put the following WordPress template stub at the beginning of your
<?php /* Template Name: contact */ ?> |
- After you create and position the
file in the/wp-content/themes/<theme_name>/
within the document root, you should create a new blog page. You don’t put any text in the page, rather you simply choose thecontact.php
from your list of templates. You also need a title for the page, I used @contact-me (the @ won’t be used in any reference in the URL), which is an alias to the page
- You need to put the balance of your PHP code in a separate file, like
and put the URL re-write and reCAPTCHA calls here.
<?php // Include the library for reCAPTCHA at the theme level in the file hierarchy. require_once('recaptchalib.php'); // Put any form PHP here. // Declare your private key. $privatekey = "<put your private key here>"; // Check whether there a reCAPTCHA response? if ($_POST["recaptcha_response_field"]) { $resp = recaptcha_check_answer($privatekey ,$_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"] ,$_POST["recaptcha_challenge_field"] ,$_POST["recaptcha_response_field"]); // Check for valid response. if ($resp->is_valid) { if(!$errors) { $to = '<email here>@<domain here>'; $subject = $subject; $message = "From: ".$name."\nMessage: ".$message; $from = 'From:'.$email; mail($to,$subject,$message,$from); // Set the header to the document root when successful. header("Location: /"); } } else { // Set the header to the virtual path for the contact page. header("Location: /contact-me/"); $error = $resp->error; } } ?> |
That’s about it. If I forgot something, you’ll let me know.