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MySQL and Java Tutorial

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This demonstrates how to create an Java infrastructure for reading and writing large text files to a MySQL database. The example provides:

  • A FileIO.jar library that lets you enter MySQL connection parameters through a JOptionPane, and a customized JFileChooser to filter and read source files from the file system.
  • A mysql-connector-java-3.1.14-bin.jar file, which is MySQL’s library for JDBC communication with the MySQL Databases.

The steps to compiling and testing this code are qualified below:

  1. Download and install the Java Software Development Kit (JSDK) for Java 6.
  2. Create a C:\JavaTest folder on Windows, or a /JavaTest directory from some mount point of your choice.
  3. Download and position the mysql-connector-java-3.1.14-bin.jar and FileIO.jar files in the JavaTest directory.
  4. Create a batch file to source your environment path (%PATH% on Windows and $PATH on Linux or Mac OS X) and the two Java Archive (JAR) files. A sample batch file is noted below:
set PATH=C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_07\bin;%PATH%
set CLASSPATH=C:\JavaDev\Java6\mysql-connector-java-3.1.14-bin.jar;C:\JavaDev\Java6\FileIO.jar;.

You can run this file by simply typing the files first name. On Linux or Mac OS X, you first need to grant it privileges with the chmod command as 755.

  1. Copy the code from the bottom of this posting and also put it into the JavaTest directory.
  2. Compile the source code with the javac utility, as shown below:

After you compile it, you should run it as follows:

java WriteReadCLOBMysql
  1. Before running the code, you’ll need to seed (INSERT) a row that meets the desired hard coded criteria. It requires an ITEM_TITLE value of 'The Lord of the Rings - Fellowship of the Ring' and an ITEM_SUBTITLE of 'Widescreen Edition' in the ITEM table.
  2. When it runs, you’ll see the following tabbed JOptionPane.

You need to enter the following values before clicking the OK button:

  • Host: The localhost key word, or hostname of your physical machine running the database.
  • Port: The port that the MySQL Listener is running on (the default value is 3306).
  • Database: The Oracle TNS Alias, which is sampledb for the full database sample database.
  • UserID: The user name with permissions to the database entered that can access an ITEM table.
  • Password: The password for the user’s account.

In the JFileChooser, select a file to upload to the database.

You should see what you uploaded displayed in a JFrame.

Written by maclochlainn

November 14th, 2011 at 4:49 pm

Posted in Java,LAMP,MAMP,MySQL