PHP DB Connection Class
PHP namespaces are new to PHP 5.3 (2012), but PHP class files have been around since PHP 5 was introduced. However, a couple students had problems creating working code from the many fragments published else where. Here’s my attempt to qualify it in a single post, running Zend Server Community Edition 6 and Oracle Database 11g.
The first thing you need to understand is a namespace. Namespaces exist to disambiguate (tell the difference between) class files that share the same name. After all, there are only so many obvious things to call class files. You can put classes, interfaces, functions, and constants in namespaces.
Let’s say you qualify your namespace as:
namespace Oracle\Db; |
You would make that the first thing in a PHP file, and shouldn’t include any HTML. You would then use a require()
, require_once()
, include()
, or include_once()
to add the class to a PHP file that uses the namespace qualified file. Then, you would construct a new instance of your PHP class. Together, these two steps would look like this:
require_once('Db.php'); $db = new \Oracle\Db\Db("Test Example","Author"); |
Notice the back slash in front of the Oracle namespace, and then you provide the namespace qualified file name (minus the file extension) and the class name. Since the namespace qualified file name and class name are the same, you see the double Db
Here is a basic (starter) Oracle database connection class file, which you should store as Db.php
in the Apache’s htdocs\Oracle
<?php /* Declare a namespace, available from PHP 5.3 forward. */ namespace Oracle\Db; /* Create a Database Connection class. */ class Db { /* Declare class variables. */ protected $conn = null; protected $stmt = null; protected $prefetch = 100; /* Declare the default construction function. */ function __construct($module, $cid) { // Construct a connection and suppress errors and warnings. $this->conn = @oci_connect(SCHEMA, PASSWD, TNS_ID, CHARSET); // Check for a connection, and process the work. if (!$this->conn) { // Assign Oracle error message. $msg = oci_error(); /* The \ preceding Exception is necessary because of the introduction of namespaces in PHP 5.3. Without it, the program would attempt to call \Oracle\Exception rather than our little runtime example. */ throw new \Exception('Cannot connect to database: '.$msg['message']); } /* Set Oracle Call Interface parameters. * ========================================================= * - The oci_set_client_info() function replaces a call * to the DBMS_APPLICATION_INFO package, and much more * efficient. * - The oci_set_module_name() function allows you to * register the function name that calls the Db class. * - The oci_set_client_identifier() function and you * use it with DBMS_MONITOR.CLIENT_ID_TRACE_ENABLE, * which can be enabled with a call to the * DBMS_MONITOR.SERV_MOD_ACT_STAT_ENABLE. * ========================================================= */ oci_set_client_info($this->conn, "Administrator"); oci_set_module_name($this->conn, $module); oci_set_client_identifier($this->conn, $cid); } /* Declare execute function. */ public function execute($sql, $action, $bindvars = array()) { // Parse statement. $this->stmt = oci_parse($this->conn, $sql); // Check for a prefetch value greater than zero. if ($this->prefetch >= 0) { oci_set_prefetch($this->stmt, $this->prefetch); } // Read the list of bind variables and bind them. foreach ($bindvars as $bv) { oci_bind_by_name($this->stmt, $bv[0], $bv[1], $bv[2]); } // Set the action name for Oracle tracing and execute statement. oci_set_action($this->conn, $action); // Set to auto commit. oci_execute($this->stmt); } /* Declare function that fetches all. */ public function execFetchAll($sql, $action, $bindvars = array()) { $this->execute($sql, $action, $bindvars); oci_fetch_all($this->stmt, $res, 0, -1, OCI_FETCHSTATEMENT_BY_ROW); // Free statement resources. $this->stmt = null; return($res); } /* Declare the default destructor function. */ function __destruct() { if ($this->stmt) oci_free_statement($this->stmt); if ($this->conn) oci_close($this->conn); } } ?> |
Here is a credential file for Oracle, where the network SID is orcl
(change orcl
to xe
when using the Oracle Express Edition):
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 | <?php // Connection variables. define('SCHEMA',"student"); define('PASSWD',"student"); define('TNS_ID',"localhost/orcl"); define('CHARSET',"AL32UTF8"); ?> |
If you do not know your the character set of your database, you can find it by logging in as the SYSTEM
user, and running this query:
Here’s the test program for the database connection class, save it as TestDb.php
in your Apache’s htdocs\Oracle
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 | <?php // Require once the namespace identified class and credentials files. require_once('Db.php'); require_once('credentials.php'); // Process the input parameter, which REALLY should be through a $_POST argument. (isset($_GET['last_name'])) ? $input = $_GET['last_name'] : $input = ''; /* Establish new connection. * ====================================================== * The namespace (PHP 5.3) is set in Db.php as follows: * namespace Oracle\Db; * * The namespace syntax needs to qualify the following * when you call it: * - A \ (back slash) before the namespace. * - The file name but not the file extension. * - The class name from the Db.php file. */ $db = new \Oracle\Db\Db("Test Example","Author"); // Assign query. $sql = "SELECT * FROM contact c WHERE c.last_name = :bv"; // Assign fetch to a result array. $result = $db->execFetchAll($sql, "Query Example", array(array(":bv", $input, -1))); // Open table and provide headers. print "<table border='1'>\n"; print "<tr><th>First Name</th><th>Last Name</th></tr>\n"; // Iterate through the rows. foreach ($result as $row) { $fname = htmlspecialchars($row['FIRST_NAME'], ENT_NOQUOTES, 'UTF-8'); $lname = htmlspecialchars($row['LAST_NAME'], ENT_NOQUOTES, 'UTF-8'); print "<tr><td>$fname</td><td>$lname</td></tr>\n"; } // Close the table. print "</table>"; ?> |
If you get the call to the namespace wrong, you’ll get a strange set of errors. Just make sure you understand the differences between declaring a namespace and calling a namespace.
You test the database connection class with the following URL on your localhost
(substitute a server name if it’s not a development environment), provided you’ve created a table contact with a row where the last_name
equals 'Sweeney'
http://localhost/Oracle/TestDb.php?last_name=Sweeney |
The following creates and seeds the contact table:
CREATE TABLE contact ( contact_id NUMBER , first_name VARCHAR2(10) , last_name VARCHAR2(10)); INSERT INTO contact VALUES (1,'Meghan','Sweeney'); INSERT INTO contact VALUES (2,'Matthew','Sweeney'); INSERT INTO contact VALUES (3,'Ian','Sweeney'); |