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Fedora Install of MySQL

with 16 comments

I built a new image on VMWare Fusion for my class, which required installing MySQL 5.6 on Fedora, Version 20. If you don’t know how to add your user to the sudoers list, you should check this older and recently updated blog post.

  1. Download the MySQL Yum Repository and launch the downloaded RPM.
  1. Install MySQL on Fedora, Version 20, which you can find with the following command:
shell> rpm -qa | grep mysql

The fc20-5 changes with point releases, but assuming that you’re installing the fc20-5 release:

shell> sudo yum localinstall mysql-community-release-fc20-5.noarch.rpm
  1. Install MySQL on Fedora with the following command:
shell> sudo yum install mysql-server
  1. Start the MySQL service on Fedora with the following command:
shell> sudo service mysqld start
  1. Secure the MySQL installation with the following command:
shell> mysql_secure_installation
  1. Set the MySQL Service to start with the Fedora operating system with the following command (not chkconfig):
shell> sudo systemctl enable mysqld.service

It sets the following two links:

ln -s '/usr/lib/systemd/system/mysqld.service' '/etc/systemd/system/mysql.service'
ln -s '/usr/lib/systemd/system/mysqld.service' '/etc/systemd/system/'

Restart the Fedora operating system to effect the changes.

  1. Reset the MySQL configuration file to enable external connections through Port 3306 with the following changes to the my:

Remark out the socket line, like this:


Add the bind-address and port lines below after you know the actual IP address of the server to the my.cnf file in the /etc directory.

You substitute the actual IP address for the nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn on the bind_address line with the actual IP address returned by the ifconfig command, like this:

shell> ifconfig

Then, add these two lines to the my.cnf file.


It’s actually easier to use localhost.localdomain than an IP address when you use DHCP, like:


If you plan to connect from a host system, like Windows or Mac OS X, to a virtual Linux environment using DHCP, change localhost.localdomain to

  1. Restart the mysqld service with the following syntax:
shell> sudo service mysqld restart

You can check whether MySQL is listening on Port 3306 with this syntax:

shell> sudo netstat –anp | grep 3306

It displays:

tcp        0      0*               LISTEN      1311/mysqld

Go to this page if you want to install MySQL Workbench.

Written by maclochlainn

January 7th, 2014 at 11:04 pm

Posted in Fedora,Linux,MySQL,VMWare

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