Postgres Print Debug Notes
A student asked how you print output from PL/pgSQL blocks. The student wanted to know if there was something like the following in Oracle’s PL/SQL programming language:
dbms_output.put_line('some string'); |
or, in Java programming the:
System.out.println("some string"); |
is the equivalent to these in Postgres PL/pgSQL, as shown in the following anonymous block:
do $$ BEGIN raise notice 'Hello World!'; END; $$; |
It prints:
NOTICE: Hello World! |
You can write a hello_world function as a named PL/pgSQL block:
CREATE FUNCTION hello_world() RETURNS text AS $$ DECLARE output VARCHAR(20); BEGIN /* Query the string into a local variable. */ SELECT 'Hello World!' INTO output; /* Return the output text variable. */ RETURN output; END $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; |
You can call it with the following:
SELECT hello_world(); |
It prints:
hello_world -------------- Hello World! (1 row) |
Here’s a full test case with stored procedure in PL/pgSQL:
-- Drop the msg table. DROP TABLE msg; -- Create the msg table. CREATE TABLE msg ( comment VARCHAR(400) ); -- Transaction Management Example. DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS testing ( IN pv_one VARCHAR(30) , IN pv_two VARCHAR(10)); -- Transaction Management Example. CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE testing ( IN pv_one VARCHAR(30) , IN pv_two VARCHAR(10)) AS $$ DECLARE /* Declare error handling variables. */ err_num TEXT; err_msg INTEGER; BEGIN /* Log actdual parameter values. */ INSERT INTO msg VALUES (pv_one||'.'||pv_two); EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN err_num := SQLSTATE; err_msg := SUBSTR(SQLERRM,1,100); RAISE NOTICE 'Trapped Error: %', err_msg; END $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; do $$ DECLARE lv_one VARCHAR(30) := 'INDIVIDUAL'; lv_two VARCHAR(19) := 'R11-514-34'; BEGIN RAISE NOTICE '[%]', lv_one; RAISE NOTICE '[%]', lv_two; CALL testing( pv_one := lv_one, pv_two := lv_two ); END $$; -- Query any logged results. SELECT * FROM msg; |
It prints:
DROP TABLE CREATE TABLE DROP PROCEDURE CREATE PROCEDURE psql:fixed.sql:61: NOTICE: [INDIVIDUAL] psql:fixed.sql:61: NOTICE: [R11-514-34] DO comment ----------------------- INDIVIDUAL.R11-514-34 (1 row) |
I hope this helps those looking for a solution.