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SQL Developer Error

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It’s been a couple releases trying to fix the following error thrown by SQL Developer on Fedora 30 and shown as the following dialog:

When you click the Detail button it shows the following error stack:

java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: javafx/embed/swing/JFXPanel
	at oracle.dbtools.raptor.javafx.ui.JFXPanelFactory.createJFXPanelImpl(
	at oracle.dbtools.raptor.javafx.ui.JFXPanelFactory.createJFXPanel(
	at oracle.dbtools.raptor.startpage.StartPageViewer.createGUIComponent(
	at oracle.dbtools.raptor.startpage.StartPageViewer.getEditorContent(
	at oracle.ide.editor.AsynchronousEditor$
	at oracle.ide.editor.AsynchronousEditor$
	at org.openide.util.RequestProcessor$
	at org.netbeans.modules.openide.util.GlobalLookup.execute(
	at org.openide.util.lookup.Lookups.executeWith(
	at org.openide.util.RequestProcessor$
Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: javafx.embed.swing.JFXPanel cannot be found by oracle.sqldeveloper_19.2.0
	at org.eclipse.osgi.internal.loader.BundleLoader.findClassInternal(
	at org.eclipse.osgi.internal.loader.BundleLoader.findClass(
	at org.eclipse.osgi.internal.loader.BundleLoader.findClass(
	at org.eclipse.osgi.internal.baseadaptor.DefaultClassLoader.loadClass(
	at org.netbeans.modules.netbinox.NetbinoxLoader.loadClass(
	at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
	... 10 more

I thought applying the Open Java FX package might fix the problem. I installed the package like the following:

yum install -y openjfx

The installation log:

Last metadata expiration check: 4:03:29 ago on Tue 21 Apr 2020 06:42:26 PM MDT.
Dependencies resolved.
 Package            Architecture      Version                       Repository          Size
 openjfx            x86_64            8.0.202-8.b07.fc30            updates            8.8 M
Transaction Summary
Install  1 Package
Total download size: 8.8 M
Installed size: 11 M
Downloading Packages:
openjfx-8.0.202-8.b07.fc30.x86_64.rpm                        2.5 MB/s | 8.8 MB     00:03    
Total                                                        2.1 MB/s | 8.8 MB     00:04     
Running transaction check
Transaction check succeeded.
Running transaction test
Transaction test succeeded.
Running transaction
  Preparing        :                                                                     1/1 
  Installing       : openjfx-8.0.202-8.b07.fc30.x86_64                                   1/1 
  Running scriptlet: openjfx-8.0.202-8.b07.fc30.x86_64                                   1/1 
  Verifying        : openjfx-8.0.202-8.b07.fc30.x86_64                                   1/1 

After installing the software, I determined the new JAR files. Then, I added them to my $CLASSPATH environment variable, like:

export CLASSPATH=/usr/share/java/mysql-connector-java.jar:/usr/lib/jvm/openjfx/rt/lib/ext/fxrt.jar:/usr/lib/jvm/openjfx/rt/lib/jfxswt.jar:.

While it appears to load faster with these JAR files, it still raises the same Dialog error. I simply have to continue to look for a complete fix.

Written by maclochlainn

April 21st, 2020 at 11:49 pm