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Archive for the ‘Oracle 11g’ Category

Fedora Install of Oracle 11g

with 21 comments

After the installation of Oracle 11g XE on Windows, I anticipated problems installing on Fedora. It’s terrific to report it was by far simpler to install on Fedora. This post provides the steps, and builds on the Fedora configuration published earlier this week.

  1. After you download the software from the Oracle web site, you’ll need to expand the compressed file. When you double click on the download item you will see the following screen. Click Extract at the top of the display.

  1. The Extract displays the following dialog. Click the Create Folder button and you’ll get an entry point for a new directory in your user’s directory. For the example, Oracle11gXE

  1. After creating the directory, click the Extract button.

  1. The extract process completes and shows the following dialog.

  1. The Disk1 directory will show the following contents.

  1. You need to drop down into a Terminal session, which you can launch by clicking on Applications, System Tools, and Terminal in the menu.
sudo rpm -iv oracle-xe-11.2.0-1.0.x86_64.rpm

This command will install the packages in verbose syntax and display the following messages:

[sudo] password for mclaughlinm:
Preparing packages for installation...
Executing post-install steps...
You must run '/etc/init.d/oracle-xe configure' as the root user to configure the database.

  1. This step requires that you assume the role of the root user, which can be done with this syntax:
sudo sh

In this root shell, you run the Oracle 11g XE configuration with this command:

/etc/init.d/oracle-xe configure

The following are the text prompts that you accept to configure Oracle 11g XE:

Oracle Database 11g Express Edition Configuration
This will configure on-boot properties of Oracle Database 11g Express 
Edition.  The following questions will determine whether the database should 
be starting upon system boot, the ports it will use, and the passwords that 
will be used for database accounts.  Press <Enter> to accept the defaults. 
Ctrl-C will abort.
Specify the HTTP port that will be used for Oracle Application Express [8080]:
Specify a port that will be used for the database listener [1521]:
Specify a password to be used for database accounts.  Note that the same
password will be used for SYS and SYSTEM.  Oracle recommends the use of 
different passwords for each database account.  This can be done after 
initial configuration:
Confirm the password:
Do you want Oracle Database 11g Express Edition to be started on boot (y/n) [y]:
Starting Oracle Net Listener...Done
Configuring database...
Starting Oracle Database 11g Express Edition instance...Done
Installation completed successfully.

After completing the configuration, you need to do two things. First, you need to modify the .bash_profile file for your user (covered in the next step). Second, you need to reboot your system.

  1. This step requires that you exit the root shell by typing the exit command. This should put you back into your administration account with sudoer privileges. You use vi to edit and add the following to the .bashrc file.
You actually have two options here. You can use Oracle’s provided environment file or write your own. According to the Actually, according to the Oracle® Database Express Edition Installation Guide 11g Release 2 (11.2) for Linux x86-64 you can do it in one line.

. /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/xe/bin/

Or, you can write your own file, like this:

# Oracle Settings
TMP=/tmp; export TMP
ORACLE_HOSTNAME=localhost.localdomain; export ORACLE_HOSTNAME
ORACLE_BASE=/u01/app/oracle; export ORACLE_BASE
ORACLE_HOME=$ORACLE_BASE/product/11.2.0/xe; export ORACLE_HOME
PATH=/usr/sbin:$PATH; export PATH
if [ $USER = "oracle" ]; then
  if [ $SHELL = "/bin/ksh" ]; then
    ulimit -p 16384
    ulimit -n 65536
    ulimit -u 16384 -n 65536

You can now log in to the Oracle database with the following syntax from the command line. You’ll be prompted for the system password that you entered during the configuration steps. I’ll add another post on SQL Developer later this week.

sqlplus system

  1. This step is optional. You can configure an file in the oracle user’s home directory. While you could put this in the .bashrc file, the oracle account isn’t bootable. That’s why I recommend putting it in an environment file.
# .bashrc
# Source global definitions
if [ -f /etc/bashrc ]; then
  . /etc/bashrc
# Uncomment the following line if you don't like systemctl's auto-paging feature:
# User specific aliases and functions
. /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/xe/bin/
# Wrap sqlplus with rlwrap to edit prior lines with the
# up, down, left and right keys.
  if [ "$RLWRAP" = "0" ]; then
    sqlplus "$@"
    rlwrap sqlplus "$@"
# Set vi as a command line editor.
set -o vi

If you want to use the menu choices added by the installation, you need to put your privileged sudoer in the dba group. I wrote a blog post on it here.

Written by maclochlainn

September 27th, 2011 at 1:35 am

Oracle 11g on Windows 7

with 264 comments

I finally got around to installing Oracle 11g on Windows 7 Professional Edition, 64-bit (click here for Oracle 11g Release 2 on Windows 7). The only catch was that the Oracle 11g ( installer validates only against Windows 5.0, 5.1, 5.2 or 6.0. Windows 7 is actually Windows Code Base 6.1, as seen in this screen shot after successful installation:


With that knowledge, first you should download the software from Oracle’s web site. You should unzip the contents into another directory. I used a C:\Stage directory. Inside that you’ll find the database directory, and it should look like this:


  1. Click on the setup icon to launch the installer. You should then see the following screen shot. Enter a password for the SYS and SYSTEM users (if you’re coming to Oracle from a MySQL background they’re like the root user in MySQL). When you’ve entered a matching password in both fields, the Install button becomes active. Click the Install button to proceed.


  1. In this screen, you’re prompted for your Email and MetaLink Password. If this is a test database (a throw away instance without any real data), you can uncheck the box for automatic security updates. You should enter a password even for test databases. Click the Next button to proceed.


  1. You’ll only see this failure if you’re installing Oracle 11g ( on a Windows 7 operating system, which is actually version 6.1 according to their code control numbering. You simply check the Checking operating system requirements … and Checking service pack requirements … to override the prerequisite checks. Another error that you may encounter is related to networking. It is a warning and occurs when you’re operating system uses DHCP to get its IP address. You really should configure the operating system with a static IP address. You can set a static IP address in Windows 7 with these instructions.


The checked boxes now say User Verified, which means we’re all really powerful, aren’t we? 🙂 Click the Next button to proceed.


  1. At this point, you’ll get a Windows System Alert asking you to unblock the installer’s javaw.exe program. You must grant the access or forget about installing Oracle 11g. Click the Allow access button to proceed.


  1. The dialog tells you what will be installed. Click the Install button to proceed.


  1. This is the installation progress dialog. It’s running while the Oracle Installer lays down the operating system files for the database management system. It takes about 8 to 9 minutes, so stretch your legs if you want to take a break. When it’s 100% complete, click the Next button to continue.


  1. After the installation, you’ll see the first of the Configuration Assistants, which is the Oracle Net Configuration Assistant (unfortunately, I didn’t capture that screen shot but I provided a temporary substitute until I re-install it). Provided everything happens successfully, it’ll move to the next step without your intervention.


You should receive another Windows Security Alert (aren’t we glad that I already disabled UAC). You need to click the Allow access button to let java.exe proceed with the installation.


  1. This one is exactly where it belongs. It means you have approximately a 5 to 6 minute break while a sample database instance is cloned for you. The cloning process copies a sample compressed database from the installation staging area to your local operating system.


It will prompt you if you want to open any of the other scheme. You can skip this and do it later, or click Password Management to open those scheme and set passwords for them.


  1. The last Configuration Assistant is the Oracle Configuration Manager Configuration. It’s a short process, it configures the cloned sample database against your installation names and passwords. When it completes it enables the Next button. Click the Next button to complete the installation.


  1. You’ve finally reached almost the end of the installation. Click the Exit button on this dialog to proceed to the “are you sure” dialog box.


Confirm you meant it, by clicking the Yes button on the final dialog message below.


You’ve successfully installed Oracle 11g on Windows 7.

Written by maclochlainn

November 27th, 2009 at 6:35 pm

Inline views, fabrication, & the WITH clause

with 4 comments

Sometimes working with a product like Oracle brings a surprise, like a new feature you failed to catch when it was released. I’ve seen a lot of entries using inline views through the WITH clause in the Oracle forums. It caught my eye because it is such a radical departure from portable SQL syntax of an inline view. I finally went searching to find the rationale for this approach.

The answer doesn’t lie with the Charlotte like National Treasure, but with simplifying the join syntax, as qualified in the Oracle Database 2 Day + Data Warehousing Guide 11g, Release 1. The following looks at this approach, and compares using the WITH clause instead of the inline view to perform table fabrication.

Oracle tells us to use the WITH clause when a query has multiple references to the same query block and there are joins and aggregations. The official name of the WITH clause is a subquery factoring clause. Basically, the WITH clause lets you name inline views and then reuse them inside other inline views. This behavior avoids having to call different copies of the same inline view in different parts of a query or DML statement, which reduces overhead and increases view response time for resolution.

Like local named PL/SQL blocks, subquery factoring clauses must be defined before they can be referenced. Unlike PL/SQL, they have no equivalent function and procedure stubs used for forward referencing in a PL/SQL program unit. They simply become available in sequence, the top most universally available and the next only available below to those statements below it.

The WITH clause (or subquery factoring clause) feature comes to us from the ANSI SQL:1999 specification. It is implemented in Oracle databases with the same syntax as it is in Microsoft SQL Server 2005. The only difference is Microsoft brands it as a Common Table Expression (CTE). It also happens to be the only way to implement a recursive query in Microsoft SQL Server.

The basic syntax is:

The first code block is assigned the subquery factoring clause’s name. You can then reuse the name in subsequent code blocks or the master query. The idea is that this syntax is simpler than the traditional inline view approach and more efficient.

The WITH clause is also capable of letting you create tables from literal values, which is known as table fabrication. The following syntax uses the with clause to fabricate a table of two columns (x and y) and two rows.

SQL> WITH fabricated AS
  2   (SELECT 1 AS x, 2 AS y FROM dual
  3    UNION ALL
  4    SELECT 3 AS x, 4 AS y FROM dual)
  5    SELECT x, y FROM fabricated;

This produces the following results:

         X          Y
---------- ----------
         1          2
         3          4

The next shows the traditional way of fabricating a table using an inline view:

  2   FROM (SELECT 1 AS x, 2 AS y FROM dual
  3         UNION ALL
  4         SELECT 3 AS x, 4 AS y FROM dual) fabricated;

This also produces the same results as before, two rows of X and Y variables.

You can also use this type of syntax in MySQL to fabricate a table. You can’t use the WITH clause in MySQL because it’s not supported. You’ll notice in the example that the FROM dual portion is omitted in MySQL. Wouldn’t it be nice if Oracle let that happen too?

  2  FROM  (SELECT 1 AS x, 2 AS y
  3         UNION ALL
  4         SELECT 3 AS x, 4 AS y) fabricated;

A neat function that I picked up on the Oracle Technical Network is the NUMTODSINTERVAL (number to date-stamp interval) function, which can create intervals for qualifying sales by hour or quarter hour. More or less it is a way to fabricate timing intervals. Here’s a quick example:

  2                  ,'DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI:SS') bracket
  3  FROM    (SELECT 1 AS dist FROM dual
  4           UNION ALL
  5           SELECT 2 AS dist FROM dual
  6           UNION ALL
  7           SELECT 3 AS dist FROM dual) fabricated;

The output is:

22-OCT-2008 23:07:15
22-OCT-2008 22:07:15
22-OCT-2008 21:07:15

This has been the syntax, now I’ll have to check whether there are any performance differences. I suspect that since the execution plan is the same that there aren’t any performance differences but you never know until you test it.

More or less they were but I tripped into a performance shortfall of the WITH clause. It was a complete accident when I was trying to convert a MySQL SQL syntax model into Oracle SQL. The smaller change to the code was to use a WITH clause but I found it didn’t work.

You can’t use the WITH clause inside a subquery for a multiple row insert. It raises an ORA-32034 error if you attempt it, which struck me as bizare. A normal inline view works fine but the WITH clause doesn’t.

Here’s a simple example of embedding an inline view into an INSERT statement. It works seamlessly in Oracle 11g:

INSERT INTO contact_copy
( SELECT   contact_s1.nextval
  ,        1001
  ,        cl.contact_type
  ,        'Doe'
  ,        'John'
  ,        NULL
  ,        3
  ,        SYSDATE
  ,        3
  ,        SYSDATE
  FROM     dual
 (SELECT   common_lookup_id AS contact_type
  FROM     common_lookup
  WHERE    common_lookup_type LIKE '%DAY RENTAL') cl );

When I switched to what appeared as the equivalent syntax using a WITH clause, it failed and raised the ORA-32034: unsupported use of with clause error. The following shows you how the WITH would be used, if it could be used:

INSERT INTO contact_copy
( WITH  cl AS
 (SELECT   common_lookup_id AS contact_type
  FROM     common_lookup
  WHERE    common_lookup_type LIKE '%DAY RENTAL')
  SELECT   contact_s1.nextval
  ,        1001
  ,        cl.contact_type
  ,        'Doe'
  ,        'John'
  ,        NULL
  ,        3
  ,        SYSDATE
  ,        3
  ,        SYSDATE
  FROM     dual );

I thought that might be the reason why Oracle didn’t bother putting it in the SQL reference manual for Oracle Database 10g or 11g. However, Dominic Brooks provided the correct syntax. Very interesting that you simply start with the WITH clause and exclude the enclosing parentheses. Quite a departure from the normal syntax for a multiple row insert.

The correct syntax when the subquery cl returns only one row is like Dominic’s suggestion:

INSERT INTO contact_copy
(SELECT   common_lookup_id AS contact_type
 FROM     common_lookup
 WHERE    common_lookup_type LIKE '%DAY RENTAL')
 SELECT   contact_s1.nextval
 ,        1001
 ,       (SELECT cl.contact_type FROM cl)
 ,        'Doe'
 ,        'John'
 ,        NULL
 ,        3
 ,        SYSDATE
 ,        3
 ,        SYSDATE
 FROM     dual;

The correct syntax when the subquery cl subquery returns more than one row differs from Dominic’s. You need a CROSS JOIN to multiply the other static values by the number of rows returned by the subquery so that you have a multiple row insert statement.

INSERT INTO contact_copy
(SELECT   common_lookup_id AS contact_type
 FROM     common_lookup
 WHERE    common_lookup_type LIKE '%DAY RENTAL')
 SELECT   contact_s1.nextval
 ,        1001
 ,        cl.contact_type
 ,        'Doe'
 ,        'John'
 ,        NULL
 ,        3
 ,        SYSDATE
 ,        3
 ,        SYSDATE
 FROM     dual CROSS JOIN cl;

It turned into a longer discussion than I anticipated. Hope it helps solve problems and tune Oracle queries.