Archive for the ‘Oracle’ Category
Oracle Stored Procedure
Somebody felt that I’d short changed Oracle by providing only an example for calling a stored procedure in MySQL. So, here’s an equivalent post to the MySQL sample that works in an Oracle database with PHP.
The largest difference between the two approaches is that Oracle is transactional by default while MySQL isn’t. However, the use of savepoints and rollbacks are shown in the procedure, which are the appropriate transaction controls in Oracle.
Here are the detailed steps, even though there are other blog entries with information on related subjects.
1. Sign on as the system
user, and create a new user. Users in Oracle have their own schema or work area, and they don’t require a database like MySQL or SQL Server.
SQL> CREATE USER student IDENTIFIED BY student; SQL> GRANT CONNECT, resource, CREATE any VIEW TO student; |
2. Create a create_oracle_procedure.sql
file with the following contents:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 | -- Conditionally drop the objects to make this rerunnable. BEGIN FOR i IN (SELECT table_name FROM user_tables WHERE table_name IN ('A','B')) LOOP EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'DROP TABLE '||i.table_name||' CASCADE CONSTRAINTS'; END LOOP; FOR i IN (SELECT sequence_name FROM user_sequences WHERE sequence_name IN ('A_SEQ','B_SEQ')) LOOP EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'DROP SEQUENCE '||i.sequence_name; END LOOP; END; / -- Create the tables and sequences. CREATE TABLE a ( a_id NUMBER CONSTRAINT a_pk PRIMARY KEY , a_text VARCHAR2(12)); CREATE SEQUENCE a_seq; CREATE TABLE b ( b_id NUMBER CONSTRAINT b_pk PRIMARY KEY , a_id NUMBER , b_text CHAR(12) , CONSTRAINT fk_a FOREIGN KEY(a_id) REFERENCES a (a_id)); CREATE SEQUENCE b_seq; -- Create a stored procedure with IN-only (default) mode parameters. CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE double_insert ( input_a VARCHAR2, input_b VARCHAR2) IS BEGIN SAVEPOINT starting_point; INSERT INTO a VALUES (a_seq.NEXTVAL, input_a); INSERT INTO b VALUES (b_seq.NEXTVAL, a_seq.CURRVAL, input_b); COMMIT; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN ROLLBACK TO starting_point; RETURN; END; / -- Define a couple local session variables. VARIABLE text1 VARCHAR2(12) VARIABLE text2 VARCHAR2(12) -- Assign values to session variables. BEGIN :text1 := 'This is one.'; :text2 := 'This is two.'; END; / -- Call the local procedure. EXECUTE double_insert(:text1,:text2); -- Select the data set. SELECT * FROM a; SELECT * FROM b; |
3. Quit the session as the system
user. You can simply reconnect to the new schema like this:
SQL> CONNECT student/student@orcl |
4. Run the file from the relative directory where you started the sqlplus
SQL> @create_oracle_procedure.sql |
You see the following query results at the end of the script:
A_ID A_TEXT ---------- ------------ 1 This IS one. B_ID A_ID B_TEXT ---------- ---------- ------------ 1 1 This IS two. |
5. Write the following into a call_oracle_procedure.php
<?php // Attempt to connect to your database. $c = @oci_connect("student", "student", "orcl"); if (!$c) { print "Sorry! The connection to the database failed. Please try again later."; die(); } else { // Declare two variables for the test procedure call. $val1 = "Hello Hal!"; $val2 = "Hello Dave!"; // Set the call statement, like a SQL statement. $sql = "BEGIN double_insert(:a,:b); END;"; // Prepare the statement and bind the two strings. $stmt = oci_parse($c,$sql); // Bind local variables into PHP statement. oci_bind_by_name($stmt, ":a", $val1); oci_bind_by_name($stmt, ":b", $val2); // Execute it and print success or failure message. if (oci_execute($stmt)) { print "Congrats! You've executed a Oracle stored procedure from PHP!"; } else { print "Sorry, I can't do that Dave..."; } // Free resources. oci_free_statement($stmt); oci_close($c); } ?> |
6. Run the call_oracle_procedure.php
from the command line, like this:
php call_oracle_procedure.php |
7. Now you can requery the database to see the inserts made by the PHP program.
SQL> SELECT * FROM a; A_ID A_TEXT ---------- ------------ 1 This IS one. 2 Hello Hal! SQL> SELECT * FROM b; B_ID A_ID B_TEXT ---------- ---------- ------------ 1 1 This IS two. 2 2 Hello Dave! |
There’s now a sample file for both approaches. As always, I hope this helps some folks.
Not quite an invalid function
An interesting thing happened today, as I was explaining how you call functions with embedded DML statements. The students were stunned at seeing an ORA-06576
error for a function that they knew existed. It’s one of those imperfect error messages …
Basically, they wrote a wrapper function to a parallel enabled function, and then they tried to call it into a session level bind variable, like this:
SQL> VARIABLE verified NUMBER SQL> CALL update_contact INTO :verified; |
It failed with the following message:
CALL update_contact INTO :verified * ERROR at line 1: ORA-06576: NOT a valid FUNCTION OR PROCEDURE name |
They were stunned but I was mum. I suggested that they test the call in an anonymous block program. Here’s the PL/SQL call example:
SQL> SET SERVEROUTPUT ON SIZE 1000000 SQL> BEGIN 2 IF update_contact = 1 THEN 3 DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line('Success!'); 4 ELSE 5 DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line('Failure!'); 6 END IF; 7 END; 8 / |
It returns
Success! |
I removed the puzzled look by explaining that while you don’t need to provide the open and close parentheses inside PL/SQL, you do generally require them in the context of a CALL
statement. They’re not required for stored functions in SQL statements, but they’re required for stored instantiable object types.
Here’s the correct way call the program:
SQL> CALL update_contact() INTO :verified; SQL> SELECT DECODE(:verified,1,'Success!','Failure!') AS answer FROM dual; |
It prints this to console:
Success! |
The natural question is why don’t you just run the function as part of a query. It’s a great question because it lets me demonstrate another principle. The principle that you can’t can’t perform a DML in a query, which is abstract until you see it up front and personal.
SQL> SELECT update_contact() FROM dual; |
this query raises the following exception:
SELECT update_contact() FROM dual * ERROR at line 1: ORA-14551: cannot perform a DML operation inside a query ORA-06512: at "PLSQL.UPDATE_CONTACT", line 4 |
Setup Code Supplement
You can find the base code for this example here. It comes from the Oracle Database 11g PL/SQL Programming book. After you run the create_store.sql
script, you’ll need to run the following:
-- Add a null allowed column for derived data. ALTER TABLE contact ADD (full_name VARCHAR2(44)); -- Define a function concatenate strings. CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION MERGE ( last_name VARCHAR2 , first_name VARCHAR2 , middle_initial VARCHAR2 ) RETURN VARCHAR2 PARALLEL_ENABLE IS BEGIN RETURN last_name ||', '||first_name||' '||middle_initial; END; / -- Define a wrapper function around the merge function. CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION update_contact RETURN NUMBER IS ret_val NUMBER := 0; -- The default return value to false or zero. BEGIN UPDATE contact c1 SET c1.full_name = (SELECT MERGE(c2.last_name ,c2.first_name ,c2.middle_initial) FROM contact c2 WHERE c1.rowid = c2.rowid); IF SQL%ROWCOUNT > 0 THEN ret_val := 1; -- This is only reached when 1 or more rows are updated. END IF; RETURN ret_val; END update_contact; / |
MySQL Merge gone Awry
Sometimes it gets tiresome when people take shots at Oracle, MySQL, SQL Server 2008, or PostgreSQL. When I went to the MySQL for Database Administrators, the instructor mentioned a number of times how many Oracle people he’d get in his class. It was said almost as if all the Oracle customers were migrating to MySQL, which I don’t think is the case. If I’m wrong just post a comment.
After writing SQL since 1985 (IBM SQL/DS), I’ve come to appreciate a number of the features in the Oracle database. This probably makes sense because I worked there for over eight years, and probably would still be there if I hadn’t left to teach at University. I’m constantly amazed as I explore and look for points of commonality across SQL dialects and PL/SQL dialects. At least, I think it’s fair to call T-SQL stored programs and MySQL stored programs PL/SQL dialects.
This blog post is about the MERGE
statement and it’s close MySQL cousin, the ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE
statement (that only works with single row INSERT
statements). I’ve recently added a post demonstrating the REPLACE INTO
command syntax. You may also be interested in a newer blog post about importing external data inside a MySQL procedure with cursor loops. Upfront, I have to vote for Oracle’s MERGE
statement because it’s more complete as an implementation. By the way, T-SQL supports the same MERGE
syntax. They’re so exact it wasn’t worth taking the space to show the syntax for the SQL Server 2008 Express product.
Oracle’s Merge Statement
The downside of Oracle’s MERGE
statement is that it takes a LOT of typing. The upside from my perspective is that it enforces that you must use the primary key column. The same is not true with the MySQL syntax.
Here’s a quick example that you can cut and paste into your environment for Oracle Database 11g or remove the Oracle specific FROM dual
and it’ll run in SQL Server. You can also see how to leverage joins and imports with the MERGE
statement in this more recent blog post.
-- Conditionally drop the table and sequence. BEGIN FOR i IN (SELECT NULL FROM user_tables WHERE TABLE_NAME = 'SYSTEM_USER') LOOP EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'DROP TABLE system_user CASCADE CONSTRAINTS'; END LOOP; FOR i IN (SELECT NULL FROM user_sequences WHERE sequence_name = 'SYSTEM_USER_S1') LOOP EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'DROP SEQUENCE system_user_s1'; END LOOP; END; / -- Create the table. CREATE TABLE system_user ( system_user_id NUMBER CONSTRAINT pk_su PRIMARY KEY , system_user_name VARCHAR2(20) CONSTRAINT nn_su_1 NOT NULL , system_user_group_id NUMBER CONSTRAINT nn_su_2 NOT NULL , system_user_type NUMBER CONSTRAINT nn_su_3 NOT NULL , first_name VARCHAR2(20) , middle_name VARCHAR2(10) , last_name VARCHAR2(20) , created_by NUMBER CONSTRAINT nn_su_4 NOT NULL , creation_date DATE CONSTRAINT nn_su_5 NOT NULL , last_updated_by NUMBER CONSTRAINT nn_su_6 NOT NULL , last_update_date DATE CONSTRAINT nn_su_7 NOT NULL); -- Create the sequence with a default start value of 1. CREATE SEQUENCE system_user_s1; -- Insert new row. INSERT INTO system_user VALUES ( system_user_s1.nextval , 'SYSADMIN' , 1 , 1 , NULL , NULL , NULL , 1 , SYSDATE - 1 , 1 , SYSDATE - 1); -- Insert new or merge into existing row. MERGE INTO system_user target USING (SELECT 1 AS system_user_id , 'SYSADMIN' AS system_user_name , 1 AS system_user_group_id , 1 AS system_user_type , 'Samuel' AS first_name , 'the' AS middle_name , 'Lamanite' AS last_name , 1 AS created_by , SYSDATE AS creation_date , 1 AS last_updated_by , SYSDATE AS last_update_date FROM dual) SOURCE ON (target.system_user_id = SOURCE.system_user_id) WHEN MATCHED THEN UPDATE SET first_name = 'Samuel' , middle_name = 'the' , last_name = 'Lamanite' , last_updated_by = 1 , last_update_date = SYSDATE WHEN NOT MATCHED THEN INSERT ( target.system_user_id , target.system_user_name , target.system_user_group_id , target.system_user_type , target.first_name , target.middle_name , target.last_name , target.created_by , target.creation_date , target.last_updated_by , target.last_update_date ) VALUES ( SOURCE.system_user_id , SOURCE.system_user_name , SOURCE.system_user_group_id , SOURCE.system_user_type , SOURCE.first_name , SOURCE.middle_name , SOURCE.last_name , SOURCE.created_by , SOURCE.creation_date , SOURCE.last_updated_by , SOURCE.last_update_date ); |
MySQL On Duplicate Key Update Statement
statement is that it takes it lets you use an override signature on the INSERT
that then creates a new row when it shouldn’t. I logged a bug when I discovered that behavior earlier today but they don’t quite agree that it’s a bug. The upside is that the typing is MUCH shorter provided you remember to use the auto increment key column in the SELECT
Here’s a quick example of what not to do! The next one shows you what you should do. You can see how to tie together MySQL subroutines with an INSERT ... ON DUPLICATE KEY
statement in this more recent blog entry.
-- Conditionally drop the table. DROP TABLE IF EXISTS system_user; -- Create the table. CREATE TABLE system_user ( system_user_id INT UNSIGNED PRIMARY KEY AUTO_INCREMENT , system_user_name CHAR(20) NOT NULL , system_user_group_id INT NOT NULL , system_user_type INT NOT NULL , first_name CHAR(20) , middle_name CHAR(10) , last_name CHAR(20) , created_by INT NOT NULL , creation_date DATE NOT NULL , last_updated_by INT NOT NULL , last_update_date DATE NOT NULL); -- Insert new row. INSERT INTO system_user ( system_user_name , system_user_group_id , system_user_type , created_by , creation_date , last_updated_by , last_update_date ) VALUES ('SYSADMIN' , 1 , 1 , 1 , DATE_SUB(NOW(),INTERVAL 1 DAY) , 1 , DATE_SUB(NOW(),INTERVAL 1 DAY)); -- Insert new or merge into existing row. INSERT INTO system_user ( system_user_name , system_user_group_id , system_user_type , first_name , middle_name , last_name , created_by , creation_date , last_updated_by , last_update_date ) VALUES ('SYSADMIN' , 1 , 1 ,'Samuel' ,'the' ,'Lamanite' , 1 , NOW() , 1 , NOW()) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE first_name = 'Samuel' , middle_name = 'the' , last_name = 'Lamanite' , last_updated_by = 1 , last_update_date = UTC_DATE(); |
This script ends up inserting two rows when only one should be present. Why did that happen? Great question! You can fix this by adding a unique key defined for the columns that make up the natural key for the SYSTEM_USER
table. As noted by a comment below, the unique key must only include columns that are NOT NULL
constrained. Here’s the results without such a unique key:
mysql> SELECT * FROM system_user\G *************************** 1. ROW *************************** system_user_id: 1 system_user_name: SYSADMIN system_user_group_id: 1 system_user_type: 1 first_name: NULL middle_name: NULL last_name: NULL created_by: 1 creation_date: 2009-05-24 last_updated_by: 1 last_update_date: 2009-05-24 *************************** 2. ROW *************************** system_user_id: 2 system_user_name: SYSADMIN system_user_group_id: 1 system_user_type: 1 first_name: Samuel middle_name: NULL last_name: Lamanite created_by: 1 creation_date: 2009-05-25 last_updated_by: 1 last_update_date: 2009-05-25 2 ROWS IN SET (0.02 sec) |
The correct way to do this in MySQL is shown in the next example.
-- Conditionally drop table. DROP TABLE IF EXISTS system_user; -- Create table. CREATE TABLE system_user ( system_user_id INT UNSIGNED PRIMARY KEY AUTO_INCREMENT , system_user_name CHAR(20) NOT NULL , system_user_group_id INT NOT NULL , system_user_type INT NOT NULL , first_name CHAR(20) , middle_name CHAR(10) , last_name CHAR(20) , created_by INT NOT NULL , creation_date DATE NOT NULL , last_updated_by INT NOT NULL , last_update_date DATE NOT NULL); -- Insert new row. INSERT INTO system_user ( system_user_name , system_user_group_id , system_user_type , created_by , creation_date , last_updated_by , last_update_date ) VALUES ('SYSADMIN' , 1 , 1 , 1 , DATE_SUB(UTC_DATE(),INTERVAL 1 DAY) , 1 , DATE_SUB(UTC_DATE(),INTERVAL 1 DAY)); -- Insert new or merge into existing row. INSERT INTO system_user VALUES ( 1 ,'SYSADMIN' , 1 , 1 ,'Samuel' ,'the' ,'Lamanite' , 1 , NOW() , 1 , NOW()) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE first_name = 'Samuel' , middle_name = 'the' , last_name = 'Lamanite' , last_updated_by = 1 , last_update_date = NOW(); |
This ensures that the auto increment column values are matched. It returns what you’d expect, a single row inserted into or updated in the table.
mysql> SELECT * FROM system_user\G *************************** 1. ROW *************************** system_user_id: 1 system_user_name: SYSADMIN system_user_group_id: 1 system_user_type: 1 first_name: Samuel middle_name: NULL last_name: Lamanite created_by: 1 creation_date: 2009-05-24 last_updated_by: 1 last_update_date: 2009-05-25 1 ROW IN SET (0.00 sec) |
I hope this saves somebody from an insertion anomaly.
SQL Automated Numbers
I’ve begun putting together an online database tutorial and expanded this entry and added horizontal scrolling to it. You can find the improved version of the blog post as blog page here.
Surrogate keys are interesting structures in databases. They’re essential if you want to make sure you optimize your design. They’re also very useful when you want to capture the automatic numbering value for a prior INSERT
statement and reuse the automatic numbering value as the foreign key value in a subsequent statement. It was interesting to see how they’re implemented differently across Oracle, MySQL, and SQL Server while providing the same utility.
Below is a synopsis of how you implement these in Oracle, MySQL, and SQL Server.
The first thing to qualify is that Oracle is generally always in a transactional mode. That means you don’t need to do anything special to set this example up.
Oracle doesn’t support automated numbering in tables prior to Oracle 12c. Oracle 12c introduces identity columns, and the mechanics change. However, you can use sequences to mimic automated numbering prior to Oracle 12c and without identity columns in Oracle 12c. A sequence is a structure in the database that holds a current value, increments by a fixed value – typically 1. Sequences are available in SQL and PL/SQL scopes through two pseudo columns. The pseudo columns are .nextval
and .currval
(note the two r’s because it’s not a stray dog).
The sequence_name.nextval
call in any session places the next number from the sequence into your Personal Global Area (PGA), which is a memory context. After you’ve called the sequence into memory, you can access it again by using sequence_name.currval
. The sequence only changes when you call it again with the .nextval
pseudo column.
-- Conditionally drop data sturctures - tables and sequences. BEGIN FOR i IN (SELECT TABLE_NAME FROM user_tables WHERE TABLE_NAME IN ('ONE','TWO')) LOOP EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'DROP TABLE '||i.table_name||' CASCADE CONSTRAINT'; END LOOP; FOR i IN (SELECT sequence_name FROM user_sequences WHERE sequence_name IN ('ONE_S1','TWO_S1')) LOOP EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'DROP SEQUENCE '||i.sequence_name; END LOOP; END; / -- Create base table and sequence. CREATE TABLE one ( one_id INT NOT NULL CONSTRAINT pk_one PRIMARY KEY , one_text VARCHAR(10) NOT NULL ); CREATE SEQUENCE one_s1; -- Create dependent table and sequence. CREATE TABLE two ( two_id INT NOT NULL CONSTRAINT pk_two PRIMARY KEY , one_id INT NOT NULL , two_text VARCHAR(10) NOT NULL ); CREATE SEQUENCE two_s1; -- Insert rows into the tables with sequence values. INSERT INTO one VALUES (one_s1.nextval,'One!'); INSERT INTO one VALUES (one_s1.nextval,'Two!'); INSERT INTO two VALUES (two_s1.nextval, one_s1.currval,'Other Two!'); -- Display the values inserted with sequences. SELECT o.one_id , o.one_text , t.two_id , t.two_text FROM one o JOIN two t ON o.one_id = t.one_id; |
If you mimic automatic numbering with database triggers, you may not have access to the .currval
value for the second INSERT
statement. This occurs when you provide a NULL
value expecting the trigger to manage .NEXTVAL
call for you.
Transactions require that you keep the primary key value for the first table in a locally scoped variable for reuse. Then, you can pass it to the next INSERT
statement. You do that with the .CURRVAL
You can make a potentially erroneous assumption that you’re the only user updating the table. Operating under that assumption, you can query the highest sequence number from the table before an insert, add one to it, and then attempt the INSERT
statement. In a multi-user system, it’s possible that somebody beats you to the finish line with their INSERT
statement. Your insert would then have a duplicate surrogate key value for the one_id
column, and fail on an ORA-00001
error for a uniqueness violation on a primary key column.
A database trigger can help you avoid a race condition. The trigger would ensure sequence values are unique but it may also introduce problems. A common Oracle trigger with a pseudo automatic numbering paradigm is represented by the following trigger (found in APEX generated code).
Caution is required on this type of automated sequence trigger. There are two problems with this type of trigger.
One scenario is where you include a call to sequence_name.NEXTVAL
in your INSERT
statement. It then increments the sequence, and attempts to insert the value whereupon the trigger fires and repeats the behavior. Effectively, this type of logic creates a sequence that increments by one when you submit a null value in the values clause and by two when you submit a sequence_name.NEXTVAL
Another scenario occurs when you attempt a bulk INSERT
operation on the table. The sequence call and substitution occurs on each row of the sequence.
You face another problem when you rewrite the trigger to only fire when a surrogate primary key isn’t provided, like this:
CREATE OR REPLACE TRIGGER one_t1 BEFORE INSERT ON one FOR EACH ROW WHEN (NEW.one_id IS NULL) -- Asynchronous with bulk insert operations when a value is provided by the bulk operation to the surrogate key column. BEGIN :NEW.one_id := one_s1.nextval; END; / |
This trigger design causes a problem only with bulk INSERT
statements. Effectively, the sequence remains unaltered when you provide surrogate key values as part of inserting an array of values. The next non-bulk INSERT
statement would then grab the .NEXTVAL
value, attempt to use it, and raise a unique constraint violation because the bulk operation probably already used the value from the sequence.
The fix to bulk operations requires that you lock the table, disable a trigger like this, and get the .NEXTVAL
value. Then, you assign the .NEXTVAL
value to two local variables. One of these remains unchanged while the other increments as you populate the array for the bulk insert operation. After assigning the result from the .NEXTVAL
, you drop the sequence and find the highest key value for the bulk insertion operation, add one to the highest key value, and store it in another locally stored variable. You perform the bulk insert operation and then recreate the sequence with a value one greater than the highest value in the table, which should already be in a locally scored variable. Don’t forget that you’d locked the table, so unlock it now.
You should note that database triggers run in a subshell with access only to the immediate shell that fired them. Therefore, you can’t set a bind variable in a SQL*Plus session and subsequently reference it inside the trigger body because it doesn’t have access to the variable.
MySQL supports automatic numbering but not a default transactional mode like Oracle. You need to disable auto commit and start a transaction. You also need to assign the last automatic numbering value to a variable before using it in a subsequent INSERT
statement. You must also provide an overriding list of mandatory columns when you opt to exclude the automated numbering column value. The one thing that we should all appreciate about MySQL is their desire to stay close to and comply with ANSI standards.
-- Conditionally drop the tables. DROP TABLE IF EXISTS one; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS two; -- Create the tables with a surrogate key that automatically increments. CREATE TABLE one ( one_id INT PRIMARY KEY AUTO_INCREMENT , one_text VARCHAR(20)); CREATE TABLE two ( two_id INT PRIMARY KEY AUTO_INCREMENT , one_id INT , two_text VARCHAR(20)); -- Start transaction cycle. START TRANSACTION; -- Insert first row, transfer auto increment to memory. INSERT INTO one (one_text) VALUES ('One'); -- Assign last auto increment to local scope variable, the = works too. SET @one_fk := last_insert_id(); -- Insert second row with auto increment and local scope variable. INSERT INTO b (one_id, two_text) VALUES (@one_fk,'Two'); COMMIT; -- Display the values inserted with auto incremented values. SELECT o.one_id , o.one_text , t.two_id , t.two_text FROM one o JOIN two t ON o.one_id = t.one_id; |
SQL Server
SQL Server supports automatic numbering but they call it the identity value. There are two ways to use it but the one I’m showing is for SQL Server 2005 or newer. You can replace the older @@identity
function call but Microsoft has already removed first level support from SQL Server 2000. While they’ve not said @@identity
is deprecated, it sure appears that’s possible in a future release.
USE student; BEGIN TRAN; -- Conditionally drop tables when they exist. IF OBJECT_ID('','U') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE; IF OBJECT_ID('dbo.two','U') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE dbo.two; -- Create auto incrementing tables. CREATE TABLE one ( one_id INT NOT NULL IDENTITY(1,1) CONSTRAINT pk_one PRIMARY KEY , one_text VARCHAR(10) NOT NULL ); CREATE TABLE two ( two_id INT NOT NULL IDENTITY(1,1) CONSTRAINT pk_two PRIMARY KEY , one_id INT NOT NULL , two_text VARCHAR(10) NOT NULL ); -- Insert the values, and magically no override signature required. INSERT INTO one VALUES ('One!'); INSERT INTO one VALUES ('Two!'); INSERT INTO two VALUES (SCOPE_IDENTITY(),'Other Two!'); -- Query the results. SELECT o.one_id , o.one_text , t.two_id , t.two_text FROM one o JOIN two t ON o.one_id = t.one_id; COMMIT TRAN; |
You should note that T-SQL doesn’t require an override signature when you use an automatic numbering column. This is different, isn’t it?
While the prior example works with two tables, it doesn’t scale to a series of tables. You should consider the following assignment pattern when you’ll have multiple last identity values in a single transaction scope.
DECLARE @one_pk AS INT; SET @one_pk = SCOPE_IDENTITY(); |
As mentioned, this style is important when you’ve got a series of primary and foreign keys to map in the scope of a single transaction. Also, I’d suggest that you put all the declarations at the beginning of the transaction’s scope.
As always, I hope this helps some folks.
Oracle Interval Data Types
I saw an interesting post on INTERVAL YEAR TO MONTH
while checking things out today. It struck me as odd, so I thought I’d share a similar sample along with my opinion about how it should be done in a PL/SQL block.
The example is a modification of what I found in a forum. You should see immediately that it’s a bit complex and doesn’t really describe what you should do with any months. Naturally, the example only dealt with years.
DECLARE lv_interval INTERVAL YEAR TO MONTH; lv_end_day DATE := '30-APR-2009'; lv_start_day DATE := '30-APR-1975'; BEGIN lv_interval := TO_CHAR(FLOOR((lv_end_day - lv_start_day)/365.25))||'-00'; DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line(lv_interval); END; / |
I suggest that the better way is the following because it allows for months, which are a bit irregular when it comes to divisors.
DECLARE lv_interval INTERVAL YEAR TO MONTH; lv_end_day DATE := '30-APR-2009'; lv_start_day DATE := '30-JAN-1976'; BEGIN lv_interval := TO_CHAR(EXTRACT(YEAR FROM lv_end_day) - EXTRACT(YEAR FROM lv_start_day)) ||'-'|| TO_CHAR(EXTRACT(MONTH FROM lv_end_day) - EXTRACT(MONTH FROM lv_start_day)); DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line(lv_interval); END; / |
Let me know if you’ve another alternative that you prefer.
Native Mac Oracle 10gR2
I noticed today working with my students on downloads for the new term that Oracle finally released Oracle Database 10g Release 2 for Mac OS X Intel. That’s awesome until you see what it doesn’t include. You can find the installation instructions along with a list of unsupported products here. The real instructions are inside the zip file that you download.
If you’re like me, you’re asking: “When does Oracle Database 11g Release 1 for Mac OS X Intel ship?” However, I’m downloading it right now to test.
External C Procedure
Somebody wanted to know how to write an external procedure in C. I entered the reply as a comment and then thought it would be better as a blog post. Here are the instructions for deploying and calling an external procedure.
The quick list of things to do, summarized from Chapter 13 on External Procedures from my Oracle Database 11g PL/SQL Programming book are:
1. Configure your tnsnames.ora
file with a callout listener, which is required because the IPC/TCP layers must be separated. That means your LISTENER
should only support the TCP
protocol, which means you’ll remove the IPC
line from your listener.ora
file. If you fail to take this step, you’ll encounter the following error:
ORA-28595: Extproc agent: Invalid DLL Path |
Your callout listener has two parts, the CALLOUT_LISTENER
listener. Your listener.ora
file should look like this:
2. You also need to have a tnsnames.ora
file with an instance TNS
alias and EXTPROC
alias, like:
3. Create a shared library, like this:
#include <stdio.h> void writestr(char *path, char *message) { FILE *file_name; file_name = fopen(path,"w"); fprintf(file_name,"%s\n",message); fclose(file_name); } |
4. In Linux, compile the shared library from Step #1 with the following syntax:
gcc -shared -o writestr1.c |
If you encounter an error like this:
/usr/bin/ld: /tmp/ccTIWHVA.o: relocation R_X86_64_32 against `.rodata' can not be used when making a shared object; recompile with -fPIC /tmp/ccTIWHVA.o: could not read symbols: Bad value collect2: ld returned 1 exit status |
Then, use this alternative syntax:
gcc -shared -fPIC -o writestr.c |
5. Create a library. Granting CREATE LIBRARY
is a potentially large security risk, and a DBA should put all external procedure libraries in a single schema with additional monitoring protocols.
CREATE [OR REPLACE] LIBRARY library_write_string AS | IS '/<customlib>/ |
6. Write a wrapper to the library.
7. Call the wrapper procedure with valid values:
BEGIN write_string('/tmp/file.txt','Hello World!'); END; / |
Hope this helps some folks.
I noted a bug in the emca
utility in this earlier blog on reconfiguring OEM. It manifest itself in Oracle 11g ( on the Windows platform. Testing found that it’s fixed in the new Oracle 11g ( This means you no longer have to manually drop the SYSMAN
schema because the following command does that now, like it should.
C:\Data> emca -deconfig dbcontrol db -repos DROP |
T-SQL Hierarchical Query
Playing around with Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Express edition, I’ve sorted through a bunch of tidbits. One that I thought was interesting, is how to perform a recursive or hierarchical query. This describes how you can perform the magic.
The official name of the WITH
clause in Oracle’s lexicon (otherwise known as Oraclese) is a subquery factoring clause. You can find more on that in this earlier blog post. Microsoft has a different name for the WITH
clause. They call it a Common Table Expression or CTE.
You perform recursive queries in Microsoft SQL Server 2008 by leveraging CTEs. I’ve modified the setup code from that earlier blog post to run in SQL Server 2008. You’ll find it at the bottom of this blog post.
Unless you want to write your own C# (.NET is the politically correct lingo) equivalent to Oracle’s SQL*Plus, you’ll need to run this script in the SQL Server Management Studio. Actually, you can use Microsoft SQL Server 2008’s command-line utility, which is called sqlcmd.exe
but it is much less robust than SQL*Plus. In the Management Studio, you click File, then Open, and File… to load the file for execution, and then click the Execute button. You need to be careful you don’t click the Debug button, which is the green arrow to the right of the Execute button.
This is the magic query in the illustration. You can also find it in the source code. At the end of the day, I’m hard pressed to understand why they’d use a UNION ALL
to support recursion.
The top-most CTE, or subquery factoring clause, simply joins the ORGANIZATION_NAME
columns to provide a single working source. The second CTE performs the recursion. The top-query sets the starting row, and the second query recursively navigates the tree. After all children are found, the first query moves to the next element in the table and recursively searches for its children.
You should note that the CTE self-references itself from inside the second query. Then, the external query (the non-CTE query) returns the results by querying the same CTE.
This logic behaves more like a nested loop, and actually fails to move down branches of the tree like a recursive program. Otherwise line 19 would be line 14 in the output. You could write another CTE to fix this shortfall, thereby mirroring a true recursive behavior, or you can write a stored procedure.
The illustrated query outputs the following hierarchical relationship, which navigates down the hierarchical tree:
You can also go up any branch of the tree by changing some of the logic. You’ll find the query to navigate up the tree as the second query in the setup script at the end of the blog. It renders the following output:
The blog will be updated if I discover the equivalent to the LEVEL
in Oracle’s self-referencing semantics. If you know it, please share it with everybody.
Setup Script
Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Join Script
USE student; BEGIN TRAN; -- Conditionally drop tables when they exist. IF OBJECT_ID('dbo.ORGANIZATION','U') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE dbo.ORGANIZATION; IF OBJECT_ID('dbo.ORG_STRUCTURE','U') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE dbo.ORG_STRUCTURE; -- Create the organization table. CREATE TABLE ORGANIZATION ( organization_id INT , organization_name VARCHAR(10)); -- Seed the organizations. INSERT INTO dbo.ORGANIZATION VALUES (1,'One'), (2,'Two'), (3,'Three'), (4,'Four'), (5,'Five') ,(6,'Six'), (7,'Seven'), (8,'Eight'), (9,'Nine'), (10,'Ten') ,(11,'Eleven'), (12,'Twelve'), (13,'Thirteen'), (14,'Fourteen'), (15,'Fifteen') ,(16,'Sixteen'), (17,'Seventeen'), (18,'Eighteen'), (19,'Nineteen'), (20,'Twenty'); -- Create the organization structure table that holds the recursive key. CREATE TABLE org_structure ( org_structure_id INT , org_parent_id INT , org_child_id INT ); -- Seed the organization structures. INSERT INTO org_structure VALUES ( 1, 0, 1),( 1, 1, 2),( 1, 1, 3),( 1, 1, 4),( 1, 2, 5) ,( 1, 2, 6),( 1, 3, 7),( 1, 3, 8),( 1, 4, 9),( 1, 4,10) ,( 1, 5,11),( 1, 5,12),( 1, 6,13),( 1, 6,14),( 1, 7,15) ,( 1, 8,16),( 1, 8,17),( 1, 9,18),( 1, 9,19),( 1,14,20); COMMIT TRAN; -- Navigating down the tree from the root node. WITH org_name AS (SELECT os.org_parent_id AS org_parent_id , o1.organization_name AS org_parent_name , os.org_child_id AS org_child_id , o2.organization_name AS org_child_name FROM dbo.organization o1 RIGHT JOIN dbo.org_structure os ON o1.organization_id = os.org_parent_id RIGHT JOIN dbo.organization o2 ON o2.organization_id = os.org_child_id) , jn AS (SELECT org_parent_id, org_parent_name , org_child_id, org_child_name FROM org_name WHERE org_parent_id = 1 UNION ALL SELECT c.org_parent_id, c.org_parent_name , c.org_child_id, c.org_child_name FROM jn AS p JOIN org_name AS c ON c.org_parent_id = p.org_child_id) SELECT jn.org_parent_id, jn.org_parent_name , jn.org_child_id, jn.org_child_name FROM jn ORDER BY 1; -- Navigating up the tree from the 20th leaf-node child. WITH org_name AS (SELECT os.org_parent_id AS org_parent_id , o1.organization_name AS org_parent_name , os.org_child_id AS org_child_id , o2.organization_name AS org_child_name FROM dbo.organization o1 RIGHT JOIN dbo.org_structure os ON o1.organization_id = os.org_parent_id RIGHT JOIN dbo.organization o2 ON o2.organization_id = os.org_child_id) , jn AS (SELECT org_parent_id, org_parent_name , org_child_id, org_child_name FROM org_name WHERE org_child_id = 20 UNION ALL SELECT c.org_parent_id, c.org_parent_name , c.org_child_id, c.org_child_name FROM jn AS p JOIN org_name AS c ON c.org_child_id = p.org_parent_id) SELECT jn.org_parent_id, jn.org_parent_name , jn.org_child_id, jn.org_child_name FROM jn ORDER BY 1 DESC; |
Object Record Collections
It must have been disgust with learning that a Result Cache function couldn’t use an object type that made me zone on showing how to use an object type as the return type of a PL/SQL table function. The nice thing about this approach, as pointed out by Gary Myer’s comment on another blog post, is that it doesn’t require a pipelined function to translate it from PL/SQL to SQL scope.
The first step is to create an object type without a return type of SELF
, which Oracle elected as its equivalent to this for some unknown reason. A user-defined type (UDT) defined without a return type, returns the record structure of the object, but as mentioned it is disallowed in result cache functions. After you define the base type, you create a collection of the base UDT. Then, you can use the UDT as a SQL return type in your code, like this:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 | CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION get_common_lookup_object_table ( table_name VARCHAR2 , column_name VARCHAR2 ) RETURN common_lookup_object_table IS -- Define a dynamic cursor that takes two formal parameters. CURSOR c (table_name_in VARCHAR2, table_column_name_in VARCHAR2) IS SELECT common_lookup_id , common_lookup_type , common_lookup_meaning FROM common_lookup WHERE common_lookup_table = UPPER(table_name_in) AND common_lookup_column = UPPER(table_column_name_in); -- Declare a counter variable. counter INTEGER := 1; -- Declare a package collection data type as a SQL scope table return type. list COMMON_LOOKUP_OBJECT_TABLE := common_lookup_object_table(); BEGIN -- Assign the cursor return values to a record collection. FOR i IN c(table_name, column_name) LOOP list.extend; list(counter) := common_lookup_object(i.common_lookup_id ,i.common_lookup_type ,i.common_lookup_meaning); counter := counter + 1; END LOOP; -- Return the record collection. RETURN list; END get_common_lookup_object_table; / |
You can then query it in SQL like this:
COLUMN common_lookup_id FORMAT 9999 HEADING "ID" COLUMN common_lookup_type FORMAT A16 HEADING "Lookup Type" COLUMN common_lookup_meaning FORMAT A30 HEADING "Lookup Meaning" SELECT * FROM TABLE(get_common_lookup_object_table('ITEM','ITEM_TYPE')); |
This depends on the same sample code that I use elsewhere on the blog. You can download it from McGraw-Hill’s web site. You can also find a complete and re-runnable script by clicking on the down arrow below.
Code Script ↓
BEGIN FOR i IN (SELECT object_name , object_type FROM user_objects WHERE object_name = 'GET_COMMON_LOOKUP_OBJECT_TABLE') LOOP EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'DROP '||i.object_type||' '||i.object_name; END LOOP; FOR i IN (SELECT type_name FROM user_types WHERE type_name = 'COMMON_LOOKUP_OBJECT_TABLE') LOOP EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'DROP TYPE '||i.type_name; END LOOP; FOR i IN (SELECT type_name FROM user_types WHERE type_name = 'COMMON_LOOKUP_OBJECT') LOOP EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'DROP TYPE '||i.type_name; END LOOP; END; / CREATE OR REPLACE TYPE common_lookup_object IS OBJECT ( common_lookup_id NUMBER , common_lookup_type VARCHAR2(30) , common_lookup_meaning VARCHAR2(255)); / CREATE OR REPLACE TYPE common_lookup_object_table IS TABLE OF common_lookup_object; / CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION get_common_lookup_object_table ( table_name VARCHAR2 , column_name VARCHAR2 ) RETURN common_lookup_object_table IS -- Define a dynamic cursor that takes two formal parameters. CURSOR c (table_name_in VARCHAR2, table_column_name_in VARCHAR2) IS SELECT common_lookup_id , common_lookup_type , common_lookup_meaning FROM common_lookup WHERE common_lookup_table = UPPER(table_name_in) AND common_lookup_column = UPPER(table_column_name_in); -- Declare a counter variable. counter INTEGER := 1; -- Declare a package collection data type as a SQL scope table return type. list COMMON_LOOKUP_OBJECT_TABLE := common_lookup_object_table(); BEGIN -- Assign the cursor return values to a record collection. FOR i IN c(table_name, column_name) LOOP list.extend; list(counter) := common_lookup_object(i.common_lookup_id ,i.common_lookup_type ,i.common_lookup_meaning); counter := counter + 1; END LOOP; -- Return the record collection. RETURN list; END get_common_lookup_object_table; / TTITLE OFF COLUMN common_lookup_id FORMAT 9999 HEADING "ID" COLUMN common_lookup_type FORMAT A16 HEADING "Lookup Type" COLUMN common_lookup_meaning FORMAT A30 HEADING "Lookup Meaning" SELECT * FROM TABLE(get_common_lookup_object_table('ITEM','ITEM_TYPE')); |