Archive for the ‘Oracle’ Category
Describe User Record Types
Gary Myers made a comment on the blog that got me thinking about how to look up user defined types (UDTs). Like those UDTs that you define to leverage pipelined functions and procedures. It became more interesting while considering how Oracle Object Types act as SQL record types. At least, that’s their default behavior when you don’t qualify a return type of self (that’s this in Oracle objects for those who write in any other object-oriented programming language).
The following query creates a view of data types in your user schema. It is fairly straightforward and written to let you deploy the view in any schema. You’ll need to make changes if you’d like it work against the ALL
or DBA
CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW schema_types AS SELECT ut.type_name AS type_name , uta.attr_no AS position_id , uta.attr_name AS attribute_name , DECODE(uta.attr_type_name , 'BFILE' ,'BINARY FILE LOB' , 'BINARY_FLOAT' ,uta.attr_type_name , 'BINARY_DOUBLE',uta.attr_type_name , 'BLOB' ,uta.attr_type_name , 'CLOB' ,uta.attr_type_name , 'CHAR' ,DECODE(NVL(uta.length,0),0,uta.attr_type_name , uta.attr_type_name||'('||uta.length||')') , 'DATE' ,uta.attr_type_name , 'FLOAT' ,uta.attr_type_name , 'LONG RAW' ,uta.attr_type_name , 'NCHAR' ,DECODE(NVL(uta.length,0),0,uta.attr_type_name , uta.attr_type_name||'('||uta.length||')') , 'NVARCHAR2' ,DECODE(NVL(uta.length,0),0,uta.attr_type_name , uta.attr_type_name||'('||uta.length||')') , 'NUMBER' ,DECODE(NVL(uta.precision||uta.scale,0) , 0,uta.attr_type_name , DECODE(NVL(uta.scale,0),0 , uta.attr_type_name||'('||uta.precision||')' , uta.attr_type_name||'('||uta.precision||','|| uta.scale||')')) , 'RAW' ,DECODE(NVL(uta.length,0),0,uta.attr_type_name , uta.attr_type_name||'('||uta.length||')') , 'VARCHAR' ,DECODE(NVL(uta.length,0),0,uta.attr_type_name , uta.attr_type_name||'('||uta.length||')') , 'VARCHAR2' ,DECODE(NVL(uta.length,0),0,uta.attr_type_name , uta.attr_type_name||'('||uta.length||')') , 'TIMESTAMP' , uta.attr_type_name,uta.attr_type_name) AS attr_type_name FROM user_types ut, user_type_attrs uta WHERE ut.type_name = uta.type_name ORDER BY ut.type_name, uta.attr_no; |
You can query and format the view as follows:
CLEAR BREAKS CLEAR COLUMNS CLEAR COMPUTES TTITLE OFF SET ECHO ON SET FEEDBACK OFF SET NULL '' SET PAGESIZE 999 SET PAUSE OFF SET TERM ON SET TIME OFF SET TIMING OFF SET VERIFY OFF ACCEPT INPUT PROMPT "Enter type name: " SET HEADING ON TTITLE LEFT o1 SKIP 1 - '--------------------------------------------------------' SKIP 1 CLEAR COLUMNS CLEAR BREAKS BREAK ON REPORT BREAK ON c1 SKIP PAGE COL c1 NEW_VALUE o1 NOPRINT COL c2 FORMAT 999 HEADING "ID" COL c3 FORMAT A32 HEADING "Attribute Name" COL c4 FORMAT A33 HEADING "Attribute Type" SELECT st.type_name c1 , st.position_id c2 , st.attribute_name c3 , st.attr_type_name c4 FROM schema_types st WHERE st.type_name LIKE UPPER('&input')||'%' ORDER BY st.type_name , st.position_id; |
Here’s a sample output for an object type named common_lookup_object
COMMON_LOOKUP_OBJECT -------------------------------------------------------- ID Attribute Name Attribute TYPE ---- -------------------------------- ------------------ 1 COMMON_LOOKUP_ID NUMBER 2 COMMON_LOOKUP_TYPE VARCHAR2(30) 3 COMMON_LOOKUP_MEANING VARCHAR2(255) |
It certainly makes the point that a named data type is most convenient. I’m still working through the metadata to find how to link those meaningless type names back to meaningful package specifications. If you know, let me know in a comment. Hope this helps somebody.
Beats a reference cursor
You can’t beat play’n around with the technology. It seems that each time I experiment with something to answer a question, I discover new stuff. So, I really appreciate that Cindy Conlin asked me to net out why a PL/SQL Pipelined Table function existed at UTOUG Training Days 2009.
I found that Java and PHP have a great friend in Pipelined Table functions because when you wrap them, you can simplify your code. While a reference cursor lets you return the product of a bulk operation, it requires two hooks into the database. One for the session connection and another for the connection to the system reference cursor work area. While this was a marvelous feature of the OCI8 library, which I duly noted in my Oracle Database 10g Express Edition PHP Web Programming book, there’s a better way.
The better way is a Pipelined Table function because you can query it like you would a normal table or view. Well, not exactly but the difference involves the TABLE
function, and it is really trivial.
When you call a Pipelined Table function, you only need to manage a single hook into the database. That hook is for the session connection. You can find a full (really quite detailed) treatment of Table and Pipelined Table functions in this blog page. Building on that blog page, here’s a simple PHP program that demonstrates the power of leveraging the SQL context provided by a Pipelined Table function.
<?php // Connect to the database. if ($c = @oci_connect("plsql","plsql","orcl")) { // Parse a query to a resource statement. $s = oci_parse($c,"SELECT * FROM TABLE(get_common_lookup_plsql_table('ITEM','ITEM_TYPE'))"); // Execute query without an implicit commit. oci_execute($s,OCI_DEFAULT); // Open the HTML table. print '<table border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="3">'; // Read fetched headers. print '<tr>'; for ($i = 1;$i <= oci_num_fields($s);$i++) print '<td class="e">'.oci_field_name($s,$i).'</td>'; print '</tr>'; // Read fetched data. while (oci_fetch($s)) { // Print open and close HTML row tags and columns data. print '<tr>'; for ($i = 1;$i <= oci_num_fields($s);$i++) print '<td class="v">'.oci_result($s,$i).'</td>'; print '</tr>'; } // Close the HTML table. print '</table>'; // Disconnect from database. oci_close($c); } else { // Assign the OCI error and format double and single quotes. $errorMessage = oci_error(); print htmlentities($errorMessage['message'])."<br />"; } ?> |
You’ll notice that all the information that is expected from a query against a table or view is also available from the result of Pipelined Table function. That’s because the Pipeline Table function actually places the internal record structure of a PL/SQL collection into the SQL context along with the data.
This sample PHP program produces the following XHTML output:
1013 | DVD_FULL_SCREEN | DVD: Full Screen |
1014 | DVD_WIDE_SCREEN | DVD: Wide Screen |
1015 | GAMECUBE | Nintendo GameCube |
1016 | PLAYSTATION2 | PlayStation2 |
1019 | VHS_DOUBLE_TAPE | VHS: Double Tape |
1018 | VHS_SINGLE_TAPE | VHS: Single Tape |
1017 | XBOX | XBOX |
Naturally, you can parameterize your PHP program and add bind variables to make this more dynamic. An example of parameterizing the call to a Pipelined Function is provided in the next program example.
You would use the following URL to call the dynamic PHP program:
http://mclaughlin11g/GetCommonLookup.php?table=ITEM&column=ITEM_TYPE |
The working PHP program code is:
<?php // Declare input variables. (isset($_GET['table'])) ? $table = $_GET['table'] : $table = "ITEM"; (isset($_GET['column'])) ? $column = $_GET['column'] : $column = 'ITEM_TYPE'; // Connect to the database. if ($c = @oci_connect("plsql","plsql","orcl")) { // Parse a query to a resource statement. // Don't use table and column because they're undocumented reserved words in the OCI8. $s = oci_parse($c,"SELECT * FROM TABLE(get_common_lookup_plsql_table(:itable,:icolumn))"); // Bind a variable into the resource statement. oci_bind_by_name($s,":itable",$table,-1,SQLT_CHR); oci_bind_by_name($s,":icolumn",$column,-1,SQLT_CHR); // Execute query without an implicit commit. oci_execute($s,OCI_DEFAULT); // Open the HTML table. print '<table border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="3">'; // Read fetched headers. print '<tr>'; for ($i = 1;$i <= oci_num_fields($s);$i++) print '<td class="e">'.oci_field_name($s,$i).'</td>'; print '</tr>'; // Read fetched data. while (oci_fetch($s)) { // Print open and close HTML row tags and columns data. print '<tr>'; for ($i = 1;$i <= oci_num_fields($s);$i++) print '<td class="v">'.oci_result($s,$i).'</td>'; print '</tr>'; } // Close the HTML table. print '</table>'; // Disconnect from database. oci_close($c); } else { // Assign the OCI error and format double and single quotes. $errorMessage = oci_error(); print htmlentities($errorMessage['message'])."<br />"; } ?> |
You may note that the parameter values (placeholders or bind variables inside the SQL statement) are prefaced with an i. That’s because TABLE
are restricted key words in the context of OCI8, and their use triggers an ORA-01036
This makes PHP more independent of the OCI8 library and easy to cross port to other databases if that’s a requirement. Hope this helps some folks.
Pipelined function update
When I presented the concept at the Utah Oracle User’s Group (UTOUG) Training Days 3/12-3/13/2009 it became clear the community could benefit from more detail about table and pipelined table functions. The question asked was: “What’s the primary purpose for pipelined table functions?”
My answer is: The primary purpose of a pipelined table function lets you retrieve PL/SQL record collection structures in a SQL context.
If there’s another reason that I missed, please let me know. It took a couple days to expand the older post to be more complete.
Colons are PL/SQL gnats
Today, one of my students made a common error working in a PL/SQL programming unit. The stumped student called the tutor over, and then the tutor called me over. The tutor asked me how the DBMS_OUTPUT
package could be out of scope. When I saw the SP2-0552
error, it was straightforward to remove a stray colon, but I realized that recognizing the colon as an error wasn’t straightforward.
The error picks the string that follows a colon inside a program unit. This behavior is the same regardless of whether the colon is found in the declaration, execution, or exception block. Most likely, the string is the beginning of the next line because the colon is most frequently a mistyped semicolon.
SP2-0552: Bind variable "DBMS_OUTPUT" NOT declared. |
The easiest way to find it is not to look for the string but simply for a colon with the find feature of the editor. Then, you must either replace it or give it a valid bind variable name. You define bind variables in the SQL*Plus environment with the VARIABLE
You may also be interested in how to put a colon inside an NDS statement. If so, you can check this blog post.
SQL Concatenation blues
I really like Alan Beaulieu’s Learning SQL because its simple, direct, and clearer than other books on SQL. While his focus is MySQL, he does a fair job of injecting a bit about Oracle’s syntax. Comparative concatenation syntax is one of topics I wished he’d spent more time on. Here’s some clarification on cross platform SQL concatenation.
Oracle supports two forms of string concatenation. Concatenation for those new to the idea means gluing two strings into one, or three strings into one, et cetera. One uses the ||
operator, which looks like two pipes. You can use the ||
operator between any number of string elements to glue them together. A quick example of the ||
operator that returns an ABCD
string is:
SELECT 'A' || 'B' || 'C' || 'D' FROM dual; |
The Oracle database also supports the CONCAT
operator that many use in MySQL. Those converting to an Oracle database should beware the difference between how the CONCAT
function is implemented in Oracle versus MySQL. In an Oracle database, the CONCAT
function only takes two arguments. When you call it with three or more arguments like this:
SELECT CONCAT('A','B','C','D') FROM dual; |
It raises the following exception:
SELECT CONCAT('A','B','C','D') FROM dual * ERROR at line 1: ORA-00909: invalid NUMBER OF arguments |
You can use the CONCAT
function to process more than two arguments but you must do so by calling the function recursively. You’d do it like this if you must use it:
As to an Oracle specific SQL book recommendation, I’d go with Alan’s as a beginner even though it’s focus is MySQL. By the way, if you don’t own Learning SQL hold off on buying it until the second edition is available in May 2009. If you’re using Oracle and have some basic SQL competence, I’d suggest Mastering Oracle SQL, 2nd Edition
by Sanjay Mishra and Alan Beaulieu as a reference. Just make sure you get the 2nd Edition of it too.
MySQL appears to support the two same forms of string concatenation as an Oracle database. The one that uses the ||
operator (known as pipe concatenation), actually only returns a zero unless you configure the sql_mode
to allow pipe concatenation.
The following concatenation statement uses pipe concatenation:
mysql> SELECT 'A'||'B'||'C'||'D'; +--------------------+ | 'A'||'B'||'C'||'D' | +--------------------+ | 0 | +--------------------+ 1 ROW IN SET, 4 warnings (0.00 sec) |
By default, this fails and returns a zero unless you’ve added the PIPES_AS_CONCAT
mode to your sql_mode
variable. It returns a zero because it attempts to see whether either of the adjoining elements are true. Strings inherently fail to resolve as expressions or Boolean values and the function returns a zero, which means the composite expression was evaluated as false.
You can query the sql_mode
variable as follows. The default values are shown in the results.
mysql> SELECT @@sql_mode; +----------------------------------------------------------------+ | @@sql_mode | +----------------------------------------------------------------+ | STRICT_TRANS_TABLES,NO_AUTO_CREATE_USER,NO_ENGINE_SUBSTITUTION | +----------------------------------------------------------------+ 1 ROW IN SET (0.00 sec) |
You can modify the sql_mode
as follows from the command line:
If you want to make this a permanent change, you can edit the my.ini
file in Windows or the my.conf
file in Unix or Linux. The following shows the modified line in a configuration file.
With these changes pipe concatenation works in MySQL, as follows:
mysql> SELECT 'A'||'B'||'C'||'D'; +--------------------+ | 'A'||'B'||'C'||'D' | +--------------------+ | ABCD | +--------------------+ 1 ROW IN SET (0.02 sec) |
You can use the CONCAT
function to glue any number of string elements together when you’ve no control of the sql_mode
variable. The CONCAT
function in MySQL takes several arguments. I’ve never needed to use more than the limit and suspect that there isn’t one (based on the documentation). It appears to use a recursive algorithm for parameter processing. Please post a note correcting me if I’m wrong on this.
You call the CONCAT
function like this:
SELECT CONCAT('A','B','C','D'); |
As to a MySQL specific SQL book recommendation, I’d go with Alan Beaulieu’s Learning SQL as a beginner. As noted earlier, don’t buy it until the 2nd Edition ships in May 2009.
Microsoft® Access or SQL Server
Microsoft® SQL Server doesn’t support two forms of string concatenation like Oracle and MySQL. You can only use the +
operator. There is no CONCAT
function in Microsoft® Access or SQL Server. A quick example of the +
operator in Microsoft’s SQL returns an ABCD
string like this:
SELECT 'A' + 'B' + 'C' + 'D'; |
As to a Microsoft® T-SQL book recommendation, I’d go with Itzik Ben-Gan’s Microsoft SQL Server 2008 T-SQL Fundamentals. Just understand, that like most things Microsoft, T-SQL is a dialect and approach that differs substantially from other commercial products.
Validating foreign keys
Somebody asked how to validate foreign key constraints in an Oracle database. The following query finds constraints, and displays the table and column that holds constraint with table and column name pointed to by the constraint. Since a foreign key to primary key relationship defines the list of values for a foreign key column, the values must be found in the primary key column.
Both user_constraints
and user_cons_columns
are catalog views that limit you to your own schema. The user_constraints
view lets you find information about constraints, while the user_cons_columns
view lets you see column level detail about the constraints.
The query lets you resolve where to look for those keys without manually inspecting table creation scripts.
COL constraint_source FORMAT A38 HEADING "Constraint Name:| Table.Column" COL references_column FORMAT A38 HEADING "References:| Table.Column" SELECT uc.constraint_name||CHR(10) || '('||ucc1.table_name||'.'||ucc1.column_name||')' constraint_source , 'REFERENCES'||CHR(10) || '('||ucc2.table_name||'.'||ucc2.column_name||')' references_column FROM user_constraints uc , user_cons_columns ucc1 , user_cons_columns ucc2 WHERE uc.constraint_name = ucc1.constraint_name AND uc.r_constraint_name = ucc2.constraint_name AND ucc1.position = ucc2.position -- Correction for multiple column primary keys. AND uc.constraint_type = 'R' ORDER BY ucc1.table_name , uc.constraint_name; |
You generate the following output when you run this query. The results shows you: (a) constraint names with their corresponding table and column names; and (b) table and column names that holds the primary key which is referenced by foreign keys.
You can then query the table and column referenced by the foreign key to determine the valid list of primary keys in the table. Extending the basic query design, you can narrow it to a specific constraint. This becomes very useful when you try to insert a row into an address
table with an foreign key value that isn’t found in the list of valid primary keys.
A sample INSERT
statement would be:
INSERT INTO address VALUES ( 1101 , 1008 , 2001 -- This foreign key isn't a valid primary key. ,'Nowhereville' ,'Beatledom' ,'11111-1111' , 3 , SYSDATE , 3 , SYSDATE ); |
In my test instance, you would get a constraint violation error like the one below. You can download the setup scripts from McGraw-Hill’s web site for Oracle Database 11g PL/SQL Programming book that I wrote.
INSERT INTO address * ERROR at line 1: ORA-02291: integrity CONSTRAINT (STUDENT.FK_ADDRESS_2) violated - parent KEY NOT found |
Then, you can modify the earlier query to find the offending primary key column. Its offense is that there is no equivalent value to what you tried to input into another table. Here’s how you find the primary key column table:
COL constraint_source FORMAT A38 HEADING "Constraint Name:| Table.Column" COL references_column FORMAT A38 HEADING "References:| Table.Column" SELECT uc.constraint_name||CHR(10) || '('||ucc1.table_name||'.'||ucc1.column_name||')' constraint_source , 'REFERENCES'||CHR(10) || '('||ucc2.table_name||'.'||ucc2.column_name||')' references_column FROM user_constraints uc , user_cons_columns ucc1 , user_cons_columns ucc2 WHERE uc.constraint_name = ucc1.constraint_name AND uc.r_constraint_name = ucc2.constraint_name AND uc.constraint_type = 'R' AND uc.constraint_name = UPPER('&input_constraint_name'); |
It returns the following in my test instance:
CONSTRAINT Name: REFERENCES: TABLE.Column TABLE.Column -------------------------------------- -------------------------------------- FK_ADDRESS_2 REFERENCES (ADDRESS.ADDRESS_TYPE) (COMMON_LOOKUP.COMMON_LOOKUP_ID) |
You can now verify whether the value, 2001, that you tried to insert into a foreign key column exists. The query would be like follows:
SELECT common_lookup_id FROM common_lookup WHERE common_lookup_id = 2001; |
The query will say that no rows were found. You can remove the WHERE
clause to find the list of valid primary key values.
Kindle on the iPhone
I played around with a friend’s Kindle and really had to wonder why would people buy one of them. Since my books sell an electronic edition on Kindle, I hoped for a better solution.
Great news today, a better physical technology has arrived. You can now download a Kindle application for your iPhone! As a big iPhone fan, this is awesome. Naturally, I was curious how my last book looked.
I downloaded the sample chapter and it looked great on the iPhone. The images are well rendered and clear on the screen. I’m probably going to have to buy an e-copy (ouch) because they don’t provide authors with electronic copies.
Thanks a bunch to the team who ported it to the iPhone. Great job!
Basic SQL Query
Somebody suggested that I post a simple quick view of how a basic query works. The following illustrates how the FROM
is read first. Aliases assigned in the FROM
clause, like the i
, replace the full name of the table or view. Column references don’t require prepending with the table or view alias but doing so adds clarity in the query. You do need prepend table aliases or names when two or more columns returned by the query have the same names. This happens when you’re joining two or more tables because the SQL parser finds that they’re ambiguously defined otherwise.
While the column aliases use the optional AS
keyword, table aliases must directly follow the table name. Table name really means a table, view, or inline view name. They can also mean a subquery factoring clause, which is the fancy name for a WITH
statement – blogged on it here.
Selection comes in two phases, identifying the sources or tables in the FROM
clause, and then filtering the sources based on comparisons in the WHERE
clause. Join statements are also filters that match rows from different tables based on value or range comparisons. You find join statements in the FROM
clause as part of a ON
subclause when queries use key words like JOIN
et cetera. You find join statements in the WHERE
clause when the queries list tables as comma separated elements in a FROM
Projection is the narrowing of rows into columns qualified by the select list. A select list is the comma separated columns returned by a query in the SELECT
While database management systems have their own particulars about sequencing and optimization, more or less they find the data sources, read the rows or indexes to rows, and then narrow the columns returned to those qualified in a select list. That’s about it unless a query involves aggregation or sorting operations.
Aggregation typically happens after selection but before projection. While columns in the SELECT
clause often set the aggregation grouping, you may use columns other than those in the select list. You qualify the grouping columns in the optional GROUP BY
Sorting by a column is done through the ORDER BY
clause. The sorting of data follows the selection process, unless there is an aggregation process. Sorting follows aggregation when it is present in a query. Aggregated data sets are limited to ordering by columns in the GROUP BY
Easier way than NDS
Somebody posted a question about a dynamic NDS example found in the Oracle Database 11g PL/SQL Programming book on page 388. They asked if there was an easier way.
The answer is yes. Here’s a different example implementing the same concept on Native Dynamic SQL (NDS) with an input parameter. I borrowed it from the example I used for an Oracle framework to mimic the MySQL ENUM
data type.
Basically, the following shows how you write a function using a dynamic NDS statement with an input parameter.
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION proper_item_type ( item_type_in VARCHAR2 ) RETURN VARCHAR2 IS -- Define a weakly typed system reference cursor. item_cursor SYS_REFCURSOR; -- Define a target variable for the query result. item_type_out VARCHAR2(30); -- Create NDS statement, with a bind or placeholder variable. stmt VARCHAR2(2000) := 'SELECT type_name ' || 'FROM item_type ' || 'WHERE UPPER(type_name) = UPPER(:type_name_in)'; BEGIN -- Open the cursor and dynamically assign the function actual parameter. OPEN item_cursor FOR stmt USING item_type_in; -- Fetch the first row return and return the value. FETCH item_cursor INTO item_type_out; -- CLose the cursor. CLOSE item_cursor; -- Return the value. RETURN item_type_out; END; / |
This is certainly overkill if you only want to substitute a single parameter into a cursor. A simpler approach would be to write a dynamic cursor, and then open the cursor by passing the actual parameter. Here’s that example.
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION proper_item_type ( item_type_in VARCHAR2 ) RETURN VARCHAR2 IS -- Define a dynamic cursor. CURSOR c (item_type_name VARCHAR2) IS SELECT type_name FROM item_type WHERE UPPER(type_name) = UPPER(item_type_name); BEGIN -- Open the cursor and dynamically assign the function actual parameter. FOR i IN c(item_type_in) LOOP RETURN i.type_name; END LOOP; END; / |
An even more primitive approach relies on implicit assignment, like the following:
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION proper_item_type ( item_type_in VARCHAR2 ) RETURN VARCHAR2 IS BEGIN -- Open the cursor and rely on implicit assignment within the cursor. FOR i IN (SELECT type_name FROM item_type WHERE UPPER(type_name) = UPPER(item_type_in)) LOOP RETURN i.type_name; END LOOP; END; / |
I hope this answers the question. You can click on the Setup Code line to unfold the code. Let me know if you like this approach to posting setup code.
Setup Code ↓
-- Conditionally drop table and sequence before attempting to create them. BEGIN FOR i IN (SELECT TABLE_NAME FROM user_tables WHERE TABLE_NAME IN (UPPER('item_type') ,UPPER('item'))) LOOP EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'DROP TABLE '||i.table_name||' CASCADE CONSTRAINTS'; END LOOP; FOR i IN (SELECT sequence_name FROM user_sequences WHERE sequence_name IN (UPPER('item_type_s1') ,UPPER('item_s1'))) LOOP EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'DROP SEQUENCE '||i.sequence_name; END LOOP; END; / -- Create item_type table, index on the natural key, and sequence; then seed data. CREATE TABLE item_type ( item_type_id NUMBER CONSTRAINT pk_item_type PRIMARY KEY , TABLE_NAME VARCHAR2(30) CONSTRAINT nn_item_type_1 NOT NULL , column_name VARCHAR2(30) CONSTRAINT nn_item_type_2 NOT NULL , type_name VARCHAR2(30) CONSTRAINT nn_item_type_3 NOT NULL , code VARCHAR2(5) , meaning VARCHAR2(255) CONSTRAINT nn_item_type_4 NOT NULL); CREATE UNIQUE INDEX item_type_u1 ON item_type(TABLE_NAME,column_name,type_name); CREATE TABLE item ( item_id NUMBER CONSTRAINT pk_item PRIMARY KEY , item_type NUMBER CONSTRAINT nn_item_1 NOT NULL , item_title VARCHAR2(60) CONSTRAINT nn_item_2 NOT NULL , item_rating_id NUMBER CONSTRAINT nn_item_3 NOT NULL); CREATE SEQUENCE item_type_s1 START WITH 1001; CREATE SEQUENCE item_s1 START WITH 1001; INSERT INTO item_type VALUES (item_type_s1.NEXTVAL,'ITEM','ITEM_TYPE','DVD',NULL,'DVD'); INSERT INTO item_type VALUES (item_type_s1.NEXTVAL,'ITEM','ITEM_TYPE','VHS',NULL,'VHS'); INSERT INTO item_type VALUES (item_type_s1.NEXTVAL,'ITEM','ITEM_TYPE','Blu-ray',NULL,'BLRY'); |
Oracle ENUM Framework
I went back and edited that post about MySQL nuances not in Oracle from last week about the MySQL ENUM
data type. You can find a framework suggestion that lets you not have to change existing string conditioning application code during a migration from MySQL to Oracle.
You’ll see this in the middle of the page, just click it to unfold the details. Yes, JQuery has arrived on my blog.
As with everything else on this blog, let me know if you see an opportunity for improvement.