Archive for the ‘Oracle’ Category
Result cache functions in Oracle 11g return what?
Adrian Billington wrote an excellent article on how to use the Oracle 11g PL/SQL new cross session result cache. He uses Tom Kyte’s runstats tuning kit to show the best performance advantage of this new feature. The recommendation is converting functions that perform SQL lookups to result cache functions. A result cache function’s actual parameters and results are cached only once in the SGA and available across sessions.
A result cache function can only support SQL datatypes. This limits you to returning only a scalar or collection of a scalar datatype from your function. Collections of scalar datatypes are varray or nested table user-defined types (UDT). When you try to return an aggregate table from a result cache function, Oracle 11g Release 1 raises a PLS-00999
error. The error signals an implementation restriction that may be temporary. Let’s hope it changes in Oracle 11g Release 2.
You can cheat the limitation by returning a collection of tokenized strings but I’m not sure it’s worth the effort. If you think it’s worth the effort, you can check out the code.
Pipelined Functions & PL/SQL Tables
Pipelined functions let you retrieve record structures from PL/SQL Tables as rows in SQL statements. PL/SQL tables are also known as associative arrays from 10g forward. While pipelined functions are slower than other approaches, they are easy to implement. The alternative uses a complex query. The query is complex because it typically uses selective aggregation and nested CASE
Entering a colon in an NDS statement
Somebody asked me how you include a colon in a Native Dynamic SQL (NDS) statement when it’s not related to a placeholder. A colon without a placeholder raises an ORA-00947
error when parsing the statement. The error means you’ve failed to submit enough bind variables. You can substitute a CHR(58) where you need to insert the standalone colon. The NDS or DBMS_SQL
parsing phase ignores a CHR(58), which translates during actual SQL statement parsing as a colon.
Let’s say you want to insert a column value with an ASIN (Amazon Standard Identification Number) code in the format: ASIN: B000VBJEEG
Using NDS, you have two choices. You can let the entry person type the full string and pass that string as a bind variable, or you can substitute CHR(58) for the colon and enter only the ASIN code. The example (Oracle Database 11g PL/SQL Programming, pp. 386-387) implements the latter:
CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE insert_item ( asin VARCHAR2 , item_type VARCHAR2 , item_title VARCHAR2 , item_subtitle VARCHAR2 := '' , rating VARCHAR2 , agency VARCHAR2 , release_date DATE ) IS -- Local variable for a dynamic SQL statement. stmt VARCHAR2(2000); BEGIN -- Create a dynamic statement with bind variables. stmt := 'INSERT INTO item ' || '( item_id' || ', item_barcode' || ', item_type' || ', item_title' || ', item_subtitle' || ', item_desc' || ', item_blob' || ', item_photo' || ', item_rating' || ', item_rating_agency' || ', item_release_date' || ', created_by' || ', creation_date' || ', last_updated_by' || ', last_update_date ) ' || 'VALUES ' || '( item_s1.nextval' || ',''ASIN''||CHR(58)||:asin' || ',(SELECT common_lookup_id' || ' FROM common_lookup' || ' WHERE common_lookup_type = :item_type)' || ', :item_title' || ', :item_subtitle' || ', empty_clob()' || ', NULL, NULL' || ', :rating' || ', :agency' || ', :release_date' || ', 3, SYSDATE, 3, SYSDATE)'; -- Print debug statement. dbms_output.put_line(stmt); -- Execute dynamic statement with bind variables. EXECUTE IMMEDIATE stmt USING asin, item_type, item_title, item_subtitle, rating, agency, release_date; END insert_item; / |
There’s quite a nifty or nasty trick inside the dynamic SQL statement. You’ll notice that the colon is concatenated to the ASIN
and a bind variable. It is critical that you don’t encapsulate the bind variable inside quotes, or you’ll raise an ORA-01006
exception (check Table 11-2 in the Oracle Database 11g PL/SQL Programming book for more detail). You can’t enclose a string in single quotes because the string is substituted as a string, and it trips up the parser.
You can test this dynamic SQL statement with the following anonymous PL/SQL block:
BEGIN insert_item('B00005JPO1' ,'DVD_WIDE_SCREEN' ,'Indiana Jones and the Crystal Skull' ,'2-Disc Special Edition' ,'PG-13' ,'MPAA' ,'14-OCT-08'); END; / |
Oracle PHP/AJAX Framework
While writing Oracle Database 11g PL/SQL Programming book last year, I collaborated with Lee Barney on a PHP/AJAX framework. Our Oracle Database AJAX & PHP Web Application Development book covers the framework. You can find a new and improved version at Lee maintains the code and continues to improve it. I’m sure he’d welcome suggestions and collaboration. We see it as very useful to AJAX web development, and to the Open Source community.
The IS OF operator for object type comparisons
You can do base type and subtype comparisons with the IS OF
operators. They work like the typeof operator in Java. They also eliminate null values when you use them in a WHERE
clause or an IF
block. They work against all SQL user-defined object types. The prototypes are:
object_variable IS OF (object_type1 [, object_type2, [object_type(n+1)]]) object_variable IS NOT OF (object_type1 [, object_type2, [object_type(n+1)]]) |
The left operand should be an object column or element of a collection. The IS OF
returns true when the object_variable matches the object type or a member of the list of object types. The IS NOT OF
returns true when the object_variable doesn’t match, and both return false when the object_variable is a null value.
Oracle Database LOBs In-depth
Last month I presented the Oracle Database LOBs In-depth at the Utah Oracle User’s Group (UTOUG) Training Days. You can find the slides and sample programs here. The presentation illustrates how the transaction context works and how to access, maintain, and manage LOBs.
Cleaning up wasted LOB space
After replacing the contents of a BLOB
column, you will see the size grow because old indexes and segments aren’t deleted or removed from the index. The only way to get rid of the old information is to perform some simple table maintenance. The following provides an example of dumping redundant or obsolete space and indexes.
You should first check space, by using the query provided earlier in my blog to compare LOB indexes and segments. Such extremes as the regular expression in that query aren’t needed when DBAs ensure that LOBs are created with named segments. In this test case, this is the starting point:
TABLE COLUMN Segment Segment Name Name Segment Name TYPE Bytes ----- --------- ------------------------- ---------- --------- ITEM ITEM_BLOB SYS_IL0000074435C00007$$ LOBINDEX 65536 ITEM ITEM_BLOB SYS_LOB0000074435C00007$$ LOBSEGMENT 2097152 ITEM ITEM_DESC SYS_IL0000074435C00006$$ LOBINDEX 393216 ITEM ITEM_DESC SYS_LOB0000074435C00006$$ LOBSEGMENT 226492416 |
You create a temporary CLOB
column in the target table. Then, you update the temporary column with the value from your real column.
ALTER TABLE item ADD (item_temp CLOB); UPDATE item SET item_temp = item_desc; |
When you requery the table’s indexes and segments, you’d find something like the following. You should note the size of the index and segments are three times larger in the real column than the temporary columns.
TABLE COLUMN Segment Segment Name Name Segment Name TYPE Bytes ----- --------- ------------------------- ---------- --------- ITEM ITEM_BLOB SYS_IL0000074435C00007$$ LOBINDEX 65536 ITEM ITEM_BLOB SYS_LOB0000074435C00007$$ LOBSEGMENT 2097152 ITEM ITEM_DESC SYS_IL0000074435C00006$$ LOBINDEX 393216 ITEM ITEM_DESC SYS_LOB0000074435C00006$$ LOBSEGMENT 226492416 ITEM ITEM_TEMP SYS_IL0000074435C00016$$ LOBINDEX 131072 ITEM ITEM_TEMP SYS_LOB0000074435C00016$$ LOBSEGMENT 65011712 |
You drop the real column and add it back, or simply rename the new table to the old column once you’ve dropped it. Then, you update the real column with the values from the temporary column.
ALTER TABLE item DROP COLUMN item_desc; ALTER TABLE item ADD (item_desc CLOB); UPDATE item SET item_desc = item_temp; |
You can now requery the table and find that you’ve eliminated extraneous space.
TABLE COLUMN Segment Segment Name Name Segment Name TYPE Bytes ----- --------- ------------------------- ---------- --------- ITEM ITEM_BLOB SYS_IL0000074435C00006$$ LOBINDEX 65536 ITEM ITEM_BLOB SYS_LOB0000074435C00006$$ LOBSEGMENT 2097152 ITEM ITEM_DESC SYS_IL0000074435C00016$$ LOBINDEX 131072 ITEM ITEM_DESC SYS_LOB0000074435C00016$$ LOBSEGMENT 65011712 ITEM ITEM_TEMP SYS_IL0000074435C00016$$ LOBINDEX 131072 ITEM ITEM_TEMP SYS_LOB0000074435C00016$$ LOBSEGMENT 65011712 |
You drop the temporary column after making the change.
ALTER TABLE item DROP COLUMN item_temp; |
You can now requery the table and find that you’ve eliminated extraneous space.
TABLE COLUMN Segment Segment Name Name Segment Name TYPE Bytes ----- --------- ------------------------- ---------- --------- ITEM ITEM_BLOB SYS_IL0000074435C00006$$ LOBINDEX 65536 ITEM ITEM_BLOB SYS_LOB0000074435C00006$$ LOBSEGMENT 2097152 ITEM ITEM_DESC SYS_IL0000074435C00016$$ LOBINDEX 131072 ITEM ITEM_DESC SYS_LOB0000074435C00016$$ LOBSEGMENT 65011712 |
Matching LOB Indexes and Segments
I enjoyed Tom Kyte’s example of how you find matching a LOB Index to Segment (Expert Oracle Database Architecture, pp. 542). I’ve noticed variations of it posted in various locations. While it works well for sample scheme that have only one LOB, the following works for any number of LOBs in any schema. This simplifies working with system- and user-defined segment names. The first CASE
statement ensures that joins between user-named segment names are possible. The second CASE
statement ensures two things: (a) Joins between system generated segment names don’t throw an error when matching unrelated system generated return values found in the DBA_SEGEMENTS
view; and (b) Joins between named segments are possible and don’t throw an error.
COL owner FORMAT A5 HEADING "Owner" COL TABLE_NAME FORMAT A5 HEADING "Table|Name" COL column_name FORMAT A10 HEADING "Column|Name" COL segment_name FORMAT A26 HEADING "Segment Name" COL segment_type FORMAT A10 HEADING "Segment|Type" COL bytes HEADING "Segment|Bytes" SELECT l.owner , l.table_name , l.column_name , s.segment_name , s.segment_type , s.bytes FROM dba_lobs l , dba_segments s WHERE REGEXP_SUBSTR(l.segment_name,'([[:alnum:]]|[[:punct:]])+' , CASE WHEN REGEXP_INSTR(s.segment_name,'[[:digit:]]',1) > 0 THEN REGEXP_INSTR(s.segment_name,'[[:digit:]]',1) ELSE 1 END) = REGEXP_SUBSTR(s.segment_name,'([[:alnum:]]|[[:punct:]])+' , CASE WHEN REGEXP_INSTR(s.segment_name,'[[:digit:]]',1) > 0 THEN REGEXP_INSTR(s.segment_name,'[[:digit:]]',1) ELSE 1 END) AND l.table_name = UPPER('&table_name') AND l.owner = UPPER('&owner') ORDER BY l.column_name, s.segment_name; |
It produces the following type of output:
Table Column Segment Segment Name Name Segment Name Type Bytes ------ ---------- ------------------------- ---------- --------- PLSQL ITEM_BLOB SYS_IL0000074435C00007$$ LOBINDEX 65,536 PLSQL ITEM_BLOB SYS_LOB0000074435C00007$$ LOBSEGMENT 2,097,152 PLSQL ITEM_DESC SYS_IL0000074435C00006$$ LOBINDEX 65,536 PLSQL ITEM_DESC SYS_LOB0000074435C00006$$ LOBSEGMENT 720,896 |
This should help you monitor growth of LOBs in your database. The maximum CHUNK
size is 32.768. If you elect a value greater than that you raise an ORA-22851
Oracle Database 11g PL/SQL New Features
Last month I presented the Oracle PL/SQL 11g New Features at the Utah Oracle User’s Group (UTOUG) Training Days. You can find the slides here. My favorite new feature is that you no longer have to select a sequence into a variable to use it in a SQL statement in a PL/SQL block.