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Archive for the ‘PHPMyAdmin’ Category

MySQL 5.7.* and mysqli

without comments

After installing MySQL 5.7.22 and PHP 7.1.17 on Fedora 27, you need to install the mysqli library. You need to verify if the mysqli library is installed. You can do that with the following mysqli_check.php program:

<title>Check mysqli Install</title>
  if (!function_exists('mysqli_init') && !extension_loaded('mysqli')) {
    print 'mysqli not installed.'; }
  else {
    print 'mysqli installed.'; }

You test preceding PHP program with the following URL in a browser:


If the mysqli program isn’t installed, you can install it as follows by opening the yum interactive shell:

[root@localhost html]# yum shell
Last metadata expiration check: 1:26:46 ago on Wed 22 Aug 2018 08:05:50 PM MDT.
> remove php-mysql
No match for argument: php-mysql
Error: No packages marked for removal.
> install php-mysqlnd
> run
 Package                 Arch               Version                   Repository           Size
 php-mysqlnd             x86_64             7.1.20-1.fc27             updates             246 k
 php                     x86_64             7.1.20-1.fc27             updates             2.8 M
 php-cli                 x86_64             7.1.20-1.fc27             updates             4.2 M
 php-common              x86_64             7.1.20-1.fc27             updates             1.0 M
 php-fpm                 x86_64             7.1.20-1.fc27             updates             1.5 M
 php-json                x86_64             7.1.20-1.fc27             updates              73 k
 php-pdo                 x86_64             7.1.20-1.fc27             updates             138 k
 php-pgsql               x86_64             7.1.20-1.fc27             updates             135 k
Transaction Summary
Install  1 Package
Upgrade  7 Packages
Total download size: 10 M
Is this ok [y/N]: y

After you type y and the return key, you should see a detailed log of the installation. Click the link below to see the yum installation log detail.

After you install the mysqli library, you exit the yum interactive shell with the quit command as shown:

> quit
Leaving Shell
The downloaded packages were saved in cache until the next successful transaction.
You can remove cached packages by executing 'dnf clean packages'.

You can now retest by re-running the mysqli_check.php program with the following URL:


Image processing is not generally installed by default. You should use the following yum command to install the PHP Image processing library:

yum install -y php-gd

Or, you can use dnf (Dandified yum), like:

dnf install -y php-gd

Click the link below to see the yum installation log detail.

If you encounter an error trying to render an image like this:

Call to undefined function imagecreatefromstring() in ...

The php-gd package is not enabled. You can verify the contents of the php-gd package with the following rpm command on Fedora or CentOS:

rpm -ql php-gd

On PHP 7.1, it should return:


Then, you might choose to follow some obsolete note from ten or more years ago to include in your /etc/php.ini file. That’s not necessary.

The most common reason for incurring this error is tied to migrating old PHP 5 code forward. Sometimes folks used logic like the following to print a Portable Network Graphics (png) file stored natively in a MySQL BLOB column:

  header('Content-Type: image/x-png');

If it was stored as a Portable Network Graphics (png) file, all you needed was:

  header('Content-Type: image/x-png');
  print $image;

As always, I hope this helps those looking for a solution.

Written by maclochlainn

August 23rd, 2018 at 11:47 am

MySQL Boolean Data Type

with 11 comments

Somebody posted a quick question about the outcome of defining a table with a bool data type in PHPMyAdmin. They were subsequently surprised when they checked the MySQL database and found that it was actually a tinyint(1). The natural question they had was: “What do you enter – true/false or 1/0?”

I promised to post an answer tonight, and morning counts too. You can enter a true or false because they’re synonyms for a 1 or 0 respectively. TINYINT is the supported data type, and BIT, BOOL, and BOOLEAN are synonyms for the base data type.

Here’s an example in MySQL:

mysql> CREATE TABLE data_type (TYPE bool);
mysql> DESCRIBE data_type;
| FIELD | TYPE       | NULL | KEY | DEFAULT | Extra |
| TYPE  | tinyint(1) | YES  |     | NULL    |       |
mysql> INSERT INTO data_type VALUES (TRUE),(FALSE);
mysql> SELECT * FROM data_type;
| TYPE |
|    1 |
|    0 |

The comment below raises the question of what happens with values in the valid range of TINYINT that aren’t 0 or 1, like 5. The simple answer is they’re not valid when compared against the true and false constants, as you can see by creating the following example.

-- Create a test table.
, range_1    tinyint UNSIGNED
, range_2    tinyint );
-- Insert test values.
 (NULL, 0, 0)
,(NULL, 1, 1)
,(NULL, 1,-1)
,(NULL, 2, 2);
-- Query results.
SELECT range_1 AS "Value"
,      CASE
         WHEN range_1 = TRUE THEN 'True'
         WHEN range_1 = FALSE THEN 'False'
         ELSE 'Invalid'
       END AS "Unsigned"
,      range_2 AS "Value"
,      CASE
         WHEN range_2 = TRUE  THEN 'True'
         WHEN range_2 = FALSE THEN 'False'
         ELSE 'Invalid'
       END AS "Signed"
FROM   verify;

The results of the test demonstrate that only a 0 or 1 value validates against the false or true constants, as shown:

| Value | Unsigned | Value | Signed  |
|     0 | False    |     0 | False   |
|     1 | True     |     1 | True    |
|     1 | True     |    -1 | Invalid |
|     2 | Invalid  |     2 | Invalid |

Based on the comment, the 256 value range of TINYINT is found here.

Written by maclochlainn

February 26th, 2010 at 2:32 am

Posted in MAMP,MySQL,PHPMyAdmin,sql