Describe tables & views
The view is fairly straightforward and written to let you deploy it in any schema. You’ll need to make changes if you’d like it work against the ALL
or DBA
CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW schema_tables AS SELECT o.object_type AS object_type , c.table_name AS TABLE_NAME , c.column_id AS column_id , c.column_name AS column_name , DECODE(c.nullable,'N','NOT NULL','') AS NULLABLE , DECODE(c.data_type , 'BFILE' ,'BINARY FILE LOB' , 'BINARY_FLOAT' ,c.data_type , 'BINARY_DOUBLE',c.data_type , 'BLOB' ,c.data_type , 'CLOB' ,c.data_type , 'CHAR' ,DECODE(NVL(c.data_length,0),0,c.data_type , c.data_type||'('||c.data_length||')') , 'DATE' ,c.data_type , 'FLOAT' ,c.data_type , 'LONG RAW' ,c.data_type , 'NCHAR' ,DECODE(NVL(c.data_length,0),0,c.data_type , c.data_type||'('||c.data_length||')') , 'NVARCHAR2' ,DECODE(NVL(c.data_length,0),0,c.data_type , c.data_type||'('||c.data_length||')') , 'NUMBER' ,DECODE(NVL(c.data_precision||c.data_scale,0) , 0,c.data_type , DECODE(NVL(c.data_scale,0),0 , c.data_type||'('||c.data_precision||')' , c.data_type||'('||c.data_precision||','|| c.data_scale||')')) , 'RAW' ,DECODE(NVL(c.data_length,0),0,c.data_type , c.data_type||'('||c.data_length||')') , 'VARCHAR' ,DECODE(NVL(c.data_length,0),0,c.data_type , c.data_type||'('||c.data_length||')') , 'VARCHAR2' ,DECODE(NVL(c.data_length,0),0,c.data_type , c.data_type||'('||c.data_length||')') , 'TIMESTAMP' , c.data_type,c.data_type) AS data_type , CASE WHEN c.data_default IS NULL THEN 'N' ELSE 'Y' END AS data_default FROM user_tab_columns c,user_objects o WHERE o.object_name = c.table_name ORDER BY c.table_name, c.column_id; |
The following programs let you display the formatted output from a web page or the SQL>
prompt. You can get a web view of tables and views like this:
By running this PHP program:
<?php // Declare input variables. (isset($_GET['type'])) ? $bind = $_GET['type']."%" : $bind = "%"; // Control variables. $first_row = true; $table_name = ''; // Connect to the database, change UID, password and TNS alias. if ($c = @oci_connect("plsql","plsql","orcl")) { // Parse a query to a resource statement. $s = oci_parse($c,"SELECT DECODE(st.object_type,'TABLE','Table Name: ' , 'VIEW' ,'View Name: ') || st.table_name , st.column_name , st.nullable , st.data_type , st.data_default FROM schema_tables st WHERE st.object_type LIKE UPPER(:input) ORDER BY st.table_name , st.column_id"); // Bind PHP variables to the OCI input or in mode variables. oci_bind_by_name($s,':input',$bind,SQLT_CHR); // Execute query without an implicit commit. oci_execute($s,OCI_DEFAULT); // Open the HTML table. print '<table border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="3">'; // Read fetched data. while (oci_fetch($s)) { if (($first_row) || (oci_result($s,1) != $table_name)) { $first_row = false; // Read fetched headers. print '<tr>'; print '<td colspan="4" class="e">'.oci_result($s,1).'</td>'; print '</tr>'; print '<tr>'; for ($i = 2;$i <= oci_num_fields($s);$i++) print '<td class="e">'.oci_field_name($s,$i).'</td>'; print '</tr>'; $table_name = oci_result($s,1); } // Print open and close HTML row tags and columns data. print '<tr>'; for ($i = 2;$i <= oci_num_fields($s);$i++) { print '<td class="v">'; if (!oci_field_is_null($s,$i)) print oci_result($s,$i); else print ' '; print '</td>'; } print '</tr>'; } // Close the HTML table. print '</table>'; // Disconnect from database. oci_close($c); } else { // Assign the OCI error and format double and single quotes. $errorMessage = oci_error(); print htmlentities($errorMessage['message'])."<br />"; } ?> |
Alternatively, you can run this script from the SQL>
CLEAR BREAKS CLEAR COLUMNS CLEAR COMPUTES TTITLE OFF SET ECHO ON SET FEEDBACK OFF SET NULL '' SET PAGESIZE 999 SET PAUSE OFF SET TERM ON SET TIME OFF SET TIMING OFF SET VERIFY OFF ACCEPT INPUT PROMPT "Enter [TABLE | VIEW ] unless you want both: " SET HEADING ON TTITLE LEFT o1 o2 ' >' SKIP 1 - '--------------------------------------------------------' SKIP 1 CLEAR COLUMNS CLEAR BREAKS BREAK ON REPORT BREAK ON c2 SKIP PAGE COL c1 NEW_VALUE o1 NOPRINT COL c2 NEW_VALUE o2 NOPRINT COL c3 FORMAT A32 HEADING "Name" COL c4 FORMAT A8 HEADING "Null?" COL c5 FORMAT A33 HEADING "Type" COL c6 FORMAT A1 HEADING "Default?" SELECT DECODE(st.object_type,'TABLE','Table Name: < ' , 'VIEW' ,'View Name: < ') c1 , st.table_name c2 , st.column_name c3 , st.nullable c4 , st.data_type c5 , st.data_default c6 FROM schema_tables st WHERE st.table_name LIKE UPPER('&input')||'%' ORDER BY st.table_name , st.column_id; |
Perhaps a future release will include a standard component that does more.