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Find files with errors

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My students wanted a quick solution on how to find the log files that contain errors. That’s a simple line of code in Linux if you want any Oracle errors that start with ORA-:

find $HOME/lab2 -type f | xargs grep -i ora\-

It takes only a moment more to look for errors starting with ORA- or PLS-, like:

find $HOME/lab2 -type f | xargs grep -i -e ora\- -e pls\-

The latter might return something like this:

contact_lab.txt:ORA-00904: "MEMBER_LAB_ID": invalid identifier 
contact_lab.txt:ORA-00942: table or view does not exist 
contact_lab.txt:ORA-00942: table or view does not exist 
member_lab.txt:ORA-02264: name already used by an existing constraint 
member_lab.txt:ORA-00955: name is already used by an existing object

You can improve the error identification by identifying line numbers by adding -n option, like:

find $HOME/lab2 -type f | xargs grep -in -e ora\- -e pls\-

The latter might return something like this when there are two or more files:

contact_lab.txt:76:ORA-00904: "MEMBER_LAB_ID": invalid identifier 
contact_lab.txt:150:ORA-00942: table or view does not exist 
contact_lab.txt:157:ORA-00942: table or view does not exist 
member_lab.txt:75:ORA-02264: name already used by an existing constraint 
member_lab.txt:149:ORA-00955: name is already used by an existing object

Unfortunately, the command raises an error when there aren’t any files found of with a qualified extension. It also fails to prepend the file name when there’s only one qualified file name. As a result of these deficiencies, I’ve written the following Bash shell script. I’ve opted to call it the .findErrors.bashrc file name and deploy it in the user’s $HOME directory.

  # Assign any file filter to the ext variable.
  # Assign the extension or simply use a wildcard for all files.
  if [ ! -z ${ext} ]; then
  # Assign the number of qualifying files to a variable.
  fileNum=$(ls -l ${ext} 2>/dev/null | grep -v ^l | wc -l)
  # Evaluate the number of qualifying files and process.
  if [ ${fileNum} -eq "0" ]; then
    echo "[0] files exist."
  elif [ ${fileNum} -eq "1" ]; then
    fileName=$(ls ${ext})
    find `pwd` -type f | grep -in ${ext} -e ora\- -e pls\- |
    while IFS='\n' read list; do
      echo "${fileName}:${list}"
    find `pwd` -type f | grep -in ${ext} -e ora\- -e pls\- |
    while IFS='\n' read list; do
      echo "${list}"

You can modify the errors() function with or without a file extension to identify errors beginning with ORA- or PLS- in their log files. As always, I hope this helps those looking for a solution.

Written by maclochlainn

May 21st, 2019 at 8:04 pm