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MySQL Script Test

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There are many ways to test and edit files. A lot of developers only use their favorite Integrated Developer Environment (IDE) but I find testing script files within the scope of a pipelined set of scripts much faster.

The ability to edit a script from within the MySQL Command-Line Interface (CLI) or MySQL Shell would be nice but unfortunately, doesn’t exist. You can always subshell to edit a file or list files in the present working directory, like:

mysql> \! vi task.sql

I prefer to test at the OS level while leveraging the up-arrow key for command history. Here’s my quick edit and test script technique from your present working directory:

  1. Assume you create a task.sql test file, like:

    SELECT user() AS "Current User"\G
  2. You can edit with vi or emac and test the script interactively from the present working directory.

    • You can edit the file with the following syntax:

      vi task.sql
    • then, you can test the task.sql file:

      mysql -ustudent -p -Dstudentdb < task.sql
    • It returns the following:

      Enter password: 
      *************************** 1. row ***************************
      Current User: student@localhost
    • If you have the desired outcome, you’re done. However, if you need further change you repeat the process.

As always, I hope this helps those looking for a quick way to accomplish a task.

Written by maclochlainn

April 11th, 2021 at 1:09 pm