Title Case Anyone?
Sometimes life is too surreal. Like when somebody says, “How do you get title case in an Oracle database?” That’s when you know three things about the individual, while suppressing laughter. They’re not very experienced with SQL, likely lazy, and don’t read the documentation.
I had a little fun with somebody today by taking them down a small rat-hole. “Oh, gosh … ” I said, “… let’s write a function for that.” Here’s the joke function, like:
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION title_case ( string VARCHAR2 ) RETURN VARCHAR2 IS BEGIN /* Change upper case to title case. */ RETURN UPPER(SUBSTR(string,1,1)) || LOWER(SUBSTR(string,2,LENGTH(string))); END title_case; / |
Then, we tested it with a query from the pseudo dual table:
SELECT title_case('incredible') AS "Proper Name" FROM dual; |
It returned:
Proper Name ---------- Incredible |
Then, I said “Oh, that’s not his proper name in the Pixar World.” It should be: Mr. Incredible. Let’s try that:
SELECT title_case('mr. incredible') AS "Proper Name" FROM dual; |
It returned:
Proper Name -------------- Mr. incredible |
Then, I said: “That’s not what we want at all. Should we rewrite our function or simply use the INITCAP built-in function?” Then, I wrote:
SELECT INITCAP('mr. incredible') AS "Proper Name" FROM dual; |
It returned:
Proper Name -------------- Mr. Incredible |
Well, needless to say my acquaintance got it immediately and said “I should have Googled it or read the documentation.” I concurred with his observation.
Just sharing a cute day’s event that made me laugh and cry at the same time because there are too many who say SQL isn’t worth learning.