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MySQL Self-Join

with 4 comments

I’m switching to MySQL and leveraging Alan Beaulieu’s Learning SQL as a supporting reference for my Database Design and Development course. While reviewing Alan’s Chapter 5: Querying Multiple Tables, I found his coverage of using self-joins minimal.

In fact, he adds a prequel_film_id column to the film table in the sakila database and then a single row to demonstrate a minimal self-join query. I wanted to show them how to view a series of rows interconnected by a self-join, like the following:

SELECT   f.title AS film
,        fp.title AS prequel
FROM     film f LEFT JOIN film fp
ON       f.prequel_id = fp.film_id
WHERE    f.series_name = 'Harry Potter'
ORDER BY f.series_number;

It returns the following result set:

| film                                         | prequel                                      |
| Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets      | Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone        |
| Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban     | Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets      |
| Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire          | Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban     |
| Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix    | Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire          |
| Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince       | Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix    |
| Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1 | Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince       |
| Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2 | Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1 |
7 rows in set (0.00 sec)

Then, I thought about what questions the students might ask. For example, why doesn’t the query return the first film that doesn’t have a prequel. So, I took the self-join to the next level to display the first film having no prequel, like this:

SELECT   f.title AS film
,        IFNULL(
             WHEN NOT f.film_id = fp.film_id
             AND      f.prequel_id = fp.film_id THEN fp.title		   
           END,'None') AS prequel
FROM     film f LEFT JOIN film fp
ON       f.prequel_id = fp.film_id
WHERE    f.series_name = 'Harry Potter'
ORDER BY f.series_number;

The CASE operator in the SELECT-list filters the result set by eliminating rows erroneously returned. Without the CASE filter, the query would return the original Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone film matched agains a NULL and all of the other sequels. The CASE operator effectively limits the result set for the LEFT JOIN to only the following data:

| film                                         | prequel                                   |
| Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone        | NULL                                         |

The IFNULL() built-in function lets you replace the NULL value returned as the prequel’s title value. The IFNULL() function substitutes a 'None' string literal for a NULL value. The query returns the following result set:

| film                                         | prequel                                      |
| Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone        | None                                         |
| Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets      | Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone        |
| Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban     | Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets      |
| Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire          | Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban     |
| Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix    | Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire          |
| Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince       | Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix    |
| Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1 | Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince       |
| Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2 | Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1 |
8 rows in set (0.01 sec)

Alan’s modification of the table had the following two related design flaws:

  • It didn’t provide a way to guarantee the ordering of films with prequels because relational databases don’t guarantee ordered result sets unless you use an ORDER BY clause, which typically requires a column to order.
  • It didn’t provide a way to isolate a series of films.

I modified the film table differently by adding the series_name, series_number, and prequel_id columns. The series_name column lets you group results and the series_number column lets you order by a preserved sequence that you store as part of the data The prequel_id column lets you connect to the prequel film, much like the backward portion of a doubly linked list.

The new table is:

| Field                | Type                                                                | Null | Key | Default           | Extra                                         |
| film_id              | smallint unsigned                                                   | NO   | PRI | NULL              | auto_increment                                |
| title                | varchar(255)                                                        | NO   | MUL | NULL              |                                               |
| description          | text                                                                | YES  |     | NULL              |                                               |
| release_year         | year                                                                | YES  |     | NULL              |                                               |
| language_id          | tinyint unsigned                                                    | NO   | MUL | NULL              |                                               |
| original_language_id | tinyint unsigned                                                    | YES  | MUL | NULL              |                                               |
| rental_duration      | tinyint unsigned                                                    | NO   |     | 3                 |                                               |
| rental_rate          | decimal(4,2)                                                        | NO   |     | 4.99              |                                               |
| length               | smallint unsigned                                                   | YES  |     | NULL              |                                               |
| replacement_cost     | decimal(5,2)                                                        | NO   |     | 19.99             |                                               |
| rating               | enum('G','PG','PG-13','R','NC-17')                                  | YES  |     | G                 |                                               |
| special_features     | set('Trailers','Commentaries','Deleted Scenes','Behind the Scenes') | YES  |     | NULL              |                                               |
| last_update          | timestamp                                                           | NO   |     | CURRENT_TIMESTAMP | DEFAULT_GENERATED on update CURRENT_TIMESTAMP |
| series_name          | varchar(20)                                                         | YES  |     | NULL              |                                               |
| series_number        | int unsigned                                                        | YES  |     | NULL              |                                               |
| prequel              | int unsigned                                                        | YES  |     | NULL              |                                               |
16 rows in set (0.21 sec)

After adding the three new columns, I inserted eight rows for the original Harry Potter films. You can use the following script in the MySQL client (mysql) to add the columns and insert the data to test the preceding queries:

-- Use sakila database.
USE sakila;
-- Add a prequel_id column to the table.
ADD (series_name    varchar(20)),
ADD (series_number  int unsigned),
ADD (prequel_id     int unsigned);
-- Set primary to foreign key local variable.
SET @sv_film_id = 0;
-- Insert Harry Potter films in table with classic values clause.
( title
, description
, release_year
, language_id
, original_language_id
, rental_duration
, rental_rate
, length
, replacement_cost
, rating
, special_features
, last_update
, series_name
, series_number
, prequel_id )
('Harry Potter and the Sorcerer''s Stone'
,'A film about a young boy who on his eleventh birthday discovers, he is the orphaned boy of two powerful wizards and has unique magical powers.'
, 2001
, 1
, 3
, 0.99
, 152
, 19.99
,'Harry Potter'
, 1
, NULL );
-- Assign the last generated primary key value to the local variable.
SET @sv_film_id := last_insert_id();
-- Insert 2nd film in table with classic values clause.
( title
, description
, release_year
, language_id
, original_language_id
, rental_duration
, rental_rate
, length
, replacement_cost
, rating
, special_features
, last_update
, series_name
, series_number
, prequel_id )
('Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets'
,'A film where Harry returning to Hogwarts, still famous and a hero, when strange things start to happen ... people are turning to stone and no-one knows what, or who, is doing it.'
, 2002
, 1
, 3
, 0.99
, 160
, 19.99
,'Harry Potter'
, 2
, @sv_film_id );
-- Assign the last generated primary key value to the local variable.
SET @sv_film_id := last_insert_id();
-- Insert 3rd film in table with classic values clause.
( title
, description
, release_year
, language_id
, original_language_id
, rental_duration
, rental_rate
, length
, replacement_cost
, rating
, special_features
, last_update
, series_name
, series_number
, prequel_id )
('Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban'
,'A film where Harry, Ron, and Hermione return for their third year at Hogwarts and are forced to face escaped prisoner, Sirius Black.'
, 2004
, 1
, 3
, 0.99
, 141
, 19.99
,'Harry Potter'
, 3
, @sv_film_id );
-- Assign the last generated primary key value to the local variable.
SET @sv_film_id := last_insert_id();
-- Insert 4th film in table with classic values clause.
( title
, description
, release_year
, language_id
, original_language_id
, rental_duration
, rental_rate
, length
, replacement_cost
, rating
, special_features
, last_update
, series_name
, series_number
, prequel_id )
('Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire'
,'A film where where Harry Potter''s name emerges from the Goblet of Fire, and he becomes a competitor in a grueling battle for glory among three wizarding schools - the Triwizard Tournament.'
, 2005
, 1
, 3
, 0.99
, 157
, 19.99
,'Harry Potter'
, 4
, @sv_film_id );
-- Assign the last generated primary key value to the local variable.
SET @sv_film_id := last_insert_id();
-- Insert 5th film in table with classic values clause.
( title
, description
, release_year
, language_id
, original_language_id
, rental_duration
, rental_rate
, length
, replacement_cost
, rating
, special_features
, last_update
, series_name
, series_number
, prequel_id )
('Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix'
,'A film where Lord Voldemort has returned, but the Ministry of Magic is doing everything it can to keep the wizarding world from knowing the truth.'
, 2007
, 1
, 3
, 0.99
, 138
, 19.99
,'Harry Potter'
, 5
, @sv_film_id );
-- Assign the last generated primary key value to the local variable.
SET @sv_film_id := last_insert_id();
-- Insert 6th film in table with classic values clause.
( title
, description
, release_year
, language_id
, original_language_id
, rental_duration
, rental_rate
, length
, replacement_cost
, rating
, special_features
, last_update
, series_name
, series_number
, prequel_id )
('Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince'
,'A film where Voldemort is tightening his grip on Hogwarts and it is no longer the safe haven it once was. Harry and Dumbledore work to find the key to unlock the Dark Lord''s defenses.'
, 2009
, 1
, 3
, 0.99
, 153
, 19.99
,'Harry Potter'
, 6
, @sv_film_id );
-- Assign the last generated primary key value to the local variable.
SET @sv_film_id := last_insert_id();
-- Insert 7th film in table with classic values clause.
( title
, description
, release_year
, language_id
, original_language_id
, rental_duration
, rental_rate
, length
, replacement_cost
, rating
, special_features
, last_update
, series_name
, series_number
, prequel_id )
('Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1'
,'A film where Harry, Ron and Hermione set out on their perilous mission to track down and destroy the Horcruxes - the keys to Voldemort''s immortality.'
, 2010
, 1
, 3
, 0.99
, 146
, 19.99
,'Harry Potter'
, 7
, @sv_film_id );
-- Assign the last generated primary key value to the local variable.
SET @sv_film_id := last_insert_id();
-- Insert 8th film in table with classic values clause.
( title
, description
, release_year
, language_id
, original_language_id
, rental_duration
, rental_rate
, length
, replacement_cost
, rating
, special_features
, last_update
, series_name
, series_number
, prequel_id )
('Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2'
,'A film where Harry, Ron and Hermione set out on their perilous mission to track down and destroy the Horcruxes - the keys to Voldemort''s immortality.'
, 2011
, 1
, 3
, 0.99
, 130
, 19.99
,'Harry Potter'
, 8
, @sv_film_id );

You can put the following commands into a SQL script file to revert the table to its base configuration:

DELETE FROM film WHERE film_id > 1000;
ALTER TABLE film DROP COLUMN series_name;
ALTER TABLE film DROP COLUMN series_number;
ALTER TABLE film DROP COLUMN prequel_id;

As always, I hope this helps those looking for how to solve a new problem.

Written by maclochlainn

November 22nd, 2020 at 4:03 pm