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Transaction Management

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Transaction Management

Learning Outcomes

  • Learn how to use Multiversion Concurrency Control (MVCC).
  • Learn how to manage ACID-compliant transactions.
  • Learn how to use:

    • SAVEPOINT Statement
    • COMMIT Statement
    • ROLLBACK Statement

Lesson Material

Transaction Management involves two key components. One is Multiversion Concurrency Control (MVCC) so one user doesn’t interfere with another user. The other is data transactions. Data transactions packag SQL statements in the scope of an imperative language that uses Transaction Control Language (TCL) to extend ACID-compliance from single SQL statements to groups of SQL statements.

Multiversion Concurrency Control (MVCC)

Multiversion Concurrency Control (MVCC) uses database snapshots to provide transactions with memory-persistent copies of the database. This means that users, via their SQL statements, interact with the in-memory copies of data rather than directly with physical data. MVCC systems isolate user transactions from each other and guarantee transaction integrity by preventing dirty transactions, writes to the data that shouldn’t happen and that make the data inconsistent. Oracle Database 12c prevents dirty writes by its MVCC and transaction model.

Transaction models depend on transactions, which are ACID-compliant blocks of code. Oracle Database 12c provides an MVCC architecture that guarantees that all changes to data are ACID-compliant, which ensures the integrity of concurrent operations on data—transactions.

ACID-compliant transactions meet four conditions:

They complete or fail while undoing any partial changes.
They change from one state to another the same way regardless of whether
the change is made through parallel actions or serial actions.
Partial changes are never seen by other users or processes in the concurrent system.
They are written to disk and made permanent when completed.

Oracle Database 12c manages ACID-compliant transactions by writing them to disk first, as redo log files only or as both redo log files and archive log files. Then it writes them to the database. This multiple-step process with logs ensures that Oracle database’s buffer cache (part of the instance memory) isn’t lost from any completed transaction. Log writes occur before the acknowledgement-of-transactions process occurs.

The smallest transaction in a database is a single SQL statement that inserts, updates, or deletes rows. SQL statements can also change values in one or more columns of a row in a table. Each SQL statement is by itself an ACID-compliant and MVCC-enabled transaction when managed by a transaction-capable database engine. The Oracle database is always a transaction-capable system. Transactions are typically a collection of SQL statements that work in close cooperation to accomplish a business objective. They’re often grouped into stored programs, which are functions, procedures, or triggers. Triggers are specialized programs that audit or protect data. They enforce business rules that prevent unauthorized changes to the data.

SQL statements and stored programs are foundational elements for development of business applications. They contain the interaction points between customers and the data and are collectively called the application programming interface (API) to the database. User forms (typically web forms today) access the API to interact with the data. In well-architected business application software, the API is the only interface that the form developer interacts with.

Database developers, such as you and I, create these code components to enforce business rules while providing options to form developers. In doing so, database developers must guard a few things at all cost. For example, some critical business logic and controls must prevent changes to the data in specific tables, even changes in API programs. That type of critical control is often written in database triggers. SQL statements are events that add, modify, or delete data. Triggers guarantee that API code cannot make certain additions, modifications, or deletions to critical resources, such as tables. Triggers can run before or after SQL statements. Their actions, like the SQL statements themselves, are temporary until the calling scope sends an instruction to commit the work performed.

A database trigger can intercept values before they’re placed in a column, and it can ensure that only certain values can be inserted into or updated in a column. A trigger overrides an INSERT or UPDATE statement value that violates a business rule and then it either raises an error and aborts the transaction or changes the value before it can be inserted or updated into the table. Chapter 12 offers examples of both types of triggers in Oracle Database 12c.
MVCC determines how to manage transactions. MVCC guarantees how multiple users’ SQL statements interact in an ACID compliant manner. The next two sections qualify how data transactions work and how MVCC locks and isolates partial results from data transactions.

Data Transaction

Data Manipulation Language (DML) commands are the SQL statements that transact against the data. They are principally the INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE statements. The INSERT statement adds new rows in a table, the UPDATE statement modifies columns in existing rows, and the DELETE statement removes a row from a table.

The Oracle MERGE statement transacts against data by providing a conditional insert or update feature. The MERGE statement lets you add new rows when they don’t exist or change column values in rows that do exist.

Inserting data seldom encounters a conflict with other SQL statements because the values become a new row or rows in a table. Updates and deletes, on the other hand, can and do encounter conflicts with other UPDATE and DELETE statements. INSERT statements that encounter conflicts occur when columns in a new row match a preexisting row’s uniquely constrained columns. The insertion is disallowed because only one row can contain the unique column set.

These individual transactions have two phases in transactional databases such as Oracle. The first phase involves making a change that is visible only to the user in the current session. The user then has the option of committing the change, which makes it permanent, or rolling back the change, which undoes the transaction. Developers use Transaction Control Language (TCL) commands to confirm or cancel transactions. The COMMIT statement confirms or makes permanent any change, and the ROLLBACK statement cancels or undoes any change.

A generic transaction lifecycle for a two-table insert process implements a business rule that specifies that neither INSERT statement works unless they both work. Moreover, if the first INSERT statement fails, the second INSERT statement never runs; and if the second INSERT statement fails, the first INSERT statement is undone by a ROLLBACK statement to a SAVEPOINT.

After a failed transaction is unwritten, good development practice requires that you write the failed event(s) to an error log table. The write succeeds because it occurs after the ROLLBACK statement but before the COMMIT statement.

A SQL statement followed by a COMMIT statement is called a transaction process, or a two-phase commit (2PC) protocol. ACID-compliant transactions use a 2PC protocol to manage one SQL statement or collections of SQL statements. In a 2PC protocol model, the INSERT, UPDATE, MERGE, or DELETE DML statement starts the process and submits changes. These DML statements can also act as events that fire database triggers assigned to the table being changed.

Transactions become more complex when they include database triggers because triggers can inject an entire layer of logic within the transaction scope of a DML statement. For example, database triggers can do the following:

  • Run code that verifies, changes, or repudiates submitted changes
  • Record additional information after validation in other tables (they can’t write to the table being changed—or, in database lexicon, “mutated”
  • Throw exceptions to terminate a transaction when the values don’t meet business rules

As a general rule, triggers can’t contain a COMMIT or ROLLBACK statement because they run inside the transaction scope of a DML statement. Oracle databases give developers an alternative to this general rule because they support autonomous transactions. Autonomous transactions run outside the transaction scope of the triggering DML statement. They can contain a COMMIT statement and act independently of the calling scope statement. This means an autonomous trigger can commit a transaction when the calling transaction fails.

As independent statements or collections of statements add, modify, and remove rows, one statement transacts against data only by locking rows: the SELECT statement. A SELECT statement typically doesn’t lock rows when it acts as a cursor in the scope of a stored program. A cursor is a data structure that contains rows of one-to-many columns in a stored program. This is also known as a list of record structures.

Cursors act like ordinary SQL queries, except they’re managed by procedure programs row by row. There are many examples of procedural programming languages. PL/SQL and SQL/PSM programming languages are procedural languages designed to run inside the database. C, C++, C#, Java, Perl, and PHP are procedural languages that interface with the database through well-defined interfaces, such as Java Database Connectivity (JDBC) and Open Database Connectivity (ODBC).

Cursors can query data two ways. One way locks the rows so that they can’t be changed until the cursor is closed; closing the cursor releases the lock. The other way doesn’t lock the rows, which allows them to be changed while the program is working with the data set from the cursor. The safest practice is to lock the rows when you open the cursor, and that should always be the case when you’re inserting, updating, or deleting rows that depend on the values in the cursor not changing until the transaction lifecycle of the program unit completes.

Loops use cursors to process data sets. That means the cursors are generally opened at or near the beginning of program units. Inside the loop the values from the cursor support one to many SQL statements for one to many tables.

Stored and external programs create their operational scope inside a database connection when they’re called by another program. External programs connect to a database and enjoy their own operational scope, known as a session scope. The session defines the programs’ operational scope. The operational scope of a stored program or external program defines the transaction scope. Inside the transaction scope, the programs interact with data in tables by inserting, updating, or deleting data until the operations complete successfully or encounter a critical failure. These stored program units commit changes when everything completes successfully, or they roll back changes when any critical instruction fails. Sometimes, the programs are written to roll back changes when any instruction fails.

In the Oracle Database, the most common clause to lock rows is the FOR UPDATE clause, which is appended to a SELECT statement. An Oracle database also supports a WAIT n seconds or NOWAIT option. The WAIT option is a blessing when you want to reply to an end user form’s request and can’t make the change quickly. Without this option, a change could hang around for a long time, which means virtually indefinitely to a user trying to run your application. The default value in an Oracle database is NOWAIT, WAIT without a timeout, or wait indefinitely.

You should avoid this default behavior when developing program units that interact with customers. The Oracle Database also supports a full table lock with the SQL LOCK TABLE command, but you would need to embed the command inside a stored or external program’s instruction set.

Written by maclochlainn

April 5th, 2022 at 2:20 pm

Oracle Unit Test

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A unit test script may contain SQL or PL/SQL statements or it may call another script file that contains SQL or PL/SQL statements. Moreover, a script file is a way to bundle several activities into a single file because most unit test programs typically run two or more instructions as unit tests.

Unconditional Script File

You can write a simple unit test like the example program provided in the Lab 1 Help Section, which includes conditional logic. However, you can write a simpler script that is unconditional and raises exceptions when preconditions do not exist.

The following script file creates a one table and one_s sequence. The DROP TABLE and DROP SEQUENCE statements have the same precondition, which is that the table or sequence must previously exist.

-- Drop table one.
-- Crete table one.
( one_id    NUMBER
, one_text  VARCHAR2(10));
-- Drop sequence one_s.
-- Create sequence one_s.

After writing the script file, you can save it in the lab2 subdirectory as the unconditional.sql file. After you login to the SQL*Plus environment from the lab2 subdirectory. You call the unconditional.sql script file from inside the SQL*Plus environment with the following syntax:


It will display the following output, which raises an exception when the one table or one_s sequence does not already exist in the schema or database:

ERROR at line 1:
ORA-00942: table or view does not exist
Table created.
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-02289: sequence does not exist
Sequence created.

An unconditional script raises exceptions when a precondition of the statement does not exist. The precondition is not limited to objects, like the table or sequence; and the precondition may be specific data in one or several rows of one or several tables. You can avoid raising conditional errors by writing conditional scripts.

Conditional Script File

A conditional script file contains statements that check for a precondition before running a statement, which effectively promotes their embedded statements to a lambda function. The following logic recreates the logic of the unconditional.sql script file as a conditional script file:

-- Conditionally drop a table and sequence.
  FOR i IN (SELECT   object_name
            ,        object_type
            FROM     user_objects
            WHERE    object_name IN ('ONE','ONE_S')
            ORDER BY object_type ) LOOP
    IF i.object_type = 'TABLE' THEN
      EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'DROP SEQUENCE '||i.object_name;
    END IF;
-- Crete table one.
( one_id    NUMBER
, one_text  VARCHAR2(10));
-- Create sequence one_s.

You can save this script in the lab2 subdirectory as conditional.sql and then unit test it in SQL*Plus. You must manually drop the one table and one_s sequence before running the conditional.sql script to test the preconditions.

You will see that the conditional.sql script does not raise an exception because the one table or one_s sequence is missing. It should generate output to the console, like this:

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
Table created.
Sequence created.

As a rule, you should always write conditional script files. Unconditional script files throw meaningless errors, which may cause your good code to fail a deployment test that requires error free code.

Written by maclochlainn

April 5th, 2022 at 1:59 pm

Selective Aggregation

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Selective Aggregation

Learning Outcomes

  • Learn how to combine CASE operators and aggregation functions.
  • Learn how to selective aggregate values.
  • Learn how to use SQL to format report output.

Selective aggregation is the combination of the CASE operator and aggregation functions. Any aggregation function adds, sums, or averages the numbers that it finds; and when you embed the results of a CASE operator inside an aggregation function you get a selective result. The selectivity is determined by the WHEN clause of a CASE operator, which is more or less like an IF statement in an imperative programming language.

The prototype for selective aggregation is illustrated with a SUM function below:

               WHEN left_operand = right_operand THEN result
               WHEN left_operand > right_operand THEN result
               WHEN left_operand IN (SET OF comma-delimited VALUES) THEN result
               WHEN left_operand IN (query OF results) THEN result
               ELSE alt_result
             END) AS selective_aggregate
FROM     some_table;

A small example let’s you see how selective aggregation works. You create a PAYMENT table and PAYMENT_S sequence for this example, as follows:

-- Create a PAYMENT table.
( payment_id     NUMBER
, payment_date   DATE	      CONSTRAINT nn_payment_1 NOT NULL
, payment_amount NUMBER(20,2) CONSTRAINT nn_payment_2 NOT NULL
, CONSTRAINT pk_payment PRIMARY KEY (payment_id));
-- Create a PAYMENT_S sequence.

After you create the table and sequence, you should insert some data. You can match the values below or choose your own values. You should just insert values for a bunch of rows.

After inserting 10,000 rows, you can get an unformatted total with the following query:

-- Query total amount.
SELECT   SUM(payment_amount) AS payment_total
FROM     payment;

It outputs the following:


You can nest the result inside the TO_CHAR function to format the output, like

-- Query total formatted amount.
SELECT   TO_CHAR(SUM(payment_amount),'999,999,999.00') AS payment_total
FROM     payment;

It outputs the following:


Somebody may suggest that you use a PIVOT function to rotate the data into a summary by month but the PIVOT function has limits. The pivoting key must be numeric and the column values will use only those numeric values.

-- Pivoted summaries by numeric monthly value.
FROM    (SELECT EXTRACT(MONTH FROM payment_date) payment_month
         ,      payment_amount
         FROM   payment)
         PIVOT (SUM(payment_amount) FOR payment_month IN

It outputs the following:

	 1	    2	       3	  4	     5		6	   7	      8 	 9	   10	      11	 12
---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
 245896.55  430552.36  443742.63  457860.27  470467.18	466370.71  415158.28  439898.72  458998.09  461378.56  474499.22  246269.18

You can use selective aggregation to get the results by a character label, like

             WHEN EXTRACT(MONTH FROM payment_date) = 1
             AND  EXTRACT(YEAR FROM payment_date) = 2019  THEN payment_amount
           END) AS "JAN"
,        SUM(
             WHEN EXTRACT(MONTH FROM payment_date) = 2
             AND  EXTRACT(YEAR FROM payment_date) = 2019  THEN payment_amount
           END) AS "FEB"
,        SUM(
             WHEN EXTRACT(MONTH FROM payment_date) = 3
             AND  EXTRACT(YEAR FROM payment_date) = 2019  THEN payment_amount
           END) AS "MAR"
,        SUM(
             WHEN EXTRACT(MONTH FROM payment_date) IN (1,2,3)
             AND  EXTRACT(YEAR FROM payment_date) = 2019 THEN payment_amount
           END) AS "1FQ"
,        SUM(
             WHEN EXTRACT(MONTH FROM payment_date) = 4
             AND  EXTRACT(YEAR FROM payment_date) = 2019  THEN payment_amount
           END) AS "APR"
FROM     payment;

It outputs the following:

       JAN	  FEB	     MAR	1FQ	   APR
---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
 245896.55  430552.36  443742.63 1120191.54  457860.27

You can format the output with a combination of the TO_CHAR and LPAD functions. The TO_CHAR allows you to add a formatting mask, complete with commas and two mandatory digits to the right of the decimal point. The reformatted query looks like

             WHEN EXTRACT(MONTH FROM payment_date) = 1
             AND  EXTRACT(YEAR FROM payment_date) = 2019  THEN payment_amount
           END),'9,999,999.00'),13,' ') AS "JAN"
,        LPAD(TO_CHAR(SUM(
             WHEN EXTRACT(MONTH FROM payment_date) = 2
             AND  EXTRACT(YEAR FROM payment_date) = 2019  THEN payment_amount
           END),'9,999,999.00'),13,' ') AS "FEB"
,        LPAD(TO_CHAR(SUM(
             WHEN EXTRACT(MONTH FROM payment_date) = 3
             AND  EXTRACT(YEAR FROM payment_date) = 2019  THEN payment_amount
           END),'9,999,999.00'),13,' ') AS "MAR"
,        LPAD(TO_CHAR(SUM(
             WHEN EXTRACT(MONTH FROM payment_date) IN (1,2,3)
             AND  EXTRACT(YEAR FROM payment_date) = 2019 THEN payment_amount
           END),'9,999,999.00'),13,' ') AS "1FQ"
,        LPAD(TO_CHAR(SUM(
             WHEN EXTRACT(MONTH FROM payment_date) = 4
             AND  EXTRACT(YEAR FROM payment_date) = 2019  THEN payment_amount
           END),'9,999,999.00'),13,' ') AS "APR"
FROM     payment;

It displays the formatted output:

Jan	      Feb	    Mar 	  1FQ		Apr
------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- -------------
   245,896.55	 430,552.36    443,742.63  1,120,191.54    457,860.27

INSERT Statement

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INSERT Statement

Learning Outcomes

  • Learn how to use positional- and named-notation in INSERT statements.
  • Learn how to use the VALUES clause in INSERT statements.
  • Learn how to use subqueries in INSERT statements.

The INSERT statement lets you enter data into tables and views in two ways: via an INSERT statement with a VALUES clause and via an INSERT statement with a query. The VALUES clause takes a list of literal values (strings, numbers, and dates represented as strings), expression values (return values from functions), or variable values.

Query values are results from SELECT statements that are subqueries (covered earlier in this appendix). INSERT statements work with scalar, single-row, and multiple-row subqueries. The list of columns in the VALUES clause or SELECT clause of a query (a SELECT list) must map to the positional list of columns that defines the table. That list is found in the data dictionary or catalog. Alternatively to the list of columns from the data catalog, you can provide a named list of those columns. The named list overrides the positional (or default) order from the data catalog and must provide at least all mandatory columns in the table definition. Mandatory columns are those that are not null constrained.

Oracle databases differ from other databases in how they implement the INSERT statement. Oracle doesn’t support multiple-row inserts with a VALUES clause. Oracle does support default and override signatures as qualified in the ANSI SQL standards. Oracle also provides a multiple- table INSERT statement. This section covers how you enter data with an INSERT statement that is based on a VALUES clause or a subquery result statement. It also covers multiple-table INSERT statements.

The INSERT statement has one significant limitation: its default signature. The default signature is the list of columns that defines the table in the data catalog. The list is defined by the position and data type of columns. The CREATE statement defines the initial default signature, and the ALTER statement can change the number, data types, or ordering of columns in the default signature.

The default prototype for an INSERT statement allows for an optional column list that overrides the default list of columns. When you provide the column list you choose to implement named-notation, which is the right way to do it. Relying on the insertion order of the columns is a bad idea. An INSERT statement without a list of column names is a position-notation statement. Position-notation is bad because somebody can alter that order and previously written INSERT statements will break or put data in the wrong columns.

Like methods in OOPLs, an INSERT statement without the optional column list constructs an instance (or row) of the table using the default constructor. The override constructor for a row is defined by any INSERT statement when you provide an optional column list. That’s because it overrides the default constructor.

The generic prototype for an INSERT statement is confusing when it tries to capture both the VALUES clause and the result set from a query. Therefore, I’ve opted to provide two generic prototypes.

Insert by value

The first uses the VALUES clause:

INTO table_name
[( column1, column2, column3, ...)] VALUES
( value1, value2, value3, ...);

Notice that the prototype for an INSERT statement with the result set from a query doesn’t use the VALUES clause at all. A parsing error occurs when the VALUES clause and query both occur in an INSERT statement.

The second prototype uses a query and excludes the VALUES clause. The subquery may return one to many rows of data. The operative rule is that all columns in the query return the same number of rows of data, because query results should be rectangles—rectangles made up of one to many rows of columns.

Insert by subquery

Here’s the prototype for an INSERT statement that uses a subquery:

INTO table_name
[( column1, column2, column3, ...)]
( SELECT value1, value2, value3, ... FROM table_name WHERE ...);

A query, or SELECT statement, returns a SELECT list. The SELECT list is the list of columns, and it’s evaluated by position and data type. The SELECT list must match the definition of the table or the override signature provided.

Default signatures present a risk of data corruption through insertion anomalies, which occur when you enter bad data in tables. Mistakes transposing or misplacing values can occur more frequently with a default signature, because the underlying table structure can change. As a best practice, always use named notation by providing the optional list of values; this should help you avoid putting the right data in the wrong place.

The following subsections provide examples that use the default and override syntax for INSERT statements in Oracle databases. The subsections also cover multiple-table INSERT statements and a RETURNING INTO clause, which is an extension of the ANSI SQL standard. Oracle uses the RETURNING INTO clause to manage large objects, to return autogenerated identity column values, and to support some of the features of Oracle’s dynamic SQL. Note that Oracle also supports a bulk INSERT statement, which requires knowledge of PL/SQL.

Written by maclochlainn

April 5th, 2022 at 1:23 pm

Oracle Container User

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After you create and provision the Oracle Database 21c Express Edition (XE), you can create a c##student container user with the following two step process.

  1. Create a c##student Oracle user account with the following command:

    CREATE USER c##student IDENTIFIED BY student

  2. Grant necessary privileges to the newly created c##student user:

    ,     CREATE VIEW TO c##student;

As always, I hope this helps those looking for how to do something that’s less than clear because everybody uses tools.

Written by maclochlainn

January 31st, 2022 at 5:58 pm

Tiny SQL Developer

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The first time you launch SQL Developer, you may see a very small or tiny display on the screen. With some high resolution screens the text is unreadable. Unless you manually configure the sqldeveloper shortcut, you generally can’t use it.

On my virtualization on a 27″ screen it looks like:

As an Administrator user, you right click the SQLDeveloper icon and click the Compatibility tab, which should look like the following dialog. You need to check the Compatibility Mode, which by default is unchecked with Windows 8 displayed in the select list.

Check the Compatibility Mode box and the select list will no longer be gray scaled. Click on the select list box and choose Windows 7. After the change you should see the following:

After that change, you need to click on the Change high DPI settings gray scaled button, which will display the following dialog box.

Click the Override high DPI scaling behavior check box. It will change the gray highlighted Scaling Performed by select box to white. Then, you click the Scaling Performed by select box and choose the System option.

Click the OK button on the nested SQLDeveloper Properties dialog box. Then, click the Apply button on the SQLDeveloper Properties button and the OK button. You will see a workable SQL Developer interface when you launch the program through your modified shortcut.

Written by maclochlainn

January 9th, 2022 at 9:11 pm

Protocol adapter error

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One of the errors that defeats a lot of new users who install the Oracle Database on the Windows operating system is a two-step event. The first step occurs when you try to connect to the database and it raises the following error:

SQL*Plus: Release - Production on Fri Jan 7 21:00:42 2022
Copyright (c) 1982, 2018, Oracle.  All rights reserved.
ORA-12541: TNS:no listener

The second step may occur after you get the “no listener” error when you try to start the Oracle listener and it fails to start. The Oracle listener control command is:

lsnrctl start

When it returns the following error:

LSNRCTL FOR 64-bit Windows: Version - Production ON 07-JAN-2022 21:02:20
Copyright (c) 1991, 2018, Oracle.  ALL rights reserved.
Starting tnslsnr: please wait...
Unable TO OpenSCManager: err=5
TNS-12560: TNS:protocol adapter error
TNS-00530: Protocol adapter error

The problem is generally in two configuration files. They are the listener.ora and tnsnames.ora files. This typically occurs when the developer fails to set the localhost in the Windows operating system hosts configuration file. The chain of events that causes these errors can be avoided when the user puts the following two lines:      localhost
::1            localhost

in the following hosts file:


You can typically avoid these errors when you configure the hosts configuration file correctly before installing the Oracle Database. That’s because the Oracle database installation will use localhost keyword instead of the current, and typically DHCP assigned, IP address.

The loss of connectivity errors typically occur when the IP address changes after the installation. DHCP IP addresses often change as machines disconnect and reconnect to a network.

You can fix a DHCP IP installation of an Oracle database by editing the listener.ora and tnsnames.ora files. You replace the IP addresses with the localhost keyword.

The listener.ora and tnsnames.ora files look like the following for an Oracle Database 21c Express Edition (provided you installed them in a C:\app\username directory:


# listener.ora Network Configuration File: C:\app\username\product\21.0.0\dbhomeXE\NETWORK\ADMIN\listener.ora
# Generated by Oracle configuration tools.
   (SID_DESC =
     (SID_NAME = CLRExtProc)
     (ORACLE_HOME = C:\app\username\product\21.0.0\dbhomeXE)
     (PROGRAM = extproc)
     (ENVS = "EXTPROC_DLLS=ONLY:C:\app\username\product\21.0.0\dbhomeXE\bin\oraclr21.dll")
     (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = localhost)(PORT = 1521))


# tnsnames.ora Network Configuration File: C:\app\mclaughlinm\product\21.0.0\dbhomeXE\NETWORK\ADMIN\tnsnames.ora
# Generated by Oracle configuration tools.
XE =
   (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = localhost)(PORT = 1521))
 (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = localhost)(PORT = 1521))
     (SID = CLRExtProc)

As always, I hope this helps those looking for a solution to something that can take more time than it should to fix.

Oracle EBS Forms

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Somebody wanted to know how to discover the difference between a customized and generic set of forms in an Oracle EBS solution without manually cataloging. That’s simple, create a vanilla instance from the media and then designate the customized instance as production; and create database links for them respectively as @vanilla and @production.

After doing that, here a query that will return only the customized forms:

COL application_short_name FORMAT A20 HEADING "Application|Short Name"
COL form_name              FORMAT A20 HEADING "Form Name"
COL basepath               FORMAT A12 HEADING "Basepath|Product|Top"
SELECT   a.application_short_name
,        f.form_name
,        a.basepath
FROM     fnd_form@production f INNER JOIN fnd_application@production a
ON       f.application_id = a.application_id
          (SELECT NULL
           FROM   fnd_form@vanilla vf
           WHERE  f.application_id = vf.application_id
           AND    f.form_id = vf.form_id
           AND    f.form_name = vf.form_name)
ORDER BY form_name;

As always, I hope this helps.

Written by maclochlainn

December 23rd, 2021 at 6:29 pm

Linux sqlplus wrapper

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Here’s a quick way to ensure you can use the up-arrows and navigation keys when using the sqlplus command-line interface. You can just add it to your .bashrc file.

sqlplus ()
    path=`which rlwrap 2>/dev/null`;
    if [ -n ${path} ]; then
    if [ -n ${file} ] && [[ ${file} = "rlwrap" ]]; then
        rlwrap sqlplus "${@}";
        echo "Command-line history unavailable: Install the rlwrap package.";
        $ORACLE_HOME/bin/sqlplus "${@}";

As always, I hope this helps those looking of solutions.

Written by maclochlainn

November 12th, 2021 at 11:34 pm

Oracle’s Sparse Lists

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Oracle’s PL/SQL Programming Language is really quite nice. I’ve written 8 books on it and still have fun coding in it. One nasty little detail about Oracle’s lists, introduced in Oracle 8 as PL/SQL Tables according their documentation, is they rely on sequential numeric indexes. Unfortunately, Oracle lists support a DELETE method, which can create gaps in the sequential indexes.

Oracle calls a sequence without gaps densely populated and a sequence with gaps sparsely populated. This can cause problems when PL/SQL code inadvertently removes elements at the beginning, end, or somewhere in the middle of the list. That’s because a program can then pass the sparsely populated list as a parameter to another stored function or procedure where the developer may traverse the list in a for-loop. That traversal may raise an exception in a for-loop, like this when it has gaps in the index sequence:

ERROR AT line 1:
ORA-01403: no data found
ORA-06512: AT line 20

Oracle’s myriad built-in libraries don’t offer a function to compact a sparsely populated list into a densely populated list. This post provides a compact stored procedure that converts a sparsely populated list to a densely populated list.

The first step to using the compact stored procedure requires that you create an object type in SQL, like this list of 20-character strings:


Now, you can implement the compact stored procedure by passing the User-Defined Type as it’s sole parameter.

  PROCEDURE compact ( sparse IN OUT LIST ) IS
    /* Declare local variables. */
    iterator  NUMBER;           -- Leave iterator as null.
    /* Declare new list. */
    dense     LIST := list();
      Initialize the iterator with the starting value, which is
      necessary because the first element of the original list
      could have been deleted in earlier operations. Setting the
      initial iterator value to the first numeric index value
      ensures you start at the lowest available index value.
    iterator := sparse.FIRST;
    /* Convert sparsely populated list to densely populated. */
    WHILE (iterator <= sparse.LAST) LOOP
      dense(dense.COUNT) := sparse(iterator);
      iterator := sparse.NEXT(iterator);
    /* Replace the input parameter with the compacted list. */
    sparse := dense;

Before we test the compact stored procedure, let’s create deleteElement stored procedure for our testing:

  PROCEDURE deleteElement ( sparse   IN OUT LIST
                          , element  IN     NUMBER ) IS
    /* Delete a value. */

Now, let’s use an anonymous block to test compacting a sparsely populated list into a densely populated list. The test program will remove the first, last, and one element in the middle before printing the sparsely populated list’s index and string values. This test will show you gaps in the remaining non-sequential index values.

After you see the gaps, the test program compacts the remaining list values into a new densely populated list. It then prints the new index values with the data values.

  /* Declare a four item list. */
  lv_strings  LIST := list('one','two','three','four','five','six','seven');
  /* Check size of list. */
  dbms_output.put_line('Print initial list size:  ['||lv_strings.COUNT||']');
  /* Delete a value. */
  /* Check size of list. */
  dbms_output.put_line('Print modified list size: ['||lv_strings.COUNT||']');
  dbms_output.put_line('Print max index and size: ['||lv_strings.LAST||']['||lv_strings.COUNT||']');
  FOR i IN 1..lv_strings.LAST LOOP
    IF lv_strings.EXISTS(i) THEN
      dbms_output.put_line('List list index and item: ['||i||']['||lv_strings(i)||']');
    END IF;
  /* Call a procedure by passing current sparse collection and
     the procedure returns dense collection. */
  dbms_output.put_line('Compacting list.');
  /* Print the new maximum index value and list size. */
  dbms_output.put_line('Print new index and size: ['||lv_strings.LAST||']['||lv_strings.COUNT||']');
  FOR i IN 1..lv_strings.COUNT LOOP
    dbms_output.put_line('List list index and item: ['||i||']['||lv_strings(i)||']');

It produces output, like:

Print initial list size:  [7]
Print modified list size: [4]
Print max index and size: [6][4]
List list index and item: [2][two]
List list index and item: [4][four]
List list index and item: [5][five]
List list index and item: [6][six]
Compacting list.
Print new index and size: [4][4]
List list index and item: [1][two]
List list index and item: [2][four]
List list index and item: [3][five]
List list index and item: [4][six]

You can extend this concept by creating User-Defined Types with multiple attributes, which are essentially lists of tuples (to draw on Pythonic lingo).

Written by maclochlainn

October 4th, 2021 at 11:49 pm