Archive for the ‘Windows OS’ Category
Node.js MySQL Error
While I blogged about how to setup Node.js and MySQL almost two years ago, it was interesting when a student ran into a problem. The student said they’d configured the environment but were unable to use Node.js to access MySQL.
The error is caused by this import statement:
const mysql = require('mysql') |
The student got the following error, which simply says that they hadn’t installed the Node.js package for MySQL driver.
internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:638 throw err; ^ Error: Cannot find module 'mysql' at Function.Module._resolveFilename (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:636:15) at Function.Module._load (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:562:25) at Module.require (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:692:17) at require (internal/modules/cjs/helpers.js:25:18) at Object.<anonymous> (/home/student/Data/cit325/oracle-s/lib/Oracle12cPLSQLCode/Introduction/query.js:4:15) at Module._compile (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:778:30) at Object.Module._extensions..js (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:789:10) at Module.load (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:653:32) at tryModuleLoad (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:593:12) at Function.Module._load (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:585:3) |
I explained they could fix the problem with the following two Node.js Package Manager (NPM) commands:
npm init --y npm install --save mysql |
The student was able to retest the code with success. The issue was simply that the Node.js couldn’t find the NPM MySQL module.
Logging Table Function
It is interesting when somebody remembers a presentation from 10 years ago. They asked if it was possible in PL/pgSQL to write an autonomous procedure to log data when calling a table view function. The answer is two fold. PL/pgSQL doesn’t support autonomous functions or procedures like the Oracle database but it doesn’t need to because unless you invoke a transaction it auto commits writes.
Logging table functions are important for security auditing and compliance management against laws, like SOX, HIPAA, and FERPA. All too many systems lack the basic ability to audit who queries records without raising an error and blocking the access. That means the bad actor or actress gains the ability to probe the system for weaknesses before determining an attack vector. It’s often better to capture the unauthorized access and take direct action to protect both the the data and systems.
While the example lets an unauthorized person access the information in the first version of the student_query, it blocks access by reporting no rows returned in the latter. Both versions of the query log the data and thereby collect the evidence necessary to act against the hack.
This blog post shows you how to write it and test it. Follow the following steps:
- Create the necessary tables and data to work with a logging PL/pgSQL table view function:
/* Conditionally drop and create table. */ DROP TABLE IF EXISTS student; CREATE TABLE student ( student_id SERIAL , first_name VARCHAR(20) , last_name VARCHAR(20) , hogwarts_house VARCHAR(10)); /* Conditionally drop and create table. */ DROP TABLE IF EXISTS logger; CREATE TABLE logger ( logger_id SERIAL , app_user VARCHAR(30) , queried_student VARCHAR(30) , query_time TIMESTAMP ); /* Insert one record into table. */ INSERT INTO student ( first_name, last_name, hogwarts_house ) VALUES ( 'Harry', 'Potter', 'Gryffindor' ) ,( 'Hermione', 'Granger', 'Gryffindor' ) ,( 'Ronald', 'Weasily', 'Gryffindor' ) ,( 'Draco', 'Malfoy', 'Slytherin' ) ,( 'Vincent', 'Crabbe', 'Slytherin' ) ,( 'Susan', 'Bones', 'Hufflepuff' ) ,( 'Hannah', 'Abbott', 'Hufflepuff' ) ,( 'Luna', 'Lovegood', 'Ravenclaw' ) ,( 'Cho', 'Chang', 'Ravenclaw' ) ,( 'Gilderoy', 'Lockhart', 'Ravenclaw' );
- While not necessary if you’re very familiar with PL/pgSQL, it may be helpful to review:
- The SET command that lets you assign a value to a session-level variable, which you can later use in a PL/pgSQL block.
- The SELECT-INTO statement in a DO-block.
Here’s a test script that demonstrates both:
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/* Set a session-level variable. */ SET credential.app_user = 'Draco Malfoy'; /* Secure the value from a session-level variable. */ SELECT current_setting('credential.app_user'); /* DO $$ DECLARE input VARCHAR(30) := 'Hermione'; output VARCHAR(30); BEGIN /* Sample for partial name construction of full name. */ SELECT CONCAT(s.first_name, ' ', s.last_name) AS student_name INTO output FROM student s WHERE CONCAT(s.first_name, ' ', s.last_name) LIKE '%'||input||'%'; /* Show result of local assignment via a query. */ RAISE NOTICE '[%][%]', current_setting('credential.app_user'), output; END; $$;
There’s an important parsing trick to this sample program. It uses the LIKE operator rather than the SIMILAR TO operator because the parser fails to recognize the SIMILAR TO operator.
The DO-block returns the following output:
NOTICE: [Draco Malfoy][Hermione Granger]
- This creates the student_query logging table function, which takes a partial portion of a students first and last name to return the student information. While the example only returns the name and the Hogwarts House it lays a foundation for a more complete solution.
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CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION student_query (partial_name VARCHAR) RETURNS TABLE ( first_naem VARCHAR(20) , last_name VARCHAR(20) , hogwarts_house VARCHAR(10) ) AS $$ DECLARE queried VARCHAR; by_whome VARCHAR; BEGIN /* Query separately because embedding in insert statement fails. */ SELECT CONCAT(s.first_name, ' ', s.last_name) AS student_name FROM student s INTO queried WHERE CONCAT(s.first_name, ' ', s.last_name) LIKE '%'||partial_name||'%'; /* Log the query with the credentials of the user. */ INSERT INTO logger ( app_user , queried_student , query_time ) VALUES ( current_setting('credential.app_user') , queried , NOW()); /* Return the result set without disclosing the query was recorded. */ RETURN QUERY SELECT s.first_name , s.last_name , s.hogwarts_house FROM student s WHERE CONCAT(s.first_name, ' ', s.last_name) LIKE '%'||partial_name||'%'; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;
- You can test the function by calling it, like this:
SELECT * FROM student_query('Hermione');
It displays:
first_naem | last_name | hogwarts_house ------------+-----------+---------------- Hermione | Granger | Gryffindor (1 row)
You can check the logging table and discover who looked up another student’s records.
SELECT * FROM logger;
It displays:
logger_id | app_user | queried_student | query_time -----------+--------------+------------------+---------------------------- 1 | Draco Malfoy | Hermione Granger | 2022-05-29 22:51:50.398987 (1 row)
- Assuming you’ve built an authorized_user function that returns a Boolean, you can add a call to it in the WHERE clause. For simplicity, let’s implement the function to deny all users, like:
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You can now replace the query on lines 28 through 32 with the new one below. The added clause on line 33 denies access to unauthorized users because there aren’t any.
28 29 30 31 32 33
SELECT s.first_name , s.last_name , s.hogwarts_house FROM student s WHERE CONCAT(s.first_name, ' ', s.last_name) LIKE '%'||partial_name||'%' AND authorized_user(current_setting('credential.app_user'));
While it returns:
first_naem | last_name | hogwarts_house ------------+-----------+---------------- (0 rows)
The logger table shows two entries. One for the query that returned a value and one for the version that didn’t.
logger_id | app_user | queried_student | query_time -----------+--------------+------------------+---------------------------- 1 | Draco Malfoy | Hermione Granger | 2022-05-29 23:23:39.82063 2 | Draco Malfoy | Hermione Granger | 2022-05-29 23:23:40.736945 (2 rows)
In both cases the bad actor Draco Malfoy’s unauthorized access is captured and he was denied any information without alerting him to the security precaution in a logging table function.
As always, I hope this helps those looking for this type of solution.
PL/pgSQL List to Struct
This blog post addresses how to convert a list of values into a structure (in C/C++ its a struct, in Java its an ArrayList, and PL/pgSQL it’s an array of a type). The cast_strings function converts a list of strings into a record data structure. It calls the verify_date function to identify a DATE data type and uses regular expressions to identify numbers and strings.
You need to build the struct type below first.
CREATE TYPE struct AS ( xnumber DECIMAL , xdate DATE , xstring VARCHAR(100)); |
The cast_strings function is defined below:
CREATE FUNCTION cast_strings ( pv_list VARCHAR(10)[] ) RETURNS struct AS $$ DECLARE /* Declare a UDT and initialize an empty struct variable. */ lv_retval STRUCT := (null, null, null); BEGIN /* Loop through list of values to find only the numbers. */ FOR i IN 1..ARRAY_LENGTH(pv_list,1) LOOP /* Order if statements by evaluation. */ CASE /* Check for a value with only digits. */ WHEN lv_retval.xnumber IS NULL AND REGEXP_MATCH(pv_list[i],'^[0-9]+$') IS NOT NULL THEN lv_retval.xnumber := pv_list[i]; /* Check for a valid date. */ WHEN lv_retval.xdate IS NULL AND verify_date(pv_list[i]) IS NOT NULL THEN lv_retval.xdate := pv_list[i]; /* Check for a string with characters, whitespace, and digits. */ WHEN lv_retval.xstring IS NULL AND REGEXP_MATCH(pv_list[i],'^[A-Za-z 0-9]+$') IS NOT NULL THEN lv_retval.xstring := pv_list[i]; ELSE NULL; END CASE; END LOOP; /* Print the results. */ RETURN lv_retval; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; |
There are two test cases for the cast_strings function. One uses a DO-block and the other a query.
- The first use-case checks with a DO-block:
DO $$ DECLARE lv_list VARCHAR(11)[] := ARRAY['86','1944-04-25','Happy']; lv_struct STRUCT; BEGIN /* Pass the array of strings and return a record type. */ lv_struct := cast_strings(lv_list); /* Print the elements returned. */ RAISE NOTICE '[%]', lv_struct.xnumber; RAISE NOTICE '[%]', lv_struct.xdate; RAISE NOTICE '[%]', lv_struct.xstring; END; $$;
It should return:
psql:verify_pg.SQL:263: NOTICE: [86] psql:verify_pg.SQL:263: NOTICE: [1944-04-25] psql:verify_pg.SQL:263: NOTICE: [Happy]
The program returns a structure with values converted into their appropriate data type.
- The second use-case checks with a query:
WITH get_struct AS (SELECT cast_strings(ARRAY['99','2015-06-14','Agent 99']) AS mystruct) SELECT (mystruct).xnumber , (mystruct).xdate , (mystruct).xstring FROM get_struct;
It should return:
xnumber | xdate | xstring ---------+------------+---------- 99 | 2015-06-14 | Agent 99 (1 row)
The query defines a call to the cast_strings function with a valid set of values and then displays the elements of the returned structure.
As always, I hope this helps those looking for how to solve this type of problem. Just a quick reminder that this was written and tested in PostgreSQL 14.
PL/pgSQL Date Function
This post provides an example of using PostgreSQL’s REGEXP_MATCH function, which works very much like the REGEXP_LIKE function in Oracle and a verify_date function that converts a string data type to date data type.
Here’s a basic function to show how to use a generic REGEXP_MATCH function:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 | DO $$ DECLARE lv_date_in DATE := '2022-10-22'; BEGIN IF (REGEXP_MATCH('2022-10-02','^[0-9]{4,4}-[0-9]{2,2}-[0-9]{2,2}$') IS NOT NULL) THEN RAISE NOTICE '[%]', 'Truth'; END IF; END; $$; |
The following is a verify_date function, which takes a string with the ‘YYYY-MM-DD’ or ‘YY-MM-DD’ format and returns a BOOLEAN true or false value.
CREATE FUNCTION verify_date ( IN pv_date_in VARCHAR(10)) RETURNS BOOLEAN AS $$ DECLARE /* Local return variable. */ lv_retval BOOLEAN := FALSE; BEGIN /* Check for a YYYY-MM-DD or YYYY-MM-DD string. */ IF REGEXP_MATCH(pv_date_in,'^[0-9]{2,4}-[0-9]{2,2}-[0-9]{2,2}$') IS NOT NULL THEN /* Case statement checks for 28 or 29, 30, or 31 day month. */ CASE /* Valid 31 day month date value. */ WHEN (LENGTH(pv_date_in) = 10 AND SUBSTRING(pv_date_in,6,2) IN ('01','03','05','07','08','10','12') AND TO_NUMBER(SUBSTRING(pv_date_in,9,2),'99') BETWEEN 1 AND 31) OR (LENGTH(pv_date_in) = 8 AND SUBSTRING(pv_date_in,4,2) IN ('01','03','05','07','08','10','12') AND TO_NUMBER(SUBSTRING(pv_date_in,7,2),'99') BETWEEN 1 AND 31) THEN lv_retval := TRUE; /* Valid 30 day month date value. */ WHEN (LENGTH(pv_date_in) = 10 AND SUBSTRING(pv_date_in,6,2) IN ('04','06','09','11') AND TO_NUMBER(SUBSTRING(pv_date_in,9,2),'99') BETWEEN 1 AND 30) OR (LENGTH(pv_date_in) = 8 AND SUBSTRING(pv_date_in,4,2) IN ('04','06','09','11') AND TO_NUMBER(SUBSTRING(pv_date_in,7,2),'99') BETWEEN 1 AND 30) THEN lv_retval := TRUE; /* Valid 28 or 29 day month date value. */ WHEN (LENGTH(pv_date_in) = 10 AND SUBSTRING(pv_date_in,6,2) = '02') OR (LENGTH(pv_date_in) = 8 AND SUBSTRING(pv_date_in,4,2) = '02') THEN /* Verify 4-digit year. */ IF (LENGTH(pv_date_in) = 10 AND MOD(TO_NUMBER(SUBSTRING(pv_date_in,1,4),'99'),4) = 0 AND TO_NUMBER(SUBSTRING(pv_date_in,9,2),'99') BETWEEN 1 AND 29) OR (LENGTH(pv_date_in) = 8 AND MOD(TO_NUMBER(SUBSTRING(TO_CHAR(TO_DATE(pv_date_in,'YYYY-MM-DD'),'YYYY-MM-DD'),1,4),'99'),4) = 0 AND TO_NUMBER(SUBSTRING(pv_date_in,7,2),'99') BETWEEN 1 AND 29) THEN lv_retval := TRUE; ELSE /* Not a leap year. */ IF (LENGTH(pv_date_in) = 10 AND TO_NUMBER(SUBSTRING(pv_date_in,9,2),'99') BETWEEN 1 AND 28) OR (LENGTH(pv_date_in) = 8 AND TO_NUMBER(SUBSTRING(pv_date_in,7,2),'99') BETWEEN 1 AND 28)THEN lv_retval := TRUE; END IF; END IF; NULL; END CASE; END IF; /* Return date. */ RETURN lv_retval; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; |
The following four SQL test cases:
SELECT verify_date('2020-07-04') AS "verify_date('2020-07-04')"; SELECT verify_date('71-05-31') AS "verify_date('71-05-31')"; SELECT verify_date('2024-02-29') AS "verify_date('2024-02-29')"; SELECT verify_date('2019-04-31') AS "verify_date('2019-04-31')"; |
Return the following:
verify_date('2020-07-04') --------------------------- t (1 row) verify_date('71-05-31') ------------------------- t (1 row) verify_date('2024-02-29') --------------------------- t (1 row) verify_date('2019-04-31') --------------------------- f (1 row) |
As always, I hope the example code fills somebody’s need.
PL/SQL List to Struct
Every now and then, I get questions from folks about how to tune in-memory elements of their PL/SQL programs. This blog post address one of those core issues that some PL/SQL programmers avoid.
Specifically, it addresses how to convert a list of values into a structure (in C/C++ its a struct, in Java its an ArrayList, and PL/SQL it’s a table of scalar or object types). Oracle lingo hides the similarity by calling either an Attribute Definition Type (ADT) or User-Defined Type (UDT). The difference in the Oracle space is that an ADT deals with a type defined in DBMS_STANDARD package, which is more or less like a primitive type in Java.
Oracle does this for two reasons:
- They handle lists of standard types in a difference C++ class than they do UDT types.
- They rigidly adhere to Interface Definition Language (IDL) principles.
The cast_strings function converts a list of strings into a record data structure. It lets the list of strings have either a densely or sparsely populated list of values, and it calls the verify_date function to identify a DATE data type and regular expressions to identify numbers and strings.
You need to build a UDT object type and lists of both ADT and UDT data types.
/* Create a table of strings. */ CREATE OR REPLACE TYPE tre AS TABLE OF VARCHAR2(20); / /* Create a structure of a date, number, and string. */ CREATE OR REPLACE TYPE struct IS OBJECT ( xdate DATE , xnumber NUMBER , xstring VARCHAR2(20)); / /* Create a table of tre type. */ CREATE OR REPLACE TYPE structs IS TABLE OF struct; / |
The cast_strings function is defined below:
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION cast_strings ( pv_list TRE ) RETURN struct IS /* Declare a UDT and initialize an empty struct variable. */ lv_retval STRUCT := struct( xdate => NULL , xnumber => NULL , xstring => NULL); BEGIN /* Loop through list of values to find only the numbers. */ FOR i IN 1..pv_list.LAST LOOP /* Ensure that a sparsely populated list can't fail. */ IF pv_list.EXISTS(i) THEN /* Order if number evaluation before string evaluation. */ CASE WHEN lv_retval.xnumber IS NULL AND REGEXP_LIKE(pv_list(i),'^[[:digit:]]*$') THEN lv_retval.xnumber := pv_list(i); WHEN verify_date(pv_list(i)) THEN IF lv_retval.xdate IS NULL THEN lv_retval.xdate := pv_list(i); ELSE lv_retval.xdate := NULL; END IF; WHEN lv_retval.xstring IS NULL AND REGEXP_LIKE(pv_list(i),'^[[:alnum:]]*$') THEN lv_retval.xstring := pv_list(i); ELSE NULL; END CASE; END IF; END LOOP; /* Print the results. */ RETURN lv_retval; END; / |
There are three test cases for this function:
- The first use-case checks whether the input parameter is a sparsely or densely populated list:
DECLARE /* Declare an input variable of three or more elements. */ lv_list TRE := tre('Berlin','25','09-May-1945','45'); /* Declare a variable to hold the compound type values. */ lv_struct STRUCT; BEGIN /* Make the set sparsely populated. */ lv_list.DELETE(2); /* Test the cast_strings function. */ lv_struct := cast_strings(lv_list); /* Print the values of the compound variable. */ dbms_output.put_line(CHR(10)); dbms_output.put_line('xstring ['||lv_struct.xstring||']'); dbms_output.put_line('xdate ['||TO_CHAR(lv_struct.xdate,'DD-MON-YYYY')||']'); dbms_output.put_line('xnumber ['||lv_struct.xnumber||']'); END; /
It should return:
xstring [Berlin] xdate [09-MAY-1945] xnumber [45]
The program defines two numbers and deletes the first number, which is why it prints the second number.
- The second use-case checks with a list of only one element:
SELECT TO_CHAR(xdate,'DD-MON-YYYY') AS xdate , xnumber , xstring FROM TABLE(structs(cast_strings(tre('catch22','25','25-Nov-1945'))));
It should return:
XDATE XNUMBER XSTRING -------------------- ---------- -------------------- 25-NOV-1945 25 catch22
The program returns a structure with values converted into their appropriate data type.
- The third use-case checks with a list of two elements:
SELECT TO_CHAR(xdate,'DD-MON-YYYY') AS xdate , xnumber , xstring FROM TABLE(structs(cast_strings(tre('catch22','25','25-Nov-1945')) ,cast_strings(tre('31-APR-2017','1918','areodromes'))));
It should return:
XDATE XNUMBER XSTRING -------------------- ---------- -------------------- 25-NOV-1945 25 catch22 1918 areodromes
The program defines calls the cast_strings with a valid set of values and an invalid set of values. The invalid set of values contains a bad date in the set of values.
As always, I hope this helps those looking for how to solve this type of problem.
I was working on some test cases for my students and changing the behavior of a verify_date function that I wrote years ago to validate and returns valid dates when they’re passed as strings. The original program returned today’s date when the date was invalid.
The new function returns a BOOLEAN value of false by default and true when the string validates as a date. Unfortunately, I introduced a mistake that didn’t use to exist in Oracle 11g, which was the version when I wrote the original function.
The test cases in Oracle 21c raises the following error when an invalid date is passed to the CASE statement by the cast_strings function that calls the new verify_date function:
FROM TABLE(structs(cast_strings(tre('31-APR-2017','1917','dirk')))) * ERROR AT line 2: ORA-06592: CASE NOT found WHILE executing CASE statement ORA-06512: AT "C##STUDENT.VERIFY_DATE", line 30 ORA-06512: AT "C##STUDENT.CAST_STRINGS", line 18 |
As you can see, the test case uses ’31-APR-2017′ as an incorrect date to verify the use-case. The error occurred because the ELSE clause in the CASE statement wasn’t provided. Previously, the ELSE clause was optional and setting the lv_retval return variable to FALSE in the DECLARE block made it unnecessary.
The fixed code follows:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 | CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION verify_date ( pv_date_in VARCHAR2) RETURN BOOLEAN IS /* Local variable to ensure case-insensitive comparison. */ lv_date_in VARCHAR2(11); /* Local return variable. */ lv_date BOOLEAN := FALSE; BEGIN /* Convert string input to uppercase month. */ lv_date_in := UPPER(pv_date_in); /* Check for a DD-MON-RR or DD-MON-YYYY string. */ IF REGEXP_LIKE(lv_date_in,'^[0-9]{2,2}-[ADFJMNOS][ACEOPU][BCGLNPRTVY]-([0-9]{2,2}|[0-9]{4,4})$') THEN /* Case statement checks for 28 or 29, 30, or 31 day month. */ CASE /* Valid 31 day month date value. */ WHEN SUBSTR(lv_date_in,4,3) IN ('JAN','MAR','MAY','JUL','AUG','OCT','DEC') AND TO_NUMBER(SUBSTR(pv_date_in,1,2)) BETWEEN 1 AND 31 THEN lv_date := TRUE; /* Valid 30 day month date value. */ WHEN SUBSTR(lv_date_in,4,3) IN ('APR','JUN','SEP','NOV') AND TO_NUMBER(SUBSTR(pv_date_in,1,2)) BETWEEN 1 AND 30 THEN lv_date := TRUE; /* Valid 28 or 29 day month date value. */ WHEN SUBSTR(lv_date_in,4,3) = 'FEB' THEN /* Verify 2-digit or 4-digit year. */ IF (LENGTH(pv_date_in) = 9 AND MOD(TO_NUMBER(SUBSTR(pv_date_in,8,2)) + 2000,4) = 0 OR LENGTH(pv_date_in) = 11 AND MOD(TO_NUMBER(SUBSTR(pv_date_in,8,4)),4) = 0) AND TO_NUMBER(SUBSTR(pv_date_in,1,2)) BETWEEN 1 AND 29 THEN lv_date := TRUE; ELSE /* Not a leap year. */ IF TO_NUMBER(SUBSTR(pv_date_in,1,2)) BETWEEN 1 AND 28 THEN lv_date := TRUE; END IF; END IF; ELSE NULL; END CASE; END IF; /* Return date. */ RETURN lv_date; EXCEPTION WHEN VALUE_ERROR THEN RETURN lv_date; END; / |
The new ELSE clause in on lines 31 and 32, and the converted function works. I also added a local lv_date_in variable to hold an uppercase version of an input string to: ensure a case-insensitive comparison of the month value, and avoid a having to pass the input as an IN OUT mode parameter. Typically, I leave off exception handlers because mistyping or copying for newer programmers becomes easier, but in this case I added an exception handler for strings that are larger than 11-characters.
As always, I hope this helps those looking for a solution to a coding problem.
Oracle DSN Security
Oracle disallows entry of a password value when configuring the ODBC’s Windows Data Source Name (DSN) configurations. As you can see from the dialog’s options:
So, I check the Oracle ODBC’s property list with the following PowerShell command:
Get-Item -Path Registry::HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\ODBC\ODBC.INI\Oracle | Select-Object |
It returned:
Oracle Driver : C:\app\mclaughlinm\product\18.0.0\dbhomeXE\BIN\SQORA32.DLL DisableRULEHint : T Attributes : W SQLTranslateErrors : F LobPrefetchSize : 8192 AggregateSQLType : FLOAT MaxTokenSize : 8192 FetchBufferSize : 64000 NumericSetting : NLS ForceWCHAR : F FailoverDelay : 10 FailoverRetryCount : 10 MetadataIdDefault : F BindAsFLOAT : F BindAsDATE : F CloseCursor : F EXECSchemaOpt : EXECSyntax : F Application Attributes : T QueryTimeout : T CacheBufferSize : 20 StatementCache : F ResultSets : T MaxLargeData : 0 UseOCIDescribeAny : F Failover : T Lobs : T DisableMTS : T DisableDPM : F BatchAutocommitMode : IfAllSuccessful Description : Oracle ODBC ServerName : xe Password : UserID : c##student DSN : Oracle |
Then, I used this PowerShell command to set the Password property:
Set-ItemProperty -Path Registry::HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\ODBC\ODBC.INI\Oracle -Name "Password" -Value 'student' |
After setting the Password property’s value, I queried it with the following PowerShell command:
Get-ItemProperty -Path Registry::HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\ODBC\ODBC.INI\Oracle | Select-Object -Property "Password" |
It returns:
Password : student |
After manually setting the Oracle ODBC DSN’s password value you can now connect without providing a password at runtime. It also means anybody who hacks the Windows environment can access the password through trivial PowerShell command.
I hope this alerts readers to a potential security risk when you use Oracle DSNs.
What’s up on M1 Chip?
I’ve been trying to sort out what’s up on Oracle’s support of Apple’s M1 (arm64) chip. It really is a niche area. It only applies to those of us who work on a macOS machines with Oracle Database technology; and then only when we want to install a version of Oracle Database 21c or newer in Windows OS for testing. Since bootcamp is now gone, these are only virtualized solutions through a full virtualization product or containerized with Docker of Kubernetes.
The Best Virtual Machine Software for Mac 2022 (4/11/2022) article lets us know that only Parallels fully supports Windows virtualization on the ARM64 chip. Then, there’s the restriction that you must use Monterey or Big Sur (macOS) and Windows 11 arm64.
Instructions were published on On how to run Windows 11 on an Apple M1 a couple weeks ago. They use the free UTM App from the Apple Store and provide the download site for the Windows Insider Program. You can’t get a copy of Windows 11 arm64 without becoming part of the Windows Insider Program.
The next step would be to try and install Oracle Database 21c on Windows 11 arm64, which may or may not work. At least, I haven’t tested it yet and can’t make the promise that it works. After all, I doubt it will work because the Oracle Database 21c documentation says it only supports x64 (or Intel) architecture.
If anybody knows what Oracle has decided, will decide or even their current thinking on the issue, please make a comment.
MySQL RegExp Default
We had an interesting set of questions regarding the REGEXP comparison operator in MySQL today in both sections of Database Design and Development. They wanted to know the default behavior.
For example, we built a little movie table so that we didn’t change their default sakila example database. The movie table was like this:
CREATE TABLE movie ( movie_id int unsigned primary key auto_increment , movie_title varchar(60)) auto_increment=1001; |
Then, I inserted the following rows:
INSERT INTO movie ( movie_title ) VALUES ('The King and I') ,('I') ,('The I Inside') ,('I am Legend'); |
Querying all results with this query:
SELECT * FROM movie; |
It returns the following results:
+----------+----------------+ | movie_id | movie_title | +----------+----------------+ | 1001 | The King and I | | 1002 | I | | 1003 | The I Inside | | 1004 | I am Legend | +----------+----------------+ 4 rows in set (0.00 sec) |
The following REGEXP returns all the rows because it looks for a case insensitive “I” anywhere in the string.
SELECT movie_title FROM movie WHERE movie_title REGEXP 'I'; |
The implicit regular expression is actually:
WHERE movie_title REGEXP '^.*I.*$'; |
It looks for zero-to-many of any character before and after the “I“. You can get any string beginning with an “I” with the “^I“; and any string ending with an “I” with the “I$“. Interestingly, the “I.+$” should only match strings with one or more characters after the “I“, but it returns:
+----------------+ | movie_title | +----------------+ | The King and I | | The I Inside | | I am Legend | +----------------+ 3 rows in set (0.00 sec) |
This caught me by surprise because I was lazy. As pointed out in the comment, it only appears to substitute a “.*“, or zero-to-many evaluation for the “.+” because it’s a case-insensitive search. There’s another lowercase “i” in the “The King and I” and that means the regular expression returns true because that “i” has one-or-more following characters. If we convert it to a case-sensitive comparison with the keyword binary
, it works as expected because it ignores the lowercase “i“.
WHERE binary movie_title REGEXP '^.*I.*$'; |
This builds on my 10-year old post on Regular Expressions. As always, I hope these notes helps others discovering features and behaviors of the MySQL database, and Bill thanks for catching my error.
Multidimension Arrays
Picking up where I left off on yesterday’s post on PostgreSQL arrays, you can also write multidimensional arrays provided all the nested arrays are equal in size. You can’t use the CARDINALITY function to determine the length of nested arrays, you must use the ARRAY_LENGTH to determine the length of subordinate arrays.
Here’s an example file with a multidimensional array of integers:
DO $$ DECLARE /* Declare an array of integers with a subordinate array of integers. */ list int[][] = array[array[1,2,3,4] ,array[1,2,3,4] ,array[1,2,3,4] ,array[1,2,3,4] ,array[1,2,3,4]]; row varchar(20) = ''; BEGIN /* Loop through the first dimension of integers. */ <<Outer>> FOR i IN 1..ARRAY_LENGTH(list,1) LOOP row = ''; /* Loop through the second dimension of integers. */ <<Inner>> FOR j IN 1..ARRAY_LENGTH(list,2) LOOP IF LENGTH(row) = 0 THEN row = row || list[i][j]; ELSE row = row || ',' || list[i][j]; END IF; END LOOP; /* Exit outer loop. */ RAISE NOTICE 'Row [%][%]', i, row; END LOOP; END; $$; |
It prints:
NOTICE: Row [1][1,2,3,4] NOTICE: Row [2][1,2,3,4] NOTICE: Row [3][1,2,3,4] NOTICE: Row [4][1,2,3,4] NOTICE: Row [5][1,2,3,4] DO |
Multidimensional arrays are unique to PostgreSQL but you can have nested lists of tables or varrays inside an Oracle database. Oracle also supports nested lists that are asynchronous.
As always, I hope this helps those trying sort out the syntax.