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Archive for the ‘pgAdmin4’ Category

AlmaLinux Install & Configuration

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This is a collection of blog posts for installing and configuring AlmaLinux with the Oracle, PostgreSQL, MySQL databases and several programming languages. Sample programs show how to connect PHP and Python to the MySQL database.

I used Oracle Database 11g XE in this instance to keep the footprint as small as possible. It required a few tricks and discovering the missing library that caused folks grief eleven years ago. I build another with a current Oracle Database XE after the new year.

If you see something that I missed or you’d like me to add, let me know. As time allows, I’ll try to do that. Naturally, the post will get updates as things are added later.


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This installs PostgreSQL 15 on AlmaLinux 9 (don’t forget the PostgreSQL 15 Documentation site). The executable is available in the script that the provides; however, it seems appropriate to show how to find that script for any platform.

When you launch the web site, you will see the following dialog. Click the Download-> button to choose an operating system.

On the next webpage, click on the Linux icon button to proceed.

This page expands for you to choose a Linux distribution. Click on the Red Hat/Rocky/CentOS button to proceed.

This web page lets you choose a platform, which should be Red Hat Enterprise, Rocky, or Oracle version 9.

The selection fills out the web page and provides a setup script. The script installs the PostgreSQL packages, disables the built-in PostgreSQL module, installs PostgreSQL 15 Server, initialize, enable, and start PostgreSQL Server.

Here are the detailed steps:

  1. Install the PostgreSQL by updating dependent packages before installing it with the script provided by the PostgreSQL download web site:

    # Install the repository RPM:
    sudo dnf install -y
    # Disable the built-in PostgreSQL module:
    sudo dnf -qy module disable postgresql
    # Install PostgreSQL:
    sudo dnf install -y postgresql15-server
    # Optionally initialize the database and enable automatic start:
    sudo /usr/pgsql-15/bin/postgresql-15-setup initdb
    sudo systemctl enable postgresql-15
    sudo systemctl start postgresql-15

  2. The simpmlest way to verify the installation is to check for the psql executable. You can do that with this command:

    which psql

    It should return:

  3. Attempt to login with the following command-line interface (CLI) syntax:

    psql -U postgres -W

    It should fail and return the following:

    psql: error: connection to server on socket "/var/run/postgresql/.s.PGSQL.5432" failed: FATAL:  Peer authentication failed for user "postgres"

    This error occurs because you’re not the postgres user, and all other users must designate that they’re connecting to an account with a password. The following steps let you configure the Operating System (OS).

    • You must shell out to the root superuser’s account, and then shell out to the postgres user’s account to test your connection because postgres user’s account disallows direct connection.

      su - root
      su - postgres

      You can verify the current postgres user with this command:


      It should return the following:


      As the postgres user, you connect to the database without a password. You use the following syntax:

      psql -U postgres

      It should display the following:

      psql (15.1)
      Type "help" for help.
    • At this point, you have some operating system (OS) stuff to setup before configuring a PostgreSQL sandboxed videodb database and student user. Exit psql with the following command:

      postgres=# \q

      Navigate to the PostgreSQL home database directory as the postgres user with this command:

      cd /var/lib/pgsql/15/data

      Edit the pg_hba.conf file to add lines for the postgres and student users:

      # TYPE  DATABASE        USER            ADDRESS                 METHOD
      # "local" is for Unix domain socket connections only
      local   all             all                                     peer
      local   all             postgres                                peer
      local   all             student                                 peer
      # IPv4 local connections:
      host    all             all               scram-sha-256
      # IPv6 local connections:
      host    all             all             ::1/128                 scram-sha-256
      # Allow replication connections from localhost, by a user with the
      # replication privilege.
      local   replication     all                                     scram-sha-256
      host    replication     all               scram-sha-256
      host    replication     all             ::1/128                 scram-sha-256

      Navigate up the directory tree from the /var/lib/pgsql/15/data directory, which is also the data dictionary, to the following /var/lib/pgsql/15 base directory:

      cd /var/lib/pgsql/15

      Create a new video_db directory. This is where you will deploy the video_db tablespace. You create this directory with the following command:

      mkdir video_db

      Change the video_db permissions to read, write, and execute for only the owner with this syntax as the postgres user:

      chmod 700 video_db
    • Exit the postgres user with the exit command and open PostgreSQL’s 5432 listener port as the root user. You can use the following command, as the root user:

      firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-port 5432/tcp --permanent
    • You must shell out from the root user to the postgres user with the following command:

      su - postgres
  4. Connect to the postgres account and perform the following commands:

    • After connecting as the postgres superuser, you can create a video_db tablespace with the following syntax:

      CREATE TABLESPACE video_db
        OWNER postgres
        LOCATION 'C:\Users\username\video_db';

      This will return the following:


      You can query whether you successfully create the video_db tablespace with the following:

      SELECT * FROM pg_tablespace;

      It should return the following:

        oid  |  spcname   | spcowner | spcacl | spcoptions
        1663 | pg_default |       10 |        |
        1664 | pg_global  |       10 |        |
       16389 | video_db   |       10 |        | 
      (3 rows)
    • You need to know the PostgreSQL default collation before you create a new database. You can write the following query to determine the default correlation:

      postgres=# SELECT datname, datcollate FROM pg_database WHERE datname = 'postgres';

      It should return something like this:

       datname  | datcollate  
       postgres | en_US.UTF-8
      (1 row)

      The datcollate value of the postgres database needs to the same value for the LC_COLLATE and LC_CTYPE parameters when you create a database. You can create a videodb database with the following syntax provided you’ve made appropriate substitutions for the LC_COLLATE and LC_CTYPE values below:

      CREATE DATABASE videodb
        WITH OWNER = postgres
        ENCODING = 'UTF8'
        TABLESPACE = video_db
        LC_COLLATE = 'en_US.UTF-8'
        LC_CTYPE = 'en_US.UTF-8'
        CONNECTION LIMIT = -1;

      You can verify the creation of the videodb with the following command:

      postgres# \l

      It should show you a display like the following:

                                                       List of databases
         Name    |  Owner   | Encoding |   Collate   |    Ctype    | ICU Locale | Locale Provider |   Access privileges   
       postgres  | postgres | UTF8     | en_US.UTF-8 | en_US.UTF-8 |            | libc            | 
       template0 | postgres | UTF8     | en_US.UTF-8 | en_US.UTF-8 |            | libc            | =c/postgres          +
                 |          |          |             |             |            |                 | postgres=CTc/postgres
       template1 | postgres | UTF8     | en_US.UTF-8 | en_US.UTF-8 |            | libc            | =c/postgres          +
                 |          |          |             |             |            |                 | postgres=CTc/postgres
       videodb   | postgres | UTF8     | en_US.UTF-8 | en_US.UTF-8 |            | libc            | 
      (4 rows)

      Then, you can assign comment to the database with the following syntax:

      COMMENT ON DATABASE videodb IS 'Video Store Database';
  5. Create a Role, Grant, and User:

    In this section you create a dba role, grant privileges on a videodb database to a role, and create a user with the role that you created previously with the following three statements. There are three steps in this sections.

    • The first step creates a dba role:

    • The second step grants all privileges on the videodb database to both the postgres superuser and the dba role:


      Any work in pgAdmin4 requires a grant on the videodb database to the postgres superuser. The grant enables visibility of the videodb database in the pgAdmin4 console as shown in the following image.

    • The third step changes the ownership of the videodb database to the student user:

      ALTER DATABASE videodb OWNER TO student;

      You can verify the change of ownership for the videodb from the postgres user to student user with the following command:

      postgres# \l

      It should show you a display like the following:

                                                       List of databases
         Name    |  Owner   | Encoding |   Collate   |    Ctype    | ICU Locale | Locale Provider |   Access privileges   
       postgres  | postgres | UTF8     | en_US.UTF-8 | en_US.UTF-8 |            | libc            | 
       template0 | postgres | UTF8     | en_US.UTF-8 | en_US.UTF-8 |            | libc            | =c/postgres          +
                 |          |          |             |             |            |                 | postgres=CTc/postgres
       template1 | postgres | UTF8     | en_US.UTF-8 | en_US.UTF-8 |            | libc            | =c/postgres          +
                 |          |          |             |             |            |                 | postgres=CTc/postgres
       videodb   | student  | UTF8     | en_US.UTF-8 | en_US.UTF-8 |            | libc            | =Tc/student          +
                 |          |          |             |             |            |                 | student=CTc/student  +
                 |          |          |             |             |            |                 | dba=CTc/student
      (4 rows)
    • The fourth step creates a student user with the dba role:

      CREATE USER student
        WITH ROLE dba
             ENCRYPTED PASSWORD 'student';

      After this step, you need to disconnect as the postgres superuser with the following command:

  6. Connect to the videodb database as the student user with the PostgreSQL CLI, create a new_hire table and quit the database.

    The following syntax lets you connect to a videodb database as the student user. You should note that the Linux OS student user name should match the database user name.

    psql -Ustudent -W -dvideodb

    You create the new_hire table in the public schema of the videodb database with the following syntax:

    CREATE TABLE new_hire
    ( new_hire_id  SERIAL        CONSTRAINT new_hire_pk PRIMARY KEY
    , first_name   VARCHAR(20)   NOT NULL
    , middle_name  VARCHAR(20)
    , last_name    VARCHAR(20)   NOT NULL
    , hire_date    DATE          NOT NULL
    , UNIQUE(first_name, middle_name, hire_date));

    You can describe the new_hire table with the following command:

    \d new_hire

    You quit the psql connection with a quit; or \q, like so

  7. Installing, configuring, and launching pgadmin4 (don’t forget the pgAdmin 4 Documentation site):

    • You need to install three sets of packages. They’re the pgadmin-server, policycoreutils-python-utils, and pgadmin4-desktop.

      • Apply the pgadmin-server package:

        sudo yum install

      • Apply or upgrade (which is the default at this point) the policycoreutils-python-utils package:

        sudo dnf install policycoreutils-python-utils

      • Apply the pgadmin4-desktop package:

        sudo dnf install -y

    • You configure your .bashrc file to add the pgadmin4 directory to your $PATH environment variable.

      # Add the pgadmin4 executable to the $PATH.
      export set PATH=$PATH:/usr/pgadmin4/bin

      You also configure your .bashrc file to add a pgadmin4 function, which simplifies how you call the pgadmin4 executable.

      # Function to ensure pgadmin4 call is simplified and without warnings.
      pgadmin4 () 
        # Call the pgadmin4 executable.
        if [[ `type -t pgadmin4` = 'function' ]]; then
          if [ -f "/usr/pgadmin4/bin/pgadmin4" ]; then
            /usr/pgadmin4/bin/pgadmin4 2>/dev/null &
            echo "[/usr/pgadmin4/bin/pgadmin4] is not found."
          echo "[pgadmin4] is not a function"

      You can launch your pgadmin4 program file now with the following syntax as the student user:


      It takes a couple moments to launch the pgadmin4 desktop. The initial screen will look like:

      After pgadmin4 launches, you’re prompted for a master password. Enter the password and click the OK button to proceed.

      After entering the password, you arrive at the base dialog, as shown.

      Click the Add New Server link, which prompts you to register your database. Enter videodb in the Name field and click the Connection tab to the right of the General tab.

      In the Connection dialog, enter the following values:

      • Host name/address: localhost
      • Port: 5432
      • Maintenance database: postgres
      • Username: student
      • Password: student

      Enter a name for your database. In this example, videodb is the Server Name. Click the Save button to proceed.

This completes the instructions for installing, configuring, and using PostgreSQL on AlmaLinux. As always, I hope it helps those looking for instructions.

Written by maclochlainn

November 24th, 2022 at 11:48 pm

Fedora 30 pgAdmin4 Install

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Last September, the pgAdmin4 installation stymied me. I wasn’t sure what was I had done wrong in the installation but I was on a deadline to release my Fedora 30 Linux virtualization. That meant I had to move on and leave it for later. Today, I’m building the new image and returned to the task.

I installed pgadmin4 with the following command:

dnf -y install pgadmin4

The pgadmin4 configuration instructions can be found for several Linux versions at Josphat Mutai’s Computing for Geeks web page. On Fedora 30, you need to do the following:

  • Install, start, and enable Apache as the httpd service unless you already have done that.
  • Copy the /etc/httpd/conf.d/pgadmin4.conf.sample file to /etc/httpd/conf.d/pgadmin4.conf, which is a new file.
  • Restart the httpd service to incorporate the pgadmin4 configuration file.

After that, my instructions vary from the original web page because they didn’t work. You actually need to create four directories as the sudo or root user:

  • /var/lib/pgadmin4
  • /var/lib/pgadmin4/sessions
  • /var/lib/pgadmin4/storage
  • /var/log/pgadmin4

You can make both directories with a single mkdir command, like:

mkdir -p /var/lib/pgadmin4 /var/lib/pgadmin4/sessions /var/lib/pgadmin4/storage /var/log/pgadmin4

As the root or sudo user, change the ownership of these two directories to the apache user with the following syntax:

chown -R apache:apache /var/lib/pgadmin4 /var/lib/pgadmin4/sessions /var/lib/pgadmin4/storage /var/log/pgadmin4

You add the following four statements to the file in the /usr/lib/python3.7/site-packages/pgadmin4-web directory as the root or sudo user:

LOG_FILE = '/var/log/pgadmin4/pgadmin4.log'
SQLITE_PATH = '/var/lib/pgadmin4/pgadmin4.db'
SESSION_DB_PATH = '/var/lib/pgadmin4/sessions'
STORAGE_DIR = '/var/lib/pgadmin4/storage'

You need to setup the pgadmin user with the following python3 command:

python3 /usr/lib/python3.7/site-packages/pgadmin4-web/

Enter the following values, a real email address and a password twice:

NOTE: Configuring authentication for SERVER mode.
Enter the email address and password to use for the initial pgAdmin user account:
Email address:   
Password: your_password
Retype password: your_password
pgAdmin 4 - Application Initialisation

Before you move on, you should check ownership of the pgadmin4 directories in the /var/lib and /var/log directories and their files by long listing them as follows:

  • Check the /var/lib directory:

    ll /var/lib/pgadmin4

    It should display:

    total 148
    -rw-r--r--. 1 root   root     1296 Apr 11 12:12 my-httpd.pp
    -rw-r--r--. 1 root   root      332 Apr 11 12:12 my-httpd.te
    -rw-------. 1 apache apache 131072 Apr 11 12:16 pgadmin4.db
    drwx------. 2 apache apache   4096 Apr 11 12:15 sessions
    drwxr-xr-x. 2 apache apache   4096 Apr 10 17:33 storage
  • Check the /var/log directory:

    ll /var/log/pgadmin4

    It should display:

    total 4
    -rw-r--r--. 1 apache apache 1174 Apr 11 12:15 pgadmin4.log

Assuming you have an enabled firewall, you need to issue the following two commands as the root or sudo user:

firewall-cmd --permanent --add-service=http
firewall-cmd --reload

You invoke pgAdmin4 from within a browser window with the following URL for a stand alone workstation (for a workstation on a DNS network you would enter pgadmin.domain.domain_type in lieu of localhost):


You most likely will encounter an Internal Server Error, the recommended fix is reputed to be:

ausearch -c 'httpd' --raw | audit2allow -M my-httpd
semodule -i my-httpd.pp

After completing the installation, you should be able to run pgadmin4, by typing in the following URL into a web browser:


You should see the pgAmin4 web page if everything works. If it fails to launch, you should check the Apache error log. The error_log file is found in the /var/log/httpd directory. This is a type of error you may get if the ownership privileges aren’t assigned to the apache user and apache group.

As always, I hope my notes are helpful to those who want to work with pgadmin4 and the PostgreSQL database.

Written by maclochlainn

April 11th, 2020 at 2:45 pm

pgAdmin4 on Fedora 30

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While attempting an install of pgAdmin and updating a Fedora 30 environment, I encountered a conflict on the upgrade of MySQL 8.0.17-1 to The community-mysql-8.0.17-2.fc30.x86_64 had conflicts with:

  • mysql-community-client-8.0.17-1.fc30.x86_64 package
  • mysql-community-server-8.0.17-1.fc30.x86_64 package

I tried to update the system before install pgadmin4 with the following syntax:

dnf -y update && dnf -y install pgadmin4

The dnf utility raise the following MySQL package errors during transaction checking:

Since I’m not sure what’s wrong or how to fix it, I’ve put it in my queue of things to get to later. However, when I figure it out I’ll update this blog page with the solution or work around. If anybody knows the fix and would like to share, please let me know.

I removed the pending update packages with the following command:

dnf clean packages

Then, I simply installed pgadmin4 with the following command:

dnf -y install pgadmin4

The pgadmin4 configuration instructions can be found for several Linux versions at Josphat Mutai’s Computing for Geeks web page. On Fedora 30, you need to do the following:

  • Install, start, and enable Apache as the httpd service unless you already have done that.
  • Copy the /etc/httpd/conf.d/pgadmin4.conf.sample file to /etc/httpd/conf.d/pgadmin4.conf, which is a new file.
  • Restart the httpd service to incorporate the pgadmin4 configuration file.

After that, you create the following new directories as the root or sudo user:

  • /var/lib/pgadmin4
  • /var/log/pgadmin4

You can make both directories with a single mkdir command, like:

mkdir -p /var/lib/pgadmin4 /var/log/pgadmin4

As the root or sudo user, change the ownership of these two directories to the apache user with the following syntax:

chown -R apache:apache /var/lib/pgadmin4 /var/log/pgadmin4

You add the following four statements to the file in the /usr/lib/python3.7/site-packages/pgadmin4-web directory as the root or sudo user:

LOG_FILE = '/var/log/pgadmin4/pgadmin4.log'
SQLITE_PATH = '/var/lib/pgadmin4/pgadmin4.db'
SESSION_DB_PATH = '/var/lib/pgadmin4/sessions'
STORAGE_DIR = '/var/lib/pgadmin4/storage'

You need to setup the pgadmin user with the following python3 command:

python3 /usr/lib/python3.7/site-packages/pgadmin4-web/

Enter the following values, a real email address and a password twice:

NOTE: Configuring authentication for SERVER mode.
Enter the email address and password to use for the initial pgAdmin user account:
Email address:   
Password: your_password
Retype password: your_password
pgAdmin 4 - Application Initialisation

Assuming you have an enabled firewall, you need to issue the following two commands as the root or sudo user:

rirewall-cmd --permanent --add-service=http
firewall-cmd --reload

You invoke pgAdmin4 from within a browser window with the following URL for a stand alone workstation (for a workstation on a DNS network you would enter pgadmin.domain.domain_type in lieu of localhost):


You most likely will encounter an Internal Server Error, the recommended fix is reputed to be:

ausearch -c 'httpd' --raw | audit2allow -M my-httpd
semodule -X 300 -i my-httpd.pp

It didn’t work for me. At the end of the process, I have an Internal Server Error. It is something that I’ll try to fix next. The actual error message:

Internal Server Error
The server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was unable to complete your request.
Please contact the server administrator at root@localhost to inform them of the time this error occurred, and the actions you performed just before this error.
More information about this error may be available in the server error log.

If somebody figures out the last step before I do, that’s great. Let me and everybody else know the mystery.

On a positive note, the pgadmin4 package provided the psycopg2 library. I had looked for it as a psycopg2 package but it is in python3-psycopg2 package.

Written by maclochlainn

September 21st, 2019 at 5:29 pm