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Archive for the ‘VSCode’ Category

VSCode Package Error

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While running an update on Ubuntu 22.0.4 with the following syntax I got an error on finding the VSCode Package. I ran this to update before adding Ruby and Rails to an Ubuntu virtual machine instance.

sudo apt-get update

I manually moved the vscode.list file to my student user’s home directory and removed the file from /etc/apt/sources.list.d directory. This allowed me to update all other packages.

Don’t forget to replace the vscode.list file in the /etc/apt/sources.list.d directory.

Written by maclochlainn

February 5th, 2024 at 1:06 pm

Posted in Linux,Unix,VSCode

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About 4 years ago, I demonstrated how to develop Python functions with a relative src directory in this old blog post. I thought it might be possible to do with VSCode. Doing a bit of research, it appeared all that was required was adding the PythonPath to VSCode’s Python settings in:


It contained:


I added a configuration for the PYTHONPATH, as shown:

{"files.exclude":{"**/__pycache__/**":true,"**/**/*.pyc":true},"python.formatting.provider":"black","python.pythonPath": "/home/student/Lib"}

As you can tell from the embedded VSCode Terminal output below, the PYTHONPATH is not found. You can manually enter it and retest your code successfully. There is no way to use a relative PYTHONPATH like the one you can use from an shell environment file.

This is the code:

# Import the basic sys library.
import sys
from input import parse_input
# Assign command-line argument list to variable.
whom = parse_input(sys.argv)
# Check if string isn't empty and use dynamic input.  
if len(whom) > 0:
  # Print dynamic hello salutation.
  print("Hello " + whom + "!\n")
  # Print default saluation.
  print("Hello World!")

This is the library module:

# Parse a list and return a whitespace delimited string.
def parse_input(input_list):
  # Assign command-line argument list to variable.
  cmd_list = input_list[1:]
  # Declare return variable.
  result = ""
  # Check whether or not their are parameters beyond the file name.
  if isinstance(input_list,list) and len(input_list) != 0:
    # Loop through the command-line argument list and print it. 
    for element in cmd_list:
      if len(result) == 0:
        result = element
        result = result + " " + element
    # Return result variable as string.
    return result

This is the Terminal output from VSCode:

student@student-virtual-machine:~$ /bin/python /home/student/Code/python/
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/student/Code/python/", line 5, in <module>
    from input import parse_input
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'input'
student@student-virtual-machine:~$ export set PYTHONPATH=/home/student/Lib
student@student-virtual-machine:~$ /bin/python /home/student/Code/python/
Hello World!
student@student-virtual-machine:~$ /bin/python /home/student/Code/python/ Katniss Everdeen
Hello Katniss Everdeen!

The VSCode image for the test follows below:

As always, I hope this helps somebody working the same issue. However, if somebody has a better solution, please let me know.

Written by maclochlainn

January 14th, 2024 at 11:17 pm

AlmaLinux Install & Configuration

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This is a collection of blog posts for installing and configuring AlmaLinux with the Oracle, PostgreSQL, MySQL databases and several programming languages. Sample programs show how to connect PHP and Python to the MySQL database.

I used Oracle Database 11g XE in this instance to keep the footprint as small as possible. It required a few tricks and discovering the missing library that caused folks grief eleven years ago. I build another with a current Oracle Database XE after the new year.

If you see something that I missed or you’d like me to add, let me know. As time allows, I’ll try to do that. Naturally, the post will get updates as things are added later.


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How to install and configure VSCode on AlmaLinux (Red Hat Enterprise 9). This is a step-by-step version of the Visual Studio documentation. The first thing you do is download the Microsoft packages:

sudo rpm --import

Next, create the yum repository with the following command:

sudo sh -c 'echo -e "[code]\nname=Visual Studio Code\nbaseurl=\nenabled=1\ngpgcheck=1\ngpgkey=" > /etc/yum.repos.d/vscode.repo'

It creates the following vscode.repo file in the /etc/yum.repos.d directory:

name=Visual Studio Code

Then, update the package cache and install the package using dnf dnf, like this as the sudoer user:

sudo dnf check-update

The log file for this is:

You can install the VSCode package using dnf dnf, like this as the sudoer user:

sudo dnf install -y code

The log file for this is:

Click on Activities in the upper left corner and then the clustered nine dots to view applications. Choose the Visual Studio and double click and you should see the following dialog:

Choose a color schema that works for you, then click the less than symbol in the top left hand corner to start working with Visual Studio Code:

As always, I hope this helps those looking for step-by-step instructions and clarity of complete examples.

Written by maclochlainn

December 19th, 2022 at 8:50 pm